New Town Girl

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                  Chapter 36

 I finished unpacking my things and told Grace we would stay here and to call her mom letting her know considering me and Nathaniel worked things out. Heading downstairs I walked up to Nathaniel.

''If you ever see her again, don't even speak to her, if she goes near her tell her to fuck off, now start messaging her to fuck off and everything and how you're not interested and wont ever get back with her and how you have a baby on the way.'' I said to Nathaniel with attitude.

''Aubrey, I said I would. '' 

''Actually give me her number, I want to call her. I don't see why you wouldn't just tell me when you walked in the door or something, I mean it was already so obvious you were hiding something.'' I said.

''Aubrey, stop. You know I love you, she's my past.''

''You loved her before, you dated her remember. Love doesn't just leave.'' I said , although regretting it because now it's stuck in my head and bugging me.

Grace came behind me and started rubbing my back,

''Calm down Aubs, he is with you, there's a baby on the way. He's not like Troy babe.'' Grace said.

''Sure starting to seem like it.'' I mumbled.

''What did you say?'' Nathaniel said getting in my face.

''Nu..nothing.. '' I said stuttering.

''Don't ever even dare compare me to that fucking loser. You also kissed me while dating him.'' Nathaniel said.

''And we ended up dating, so not a good example now is it.'' I commented.

''Will you two just stop, Nathaniel give the number and let Aubrey talk so she can feel better then delete her number, block her on fb, and change your number. THERE.'' Grace said, trying to come to  come up with an idea me and Nathaniel can both just agree on so the arguments would finally stop.

''OK, sounds good to me.'' I said, just trying to get over this argument.

''Whatever.'' Nathaniel said.

He handed me his phone and I typed in the number and called, after three rings she answered,

''I knew you still liked me, '' she said answering the phone making it obvious she had his number saved, ''Listen bitch, I'm his girlfriend and he is also the baby daddy of my unborn child so fuck off, don't fucking call him, message him or anything ever again, if you see him don't even bother talking to him, if you ever try to touch him, you'll never see the next day or minute for that matter, got it?'' I said , shouting into the phone. 

''What are you talking about?'' she said, ''Don't act fucking stupid with me you slut, I read the messages, he was even trying to tell you but you're too fucking hard headed and self absorbed you wouldn't listen.'' I yelled. 

There was a moment of silence then a buzzing noise meaning she hung up.

''Well that's settled, now go do the rest of the deal Nathaniel.'' I said pointing to the laptop as I started deleting the sluts number.

''Aubrey, you know you're the only one I want, you think I could just walk in the door and explain that to you? No. I was going to sort things out with Carissa, well was trying to but then you found out before I could explain anything to you. ''

''No, I don't know but I am willing to believe you, don't ruin that because you know what i've been through, and you know I'm going through a lot, it would certainly be pathetic of you to hurt me knowing all I'm going through, and most importantly that I'm carrying your baby.''


Authors note; so we found out she's willing to stay and believe him, I was deciding how to twist it, but thinking you guys would assume she left I decided to make her stay.

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