New Town Girl

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                 Chapter 35

 So I could talk to Grace privately without Nathaniel getting upset with me I texted Grace.

''Hey, can we stay the night at your house tonight? I found out what he's hiding.'' I sent to Grace.

''He told you, omg tell.''

''Nope, have his facebook password babe, let's just say, he's not loyal.. i don't want to talk about it because i'll cry, ''

''Oh , i'm so sorry. i'll tell my mom we'll be there tonight.''

I looked up smiling at her and then decided I would tell Nathaniel at the table while we all ate breakfast the plans.

He put a plate infront of me and another infront of Grace and then his own, it had bacon, toast with butter and three pancakes.

''So, me and Grace were going to sleep at her house tonight, besides you're working late anyway.'' I said while picking up the syrup from the fridge.

''Here or there, you're both together so why does it matter where?'' He questioned.

''I don't know, I just want to see her mom and everything. I haven't seen her in ever.''

''No Aubrey, I don't want you wandering off chasing after someone again, you can put yourself in danger and I wont be there to help. I'm only working until 8:30pm.'' He said sounding a little frustrated.

''Well Nathaniel I haven't seen her for a while, I wont go after the person again, just trust me.''

''I said no Aubrey, I don't trust you out there.'' Nathaniel said raising his voice.

''YOU DON'T TRUST ME, I SHOULDN'T TRUST YOU.'' I yelled out, regretting it the next second, I couldn't even help it, just all my anger had just came out.

''What are you talking about? and I don't mean I don't trust you that way, I mean I don't trust you out when that person is out there for you, he already got to your dad and I don't want him getting to you.''

''Nothing, nevermind.'' Oh my goodness, that was close. I really don't want to start this, especially infront of Grace.

''No tell me.'' He said getting more angry.

Ugh, I should've known I would have to say.

''Look Nathaniel, you had since yesterday when it happened to tell me, but you couldn't do that, but you can thank your suspicous, nervous looks for me finding out. I thought you were different.'' I said, now running upstairs crying and getting my clothing rounded up into my bag and make up and everything.

I heard stomping up the stairs, like someone was running up the stairs. Hoping it was Grace, it wasn't. Nathaniel walked in grabbing my clothing that I had packed and thrown it out of my bag.

''What are you talking about Aubrey?'' he asked.

''Nathaniel, just stop. You know what I'm talking about.'' 

''Babe , stop fucking packing for one second and look at me.'' he said in a demanding voice making me sit down.

''You have 2 minutes to explain what's going on with Carissa before I pack my stuff and you can bet you wont be seeing me, we'll meet up when you get visitation for our kid.''

''Aubrey, stop talking like that and how did you find out that shit?''

''1 minute and 30 seconds.''

''Ok ok, I ran into my ex, she thought by us having dinner maybe I thought of her more than a friend again, or wanting to get back together. It didn't seem like anything, I was eatting and then she kissed me, I pushed back I swear and I left. Before I could say anything through facebook of how it meant nothing, Grace scared me and I slammed the laptop shut, and not wanting you to find out like that I didn't turn it back on I promise over everything I was going to tell you and was going to tell her I don't want her and I have an amazing girlfriend with a kid on the way.''


Authors note; is Aubrey going to believe it, or is she gonna leave and not look back. It is the truth, that's true but Aubrey doesn't know that because there's no proof really. I will be updating tomorrow morning, getting tired right now. I was thinking of writing more chapters tonight to make up for the days I skipped but it's 1:30 AM here. :( 

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