New Town Girl

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                  Chapter 43

Nathaniel pulled me into the living room when everyone went upstairs making their beds and spots where they were going to sleep and getting ready into their PJ's because we were all going to watch a movie.

''Aubrey, I'm not sure how you're going to feel about this but I want you to have an open mind about this, Promise?''  Nathaniel said.  ''Uh, okay.'' I responded. ''Say you promise.'' he said with a serious face. Knowing that face I know it's something I'm not sure I'm going to approve of.. butterflies started swarming my stomach now getting impatient with what he was going to say so I quickly nodded and said, ''OK I promise.'' ''Well, I was looking online for houses so we can have our own and looking into our price ranges.'' He started saying, ''and you know how we have that weirdo stalking us and it's not safe to live around here right now, right?'' ''Right .. go on.'' I said. ''Well, I seen this house only a few hours away, great neighborhood, and huge backyards for our kid, and our price range and good security.'' '' A FEW HOURS?'' I yelled out. 

I couldn't even think properly, I moved around so much. I thought I was done moving, another time moving away from everyone, Grace just moved here.. How will she feel. Lily is here with her baby, what about play dates and everything. I can't just leave everything behind again and move, chances are the creep is going to follow us again.

''But, he'll just follow us again? I've moved so much, again away from Grace after she just moved down here?'' I stated.

''I understand you've moved around a lot, but a cop will follow us down there and we'll have home security and a garage for the car so no notes and a camera on our house and a security thing at the door so when the door opens the alarm goes on and everything. I promise you I just want the best for us, I promise you can see them whenever, they can come down whenever.'' Nathaniel said.

''This is all so much, I mean Grace was talking about moving out maybe she can move near us or something or, like how much rooms is there?'' I asked.

''Aubrey, you know her boyfriend and mom live down here, are you sure she wants to leave that? Unless Riley decides he wants to go move down there near us, there's like three houses in the row for sale, maybe they can be our neighbors. We're going to be having a baby, we can't have friends living with us.''  Nathaniel said.

''I'm going to go talk to her.'' I said kissing him on the forehead.

I know he wants the best for me and our soon to be family but why does it have to be so far, and his mom? She still lives down here.

''What about your mom?''  I asked.

''She can move in one of those three houses, I've already been talking to her and it's cheaper than this place plus there's too much extra room here and those houses are reasonable over there for my two sisters also, there's a three bedroom for sale so she's wanting to move also.'' Nathaniel said.


Authors Note;    So she's moving again, well could be. She's got to ask Grace everything too and sort things out with everyone, she's considering it as you can tell because it would be good for her kid also but are they actually going to move and if they do are their plans with their mom and Grace and sisters and Riley moving down there also going to work out? Keep reading to find out :) .

I'm still figuring out about my new book and everything. Details will be up soon. :)

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