New Town Girl

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         Chapter 44


      ''That movie was good, but I'm getting tired.'' I said to everyone getting up with my blankets. I really wasn't that tired but I had so much on my mind and just didn't feel it was the right time to break the news to Grace and everyone.

''Yeah, it was. We could always watch another one? I have tons of good ones if no ones that tired.'' Nathaniel asked.

I turned my face giving him that no look but then again, I can always just go to bed and then they can just watch it. ''Well, I think I'm going to go to bed.. but you guys go ahead.'' I called out heading out the door. Obviously Nathaniel can tell I'm in a bad mood, I'm not trying to show it but even when I'm doing my best hiding it and no one else can tell, he just sees right through me completely. Hearing foot steps I could already tell who it was.

''Babe, what's wrong ? And don't try lying because you know I can tell when you're upset.'' Nathaniel said.

''It's nothing, I just need to stop over thinking. Stress really isn't good during pregnancy.'' I said.

''I know babe, but you know I didn't mean to stress you out.'' Nathaniel explained.

''Nathaniel, it's not just you it's everything. Everyone. It's all so much. '' I said almost breaking to tears. Can really tell I'm pregnant because I just feel so emotional.

''I understand, I'm taking care of it. I am moving us for the better and you know that, that person can't even come close without being caught, leaving a better environment for our son.'' Nathaniel said hugging me.

''Nathaniel, I love you. You know that, but this moving thing is all too much. Moving away after just getting to know everyone, I guess it would be good and everything but there's also a good school around here.'' I said.

''I realize that, I'll be looking around there for those kind of schools, I promise. I'll look it up online even looking at peoples comments and judgments of the school.'' He said.

I could tell he's really telling the truth and will do anything to make me feel comfortable, just the moving is so much, just when I thought it was done. I really do understand the positives to moving and advantages. Getting rid of that stalker is a really big priority, especially with my son coming along.

''OK Nathaniel. I understand and it'll be better for us and the kid. Just let me talk to Grace and everyone about it in the morning, they're all I really have left that I consider family besides your family.'' I said.

''Aubrey, we're having our own family. Stop worrying babe, do you need anything? Like a drink before bed or anything? I'm gonna watch a movie with the rest of them because I'm really not tired but I will come join you in bed very soon. I love you'' Nathaniel said kissing my forehead.

''I love you.'' I whispered.



''Nathaniel wake up, NATHANIEL.'' I said crying.

''What? what's wrong?'' He said jumping up.

''I don't feel good, I can't stop sweating, I'm having weird dreams and I just feel so uncomfortable. I want to cry, I think I'm going to puke Nathaniel.'' I said gagging.

''Babe, just hold one I'll grab you a bucket then grab you some water.'' Nathaniel said jumping up.

He's such an amazing boyfriend, he's so cairng. I know this is from pregnancy, I wish pregnancy didn't have to be so hard oh my goodness. 

''Here babe'' Nathaniel said handing me a bucket and rushing back downstairs. 

 In a matter of seconds Nathaniel was back upstairs with ice water. 

''I have a huge headache babe.'' I said.

''I know, but you can't take medication during pregnancy babe. Just drink and try falling back asleep hun. I'm so sorry.'' Nathaniel said while rubbing my back with one hand and holding my hair back with the other.

''I think I'm fine.'' I said.

''OK, wake me up again if you aren't feeling good.'' Nathaniel said.

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