New Town Girl

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Chapter 31

Heading off to bed I couldn't keep my mind off of why Nathaniel looked suspicious. I couldn't even sleep in his arms tonight I had so much going through my mind. When I noticed he was dead asleep I shook Grace and we sat on the window ledge talking.

''Do you think he's cheating on me or something or hiding something from me? I mean did you see how suspicious he looked?''

''Boo, you've just got to trust him, but I see what you mean. I noticed it too.''

''Yeah, well I don't know.''

Gazing out the window I seen someone next to my car, the person was wearing all black with a note and heading for my car.

''GRACE THAT'S THE PERSON.'' I yelled out. Regretting it incase I had woken up anyone.

Not even thinking me and Grace headed for the door not wanting to wake up Nathaniel and disturb him from his sleep, we unlocked the door peeking through the spy hole in the door. We opened the door and made a run towards the person. The person turned and made a run for it. We couldn't catch up to the person no matter how hard we tried, damn was that person ever fast .

Realizing we're not going to be able to catch up to that person we stopped the chase and headed back. When we returned Nathaniel was up and looked pissed off, "what the fuck were you guys doing out at this time? Aubrey you fucking know better, there's that guy out there somewhere." Nathaniel shouted.

"We know, we seen the person, we went chasing but we couldn't catch up." Grace said.

I turned giving her a annoyed look meaning I hadn't wanted her to tell him really because I know he's only going to get mad for us not waking him up.

"Seriously Aubrey?" Nathaniel questioned.

"Yeah, we tried to catch up but it didn't work. That person is fast." I said.

"And you didn't wake me up? what did you even plan doing if you did catch them, you think that person wouldn't have weapons or anything, you're pregnant and even if you're with Grace you're both defenseless against someone with weapons." Nathaniel said with an angry voice.

"You're right, we're sorry and well we didn't want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful." I said.

"I was peaceful until I woke up to my pregnant girlfriend gone and her best friend Aubrey, do you know how worried you had me?" He said.

"I'm tired nathaniel." I said.

"You're not getting out of nothing, we'll talk in the morning." he said laying back in his bed.

He hadn't noticed that I wasn't sleeping in his bed with him last night because he fell asleep before me. I didn't want to go back in his bed either right now considering I can't get earlier out of my head, and no he just yelled at me and I just feel like crying.

Climbing back into the bed I went to the bed I fell asleep in earlier across from Nathaniel and Grace climbed into the other one.

"Why aren't you sleeping with me?" Nathaniel asked annoyed.

I didn't want to cause a fight so I just crawled into bed with him and turned the other way from him.

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