Before I Die

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I sat there thinking, what happens if this plane crashes, how do i tell him that I love him? How do I tell my family I am sorry for all the troubles I caused? What if they never find my body? My stomach started turning as the anxiety grew. What if someone hijacks the plane? Then what do I do? So many fears racing around in my now seemingly empty mind. It was alarming all of the thoughts I could think up. I was starting to have trouble breathing, I couldnt remember if I told him I loved him, that was my main concern. What if I die and he didn't know? What would my death cause? I would want him to look for another girl, but would he. If I was dying with cancer would his parents let us date? Where did all of these questions come from? What is going on in my brain? Ugh, I want to escape the terrible thoughts, but I can't. I dont want to die without saying I love you. I can't die without saying goodbye. I can't die without telling them I am sorry. I have to do them before I die. Why do we live on this earth just to die? The list of questions keeps growing, but the constant it I have to find a way to tell him I love him. I love you. Just three simple words, but he needs to know them and feel then in his heart, before I die.

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