New Town Girl

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            Chapter 6

 Waking up in the morning I woke up to see Nathaniel at the end of my bed, I was so confused. What time was it. I got up and said "what time is it?'' he showed me his phone which read' 10;20am. " had you just gotten here and how'd you get in?'' I asked. ''Your dad had messaged me telling me he'd leave the door unlocked because he didn't want to wake you and so I could just walk in and he would be leaving to work, I got here at 10 like I said I would, good morning beautiful." He responded. Getting up wiping my eyes and being embarrased at the fact I probably look disgusting I didn't even care, he's my boyfriend, he's gonna see me like this evetually. He kissed my lips bringing me into his arms saying, '' You know you're so beautiful when you just wake up without make up, and you're very cute when you sleep.'' I was so embarrassed oh my goodness but couldn't stop blushing. I kissed him and got up heading to go brush my hair in the mirror. Applying my make up after brushing my hair I had walked back to him and kissed him again then grabbed his hand bringing him downstairs, I told him to sit while I made the breakfast, I made pancakes, which were my favorite, and sausages and eggs. When I was finished he kissed my cheek and thanked me for making it. He's such a sweetheart. After eatting I was explaining to him how my friend was moving 10 minutes away and how she's from my old town where I recently moved from. He smiled and asked if she would be coming to the party, I nodded and then picked up my phone quickly, noticing he had messaged me I read them outloud starting with "good morning babe, i'll be there soon" next one " wake up sweetie pie I'll be there in a few minutes " & another saying "you're cute when you're sleeping" , what a cute boyfriend. Then went to Grace and I's messaged then messaged her saying, "hey, hope your move went well, cannot wait to see you<3 '' 

  After eating I put the dishes away and then brought Nathaniel into the living room to watch some television with me, we watched bugs bunny for a bit considering we both LOVED that cartoon. It's always been a favorite of mine ever since I was a little girl. We laughed and cuddled until my phone went off, it was a text from Grace. "Hey, the move went well, tiring but well, I'm just setting up my bedroom right now, I'll be there definitely at 4. I'll bring a few of my favorite outfits or we could go shopping which would probably be easier than me going through all my boxes?'' 

I responded '' well you could always borrow something of mine, but shopping would also be nice, I do need a few more outfits anyway, and wouldn't hurt to have something new to wear to the party.''

Grace instantly responded '' shopping it is then, see you around 4, we'll go in my car, we got to go quickly so we still have time for hair and make up considering we only have two hours.'' 

I read it and responded ''see you then'' then went back to watching televison with Nathaniel, he got a phone call from his mom saying he needed to come home and set up for his party now, it was 355 pm, time just flew by, Grace would be there in 5 minutes, but knowing her she might even be here now. I kissed Nathaniel good bye then waited for Grace to show up. Right as Nathaniel was driving off Grace had been pulling into the drive way. I ran outside hugging her. We ran upstairs quickly, I put on the first pair of skinny jeans I seen and my tank top considering we were in a rush and my little hand bag , not my fancy one and put my money in it. We rushed into her car and got on our way to the mall, there was one mall actually not that far, thankfully they have a mall in this small town or I would be dead. We went into the store Dynamite and found these really cute outfits, we got more than what we just needed for the party because we seen so much more cute outfits, after we finished up purchasing everything we rushed off into her car, it was now 5 and we only had an hour until Nathaniel would be getting there. We arrived back at my house within 15 minutes and had only 45 minutes now. His party starts at 630 so picking us up at 6 was perfect to be there a few minutes before everyone got there considering he cannot be late for his own party. It's going to be huge. He asked his friend Riley to be Grace's date, which I had told Grace, Grace looked him up on facebook and thought he was cute so she was so up for it and not to mention he was one of the popular guys too, it would be so amazing if they started dating because then we'd both be dating the hottest, most popular guys in school. 

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