New Town Girl

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                                                         Chapter 67

  At this point I thought i would never come out of the bathroom, I couldn't even bare to think about all this stuff. I was so hurt, I felt so betrayed and don't even know if I could forgive them for a while. I understand why they didn't tell me, but they or even me could have gotten hurt. Things have gone crazy so them under estimating what he could've done is stupid. But then again, us thinking it's over with now is just as ridiculous. I really don't know what we're going to do. Nathaniel told me it would've been safe moving here but I'm really doubting it. Nothing seems safe and secure here. Then again no where seems safe anymore. I'm having real trust issues with all this. I don't even trust I'll be able to keep my baby awya from all this crazy stuff which is what's stressing me a million times more.

"Aubrey can you come out now, it's been half an hour." Nathaniel said in a soft voice.

"Do I really have to? Because I really don't want to." I responded.

"No, I guess not. I can't make you but it would make me feel a whole lot better if you were in my arms so I can at least try making you feel better love." Nathaniel said.

He always knew how to sweet talk so I knew I had to come out, I mean how long did I think I could possibly hide in here. Not to mention I should really eat right now. I'm starving and that's not good because that means my baby is hungry too. I decided to come out of the bathroom and join the rest of them downstairs in the living room.

"Finally." Nathaniel said with a smile and grabbed my hand when he seen me walk into the living room. 

"Yeah, well I can't hide in there forever. I am so hungry and really need to eat." I said.

"Is that the only reason you came out?" Nathaniel said with a frown.

"Of course not, I knew if I came down you could also make me feel better hopefully and get the stress off me." I told him.

"How about we all order food and play some board games like we used to?" Grace said.

"Sure" Nathaniel said, "Sounds great." he said.

I just looked away because right now I wasn't in the mood for talking to her, but I'll play the board game any way. Who knows, maybe it'll make me feel a little better so I just nodd my head at Nathaniel.

"What does every one want to eat?" Nathaniel asked.

"I think I want some pizza or something." I said.

"Alright, then lets get that." Grace said.

Everyone nodded and Nathaniel went and ordered the food while Riley sat up the game board and everything. We played three rounds of trouble and then the doorbell rang. I was so happy for the doorbell to ring, knowing it would be our pizza. I was so hungry. 45 minutes would be well worth it after I get the pizza into me. 

After eating and finishing up board games and card games Nathaniel made a spot for Riley and Grace to sleep. We had a pullout couch thankfully so all he really had to do was bring down blankets and pillows. 

                                                    2:34 A.M


I got up and looked nudged Nathaniel to wake up. 

"Who do you think would be ringing our doorbell at this time? Can't it wait until morning?" I said annoyed.

"I don't know, maybe they'll just go away." Nathaniel said.


"Or not." I said.

"Okay, I'll go check." Nathaniel said.

"Be careful." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He walked downstairs but I got nervous so I ended up following him, before Nathaniel could check even through the spy hole Riley pulled him into the living room.

"Don't answer the door bro, it's some creepy people. I checked through the spy hole." Riley said.

"I don't know man, I'll go check through the spyhole." Nathaniel said.

"It's a group of guys." Nathaniel said.

"And I know who they are." I said with a frown.

"Babe, go into the living room with Grace. And who is it?" Nathaniel asked.

"It's his friends.." I said crying now.

"Who's friends?" Nathaniel said.

"My ex boyfriend's." I said.

"What the hell could Troy seriously want? You guys broke up a while ago. Can't he just fucking accept that?" Nathaniel said angerly.

"Well, you beat up his friend, of course he's going to want to get back at us." Grace said.


"You know I wanted to tell you Aubrey, YOU KNOW IT. I didn't want you hurt, I knew if I said something he would just send more people, I'm not stupid. I knew every thing would stress you out, you think I want that? No because you're pregnant. I never knew you would find out that way, I hadn't had everything planned out, I apologize but it would've only came out with the same results." Grace said, now also crying.

"Okay girls, there's no more door bell going off, I think they left but in the mean time you guys have to stop blaming each other. We'll just call the police right now." Riley said.

"In the mean time? What will that do for us? Because it'll just keep happening. We're not safe here or anywhere. How is my baby supposed to grow up around this eh? Oh but it doesn't matter because it's not nessesarily your life ruined.. it's just mine." I said.

"Aubrey, we care and obviously it matters to us which is why we didn't tell you. It's not easy and it wouldn't have been easy either way but I was willing to let him do ANYTHING to me just for you to be protected because I knew telling would only make things worse." Grace said.

I walked upstairs and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't believe I raised my tone like that to Grace, I never have before. Not through ALL the years me and her been friends, but I couldn't help it. Doesn't she understand I'm the one who has to put up with all this. It's not just her. I'm the one with the tramautizing memories too, more than her. All these things are adding up though, every single thing all makes sense now. Ugh, I just cannot believe all this. I can't take all this. There is no where safe, I'm going to have to move again but this time I think we have to move out of the country. I just don't know how to leave all this behind, I have to think of Grace and Riley also no matter how mad I am at them. Where will they go? What will happen to them? 

Authors note: So you know those guys are back and the problems with Troy, Aubrey's ex boyfriend are not clearing up but only getting worse. Do you think it was wrong for Aubrey to freak out like that on Grace? I mean all Grace and Riley were trying to do was protect her for her own good, right? Will calling the cops help or will it just make things worse? Will Aubrey and Nathaniel actually leave the country and maybe even their friends. Will every thing be all figured out from all the past crazy stuff that has gone on.? Keep reading to find out.<3 

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