New Town Girl

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                           Chapter 22

 We had the camera on record, hiding it in the corner of the window, the snacks on the table and he had curtains where you can see out but no one would see in, great thing he had these that way he or she wouldn't be able to see them.

"Do you think he's gonna come? or she? Like, do you think they may have stalked us and already know about the plan?'' Grace asked.

"We can only hope this is going to work. I'm sure this person would have left a note letting me know he or she knew what I was up to if they did.'' I replied.

" Well, guess we're not going to school tomorrow considering it would be by far too hard to stay awake in school.'' Nathaniel mentioned. 

"Good point, well I'm sure my mom wouldn't care, when I miss they notify my cellphone because I wrote my name and told my mom they don't call anymore since I'm 18. She's gullible enough to believe it, as Aubrey already knows so it wasn't hard to convince her since I knew I would skip quite a bit.'' Grace said.

"Well, I don't care what my dad thinks considering he doesn't seem to be caring for me lately.'' 

"Hey, Aubrey, who did you run into anyway? You never got around to telling us and we were so distracted with the other news we completely forgot to even ask you again.'' Grace said.

"Yeah, can't believe I forgot that considering I wanted to know the most.'' Nathaniel commented.

" My dad, and my 'step mom' going into where me and Lily just got out of ....'' 

''Wait, you're having a step sibling plus a step mom? How come you never told us before?'' Grace questioned.

"I just found out same night I told about my pregnancy.. didn't even know he was seeing anyone considering he would tell me he's just going to see a ''friend'' , and now he doesn't even seem to care about me anymore, it's all about her. I'm searching for a job, I already applied at a few stores and I'm just waiting for a call so I can move into my own appartment.'' I responded.

"You can't get a job, you're pregnant'' Nathaniel said.

''Well, I could lay off work after when I need to and then go back, I guess I'll have to be on welfare for a little bit.'' 

"I'm helping you through everything, I'm already getting a job doing construction, I can pay the pills. We're not living on welfare babe, don't you worry.'' 

Getting so distracted and tired I set off to bed , well we all did and let the camera do it's work..


Will they find out who it is? Or has this person come prepared. Stay tuned to find out ;)

Authors note; btw thanks for all those reads everyone, really means  a lot<3 I hope you guys are enjoying and please give advice in comments below on how I'm doing and message me or comment any ideas for the upcoming chapters that maybe you can help me on, which whoever does will have the chapter deticated to them, I will change up your ideas abit and maybe even combind some, vote for this book too please.<3 I'm really loving how this book is going so far.<3 I'm gonna keep making twists up, I update a lot too don't you worry, unlike the other books you're probably reading.<3 I always try changing up everything to make it more unexpected and more interesting, xox 

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