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 It was never my dad and I always give her the benefit of the doubt. It is the mental disorder. She has never treated me right, for as long as I can remember I always was treated as if I didn't belong and always told I was wrong. When we came to visit the first time in Montana and I was in trouble that was 2 weeks after she had tried to kick me out. She found out I had been cutting and told me I wasnt her daughter anymore. She then took my phone amd found out I had been talking to a guy and we had exchanged photos... she then tried to kick me out a 2nd time, but my dad stopped her. My sister can do anything and she will never be in trouble, well not for long. Since she couldnt kick me out she stripped my room including electricity. I earned everything back 10 chores per item or black bag. This happened early July and I had till mid August to get it all back. I didnt get my phone back till new years eve. She still never apologized fir disowning me. She also attempted to put my in a mental institution for my suicide attempt she read about on my phone. She also learned why he daughter looked so skinny. She had never cared to ask why I had dropped weight so quick. I became anorexic. I went from 117 to 100 pounds in a month or less. I stopped eating all togehter. I still go to that as my control. She yells and calls me names. A bitch a whore, slut. She tells me how I will never amount to anything. She has hit me a few times. She is the sole reason I felt like I needed to kill myself. She always has put me down. Nothing I do will ever be good enough. I try so hard but it isnt good enough. I have developed severe social anxiety now. I am not myself anymore because whenever i speak she judges me and says to change what i say or yells at me. So I wont speak as much. She says no one will ever love me because i have scars on my hips. So I tested that and she said no one would want to have sex with me because my scars are ugly. So I had sex with some boy who I am not even close with but I really liked him. She was right he doesnt love me. I make so many mistakes. I am a mistake to her. I am a failure. I never get it right. I just want my mom to love me.

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