New Town Girl

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                Chapter 30

''Grace is coming over today Aubrey, she's going to be here any minute, get up.'' Nathaniel yelled.

"Okay, I'm up.''

I'm not going to school anymore I've left for the semester and I think I wont be able to go back next semester, but I'm going to be doing online courses next week. Grace said she would do the same so she can be there for me while Nathaniel is working, she's such a great friend. I didn't ask her so it's not like I'm forcing her, I tried telling her she doesn't have to and not to but she insisted on it. 

''GRACE IS HERE.'' Nathaniel yelled.

''Okay, well send her up. I'm feeling sick.'' 

''Babe, I've got to go, just come downstairs I have to go to work in 2 minutes and I want a kiss.'' Nathaniel called out.

''Please come up here quickly then.'' I said.

''Aubrey seriously.''

'' Nathaniel I'm fucking sick.''

''Okay, sorry hun, what's wrong?'' Nathaniel said while giving me a kiss and wrapping his muscular arms around me.

''Probably because of pregnancy, I'm feeling nauseous'' 

''Well, want me to stay home?'' Nathaniel offered.

''No babe, you have work. I have Grace, don't you worry. I'll be fine, love you.''

''Love you too, see you tonight.'' 

Grace rubbed my back and climbed into bed with me and we just slept.

9 hours later.

''Grace, where is Nathaniel? He should've been home half an hour ago, I'm worried.''

''Aubrey, there's probably traffic, don't worry babe. It's only half an hour.''

''But, the notes? what if something happened to him.. like what if the guy got him?''

''Aubrey, don't stress yourself. Just call him.''

Before I could even pick up my phone to dial in his number I was getting a call. 

''Hello? Nathaniel?'' ''Hey babe, yeah sorry I'm running late. Ran into an old friend.'' ''Oh okay, well I was worried.'' ''I got to go but I'll see you when I get home.'' 

Who could be his old friend he ran into? Gosh, my insecurities are getting the better of me again, I hate when this happens.

''Is he on his way home?'' Grace asked.

''Yes, he just ran into an old friend.'' I told her.

''What's on your mind boo? You know I can tell when you're upset.'' Grace said.

''It's just, I don't want to get hurt, I don't know. I guess just my stupid insecurities getting to me.''

''Aubs, you know he really loves you. He wont hurt you. He can't, you're having his baby.''

''I guess you're right, I don't know what I was thinking.''

''You weren't .''

''Oh you shush.''

''I'm home babe'' Nathaniel called out. Rushing to the door I jumped into his arms and kissed him, to get it off my chest I asked, "so who did you run into?'' 

''Just an old friend babe.'' He responded.

Ugh, just my luck, I don't want to seem nosy or anything or like I don't trust him or something so I just ignored it and dropped it.

Foot steps coming down the stairs, it was Grace. ''Are you guys as hungry as I am?'' Grace called out.

''I already ate but you girls go ahead.'' Nathaniel said.

''Oh, with who?'' I asked curiously.

''My friend I ran into, that's why I was late. I'm sorry babe.'' Nathaniel said.

''Uh, okay.'' I said trying not to sound annoyed.

''Babe, I was only half an hour late.'' Nathaniel said defending himself.

''Yeah, it's whatever I had Grace here to keep me company anyway just you could've called before letting me know you would be late or something, you know I worry especially with that weirdo leaving notes.'' I said.

Nathaniel had a blank face on him randomly, maybe he was over thinking about something or just completely zoned out after what I said. What ever it was he looked pretty suspicious .. 


Authors note; why is Nathaniel looking so suspicious?  Could he be hiding something? Could the person he met up with really affect Aubrey is she finds out, is there a note he's not telling her about? Keep reading to find out ;)

Sorry I haven't updated as much as I ALWAYS do, it's not a writers block I promise. I like to update everyday at least because I know how annoyed I get with everyone not updating fast enough for the books I read. 

I'm going to do 1-3 more chapters today, I'm going to get started now to make up for it. :) 

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