I love you

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You caught wind of my feelings for you And you realized you felt the same way too But you could tell me for fear of being hurt and getting trampled on. So you left me pushing away all of those feelings but they always resurfaced. I never hid my feelings for you. I hoped that one day you would tell me how you felt. It almost came out today but you caught yourself. Our happy moments together leave me smiling for days but when you feel we get to close and you seem to disappear from my view. It breaks me but really you were just trying to not get broken yourself. I won't break you I promise. I love you and you know it. You were the first guy I held hands with. My first almost date I mean A and F were there but you promised me a next time where we would be alone. We shared a soda and held hands. That was the best movie I had ever seen because you were the one sitting next to me. I couldn't have cared less about what was on the screen because you dream was right next to me. Your hands fit perfectly even if you had to adjust my hand because I can't even hold hands right. You didn't laugh at my silly mistakes you helped me fix them. You made me feel comfortable with myself and with you. I loved hearing your laugh and seeing your smile. They way you are so kind to my friends even though you knew one of them didn't like you. She likes you now. She said she saw how we fit together like no other pair she has ever seen. She said you are perfect for me. Once you let your guard down with me for good I hope you will see what everyone else sees. The perfect you for me. You see yourself the way I see myself as horrible and useless but when we are together we are able to forget how we feel about ourselves and see how our perfect fit see us. You compliment me. The peanut butter to my jelly the salt to my pepper and once you see it I will be there. We can finally be there for each other for longer than a hour or a day or week. We can be there for eternity. I love you and I hope you see that. I know you are scared to love but I lost all my fear with you. I hope you can lose that fear with me.

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