New Town Girl

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Chapter 63

I know I shouldn't second guess on telling Nathaniel what I've found in the mail but really it will only stress him out which will make me stressed. As a pregnant woman I cannot risk getting any more stressed than I have been lately. I tried to calm down while reading this letter.

"I bet you thought I was gone." That is what the letter had said.

I couldn't get my mind off of it no matter how much I tried, I couldn't possibly get my mind off of the letter. After everything that is going on that can mean so many things. I was going to head off to take a nap but then I got an memo on my phone reminding me about my appointment, oh shit.

I got ready quickly and threw my shoes on. I headed off for the car and drove down for about 20 minutes and arrived at my doctors. I was going to figure out how well I was doing and everything. It's too bad Nathaniel couldn't be here to see the ultrasound considering it's going to be my last one.

"Hello Aubrey, your doctor will be with you in a moment. Please take a seat." Said the receptionist. 

      I waited impatiently for a few minutes and then taken by surprise I turned my head to see someone waving at me. I felt like I've seen this person before but I couldn't really identify who it was because they had a weird mask type thing on their face but their hair and body structure just looked so firmilar. I looked back again to see if my eyes weren't just fooling me because of all the emotions and hormones going on with being almost due, the person was gone. I heard my name being called so I tried forgetting it and just got over it with the assumption it's just my imagination. I followed the doctor into my room and pulled up my shirt to show my stomach for my last ultrasound. 

"Wow, your baby looks so big. and healthy, you must be so proud." The doctor said.

I turned to the ultrasound and was so pleased to hear that. I should be due within the next month he went on telling me. That's exciting but makes me so nervous at the same time. I mean, I have everything together but who isn't scared of giving birth? 

** A couple hours later**

"Hey, how did the ultrasound go?" Nathaniel asked.

"Everything went well, we have a big baby on the way." I said with a smile.

"That's great, did they say when you're due?" Nathaniel questioned.

"Yes, I should be giving birth any day within the next month." 

"That's great, well I think I'm going to invite Riley and Grace over considering I haven't heard from them since they've came over." Nathaniel said.

"Sure, we'd love to come over." Grace said.

"Sounds good, see you in an hour." Nathaniel replied.

"You couldn't have just went over and knocked on the door?" I said giggling.

"Well, I wanted to make sure they were actually home first. We're going to go out to a chinese restuarant." Nathaniel said.

"Sounds great to me, I'll go get ready." I replied.

  I always missed being able to get all dolled up like how I used to, with my nice clothing. It's harder now that I way almost 40 pounds more than before. I don't really mind that much though considering I'm going to have an amazing family in less than a month. I couldn't wait to tell them the exciting news. I'm sure they feel the same way as me about it feeling like forever, but the wait is truly worth it to meet my baby.

    "I'm ready." I yelled from the top of the stairwell. 

"Finally, we've all been waiting for over ten minutes. What took you so long?" Grace asked.

"I'm pregnant, it's not easy to get myself dressed and everything." I responded.

"Oh, don't be so cranky." She responded.


For the next chapter it will be a continue on of this but in Grace's POV. Sorry for such the long wait, wattpad hasn't been letting me update on my phone and on the computer it keeps saying error and driving me crazy :(.

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