Taking you back

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I am weak and I let you in. You were in pain and I couldn't handle seeing you like that. I had to make you feel better. I needed your smile back. I can't stand to see you sad. Your smile makes me happy. Seeing you with her made me sad, but I could bear as long as you were happy. When you two broke up you felt the pain I did when you left me. I couldn't let anyone else feel that pain, not even you. I still care. I always will. My one fault, Always caring. You shattered my heart in the billions of pieces and I still love you. You were my first true love. I am hopelessly in love with you. I know that this isn't destined to be more than a friendship, but I can't help but make up scenarios in my head. In these scenarios you love me back, we live together. I understand if you don't even want to be friends I am messed up.. everywhere, I don't want to be a burden on you. Before you leave just know that I will never stop loving you. If you stay this time it will shock me. I am always prepared for the worst but some how even in my preparation you break me everytime. I send you a text and it makes me so nervous when you don't text me back. I think is it this time that will be the end. It hurts. I hurt. You make me happy. I miss your smile. You are my addiction. Addiction is never good, but you are the addiction that has kept me alive. You make me happy. I keep letting you in. I will always love you.

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