New Town Girl

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                                              Chapter 66

  * Back to Aubrey's POV.* 

    I was so curious as to finding out what was going on with them, I know something was up and Grace wasn't acting herself so I knocked on her door a couple times but no answer so, without thinking I walked into Grace's house to figure out everything after hearing banging while I was in my kitchen with my window opened.

I took a few steps into their hallways, then heard another bang. I then heard someone coming down the stairs from upstairs, assuming it was Grace I stood there waiting to see. I knew it was wrong of me to be entering her house without her answering the door but I had to figure out what was going on, I mean she's my best friend and has never acted this way ever.  

To my surprise it was not Grace or Riley, but I can't say I didn't know who he was. He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into the kitchen throwing me onto the chair. I tried to scream but he slapped me across the face when I made tried to. I was in such shock to see..... it was my ex boyfriend. The biggest A-hole of life. 

  "Please, just leave me alone. I'll do anything." I cried out.

I cried, I pleaded but nothing would work. There was no escaping or nothing I could possibly do.

"Let her go" a voice yelled from the door. Obviously, the voice of Nathaniel. I don't even know how he knew I was in danger, but I couldn't be more happy he was here.

"What are you going to do?" Aubrey's ex boyfriend said, smirking at Nathaniel.

"You'll find out." Nathaniel said. 

  Minutes later Nathaniel was punching and beating my ex boyfriend to the floor. I didn't even know what to do, I went to make a run for the door but then I heard a yell coming from the basement. I ran right for the door with no hesitation at all. I knew it was Riley and I knew he was in danger. I ran down the stairs as quick as possible to see him all tied up. 

"When did this all start happening?" I asked him angerily. 

"We can talk about that after, please help untie me so I can go find Grace and free her also." Riley said.

  I untied him and ran upstairs and Nathaniel already had Grace and my ex boyfriend was laying, bleeding on the floor.

"You guys can stay with us for the next couple nights until every thing gets figured out but for now let's get back to my house and lock all the doors." I said.

  We got to my house, none of us wanted to eat, no matter how hungry I was I just couldn't even eat either. I knew it was unhealthy though because I'm pregnant and can be due within this month. I drank some water to relax myself. 

"Why couldn't you tell us that that was happening?" I asked.

"No the question is why didn't you guys, you both had the opportunity when we were alone out to eat, twice now actually you guys hung out with us and acted different and still wouldn't tell us what was going on." Nathaniel said angerily.

"We wanted to, we really did. But we figured telling you guys would stress out Aubrey and then that would make things terrible considering she's pregnant, we couldn't risk any damage towards her or your guy's baby." Grace said with tears coming to her eyes.

"We did want to tell you, believe me. But, we had no way to. I couldn't even talk to Grace, honestly I didn't even know what was happening to her, we were both locked in different rooms and couldn't talk when we were with you guys because you both would know something was up. We just couldn't stress you." Riley said. 

I was so angry, I understand why they wouldn't tell us but it still angers me that they didn't. I mean how long would they have let this go on for if I didn't find out by myself. It could've brought serious danger.. all this is adding up though, the letters, that guy starring at me when I went to my appointment and all that drama going on. 

"He was the one sending notes, wasn't he?" I said in a shaky voice.

"Aubrey don't stress yourself, take only a couple things in at a time, we have time to talk about this don't try rushing it all onto yourself." Riley said.

"NO, I DEMMAND TO KNOW NOW. WAS IT HIM?" I said now yelling and breaking into tears.

Nathaniel grabbed me and held me. As much as it felt great I had to push away, I had to get away from all them. I just couldn't handle all this, and for my best friend not to tell me. I don't even know if I can forgive her. I pushed away from Nathaniel and ran for the bathroom and locked it behind me.

"AUBREY WAIT." Grace yelled. "

"Don't, just leave her. Let her calm down please. She needs time to take this all in." Nathaniel said.

  Authors note; I was thinking of leaving you guys hanging on who it was, but I'm trying to wrap this story up and tired of leaving you guys thinking. :) Hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

So you know they finally figured out the secret, but is it over with and are they safe? Will Aubrey ever forgive Riley and Grace? Keep reading to find out.

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