New Town Girl

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       Chapter 15

3 weeks later...

Waking up I read my text messages, I went to bed early that night not feeling well. Not being scared to read my messages considering whoever that was, assuming Troy, stopped messaging me finally 6 new messages.

Grace; hey girl, I need someone to talk to, I am going through quite a bit and know you're somone I can trust, message me when you can, I know you were sick so I assume you're sleeping.

Her message was sent later that night around 1130 pm, I fell asleep maybe around 9. 

Responding; Hey darling, sorry I was sleeping. What's up? 

Reading my other messages, 4 were from Nathaniel.

Nathaniel; Hope you get feeling better, I'll be over in the morning to come see you, I'll make you some soup to eat .

Nathaniel; guess you've gone to bed, love you.

Nathaniel; I cannot sleep so if you cannot feel free to message me.

Nathaniel; I'm having such a terrible night babe.

responding ; what's going on babe? sorry I was so sick I didn't even end up waking up. love you too.

Nathaniel instantly responding ; I'm just down the street from your house babe, I'll be there any minute.

''Okay, I'll go wait on the step for you.''

Going downstairs to wait on the steps for him I unlocked the door but instead of walking out I made a run for the garbage, puking and puking I felt so sick oh my goodness, this is terrible. I don't even want him seeing me like this, it's so unsightful and disgusting. He opened the door, "baby?'' I couldn't respond, my body was bent over just throwing up. He heard I guess and walked into the kitchen where I was puking. He came behind me holding my hair with one hand and rubbing my back with the other.

Finally stopped puking and told him I'd be right back, getting dressed into my jeans, squeezing my body into them finally getting them all the way up, to realize my botton and zipper wont go up, just my luck .. what else can go wrong, I'm sick and gaining weight, just my luck. You'd think from all this puking I would be getting skinnier. Remembering me and Nathaniel have been having sex a lot the past few weeks and never used protection, oh my goodness, I can't be pregnant, can I ? I don't even want to know how my dad would react. Lately he's been spending a lot with his "friend". I like never see him anymore. I didn't want to worry Nathaniel about it without knowing for sure, but considering he was at my house and I wanted to go to the doctors to get a test, I guess he's going to have to deal with hearing about it now. 

"Nathaniel, you know how we've never used protection while having sex.. do you think I'm you know.. I mean I'm getting too big for my pants even.. ''

''Well maybe if you are I can promise I'm not going anywhere, how about lets go get a test.''

Ugh, I loved him, it was great knowing if I am that I'd have him supporting me. I instantly thought of Lily, she should be around almost two months pregnant, I haven't really talked to her much lately considering she was hardly in class because of all her appointments. I'm going to text her later on.

Getting into Nathaniel's car we drove off to a clinic. Waiting in the waiting room took forever.Finally a young man called me in, with black hair and brown eyes, kind of built .

" Aubrey Gordon?'' I stood up saying "yes'' ''Follow me this way.'' Nathaniel came following with me and then the doctor lead us to a room, "Hi I'm doctor Lendar. You're here for a pregnancy test, am I correct?'' ''Yes, yes I am.'' Handing me a pee cup with a line I had to pee to he pointed down the hall to a little room, it was the washroom. Returning I could just tell how nervous Nathaniel was. The guy dipped some weird thing into it then layed it down on some napkin. Waiting a few seconds for the result he looked at me told me it was positive. I bursted into tears, Nathaniel came to my side hugging me and reassuring me he's here for me every step of the way and that everything would be fine, I managed to stop crying, although I felt my eyes tearing, I felt as if I was holding in a storm. 

Walking to Nathaniel's car fast I closed the door, "I don't know what to do Nathaniel, can you just imagine how much people are going to say shit about me at school, not to mention what our parents are going to think, like how am I supposed to tell them, where are we supposed to live?''

''babygirl, it's going to be fine, people won't know for a while, you wont have a baby bump for a bit boo, the doctor said you're 2 months approximately, he told me as you were speaking out to my car. We have a while to go, don't worry about those details yet, I'll figure things out.''

''wait, two months? Maybe me and Lily are due the same day, what a coincidence that would be and okay babe.''

''wait, what?'' he turned to face me, not even remembering she hadn't told anyone but me it I felt so bad, I told him not to tell no one because she only told me it and I didn't mean to say it. He nodded. '' but, who's the father? she's not seeing anyone..''

'' It's Logan, he wont believe it though, he's being so terrible to her, when the test comes along that it's his maybe he'll be a father, but for now she's on her own and that's why she always looks so upset and is hardly in school.'' 

'' what a fucking jerk, I never really liked that guy'' Nathaniel said.

Nodding I started thinking of who to tell first, how to tell people and how everything would work out.

'' How are we going to afford anything though? I don't want my kid being on welfare.''

''Babe, my uncle owns a construction business, it pays really well, I could explain to him my situation and get a job there, I know he will definitely say yes.'' 

Okay that takes one stress off the list. Getting home I decided to invite Grace over, if I wanted someone to know first besides my boyfriend, it has to be her. Nathaniel came inside and I took out my phone dialing in her number. "hello?'' she answered. "hey, it's me Aubrey, I was wondering if you could come over quickly, I need you right now and you can explain to me what the text was about earlier of you needing to talk to me or something.'' ''Ok, I'll be over in half an hour, everything alright though?'' ''I guess, you'll find out when you get here, see you soon.''

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