Ring-A-Round the Rosie/A Pocket Full of Posies/Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down

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Percy slogged through the rainy streets of Manhattan. His boots splashed against the puddled sidewalk. In his left hand he carried a large, wrapped object. The young demigod walked a little farther before stopping in front of a rickety, old door with a worn 'Keep Out' sign hanging precariously from it. At least, that's what Percy assumed it said. Below it, in Greek letters, the words 'The Cemetery of the Demigods' was etched into the woods.

With his right hand, he reached into his pockets and pulled out a dull golden coin. He inserted the drachma into a small slot in the door and waited. A whirring sound echoed from behind the door, and the coin rolled back out. He pocketed the drachma and opened the door. When he stepped inside, the door clicked shut behind him.

The rain stopped the minute he stepped inside the door. With a distant thought, Percy dried his soaked clothes. The half-blood gazed at the sight before him. Even though he had been here many times before, it never ceased to amaze him. The scene lying before him was the exact opposite of what one would expect from a cemetery.

The sun was shining happily upon the rows and rows of graves. The grass was green and healthy. Flowers bloomed colorfully across the expanse, and bushes lined the outskirts. Trees littered the area, providing shade for any weary visitor.

Percy tilted his head up with a soft sigh, basking in the sun's warmth. He was glad his dad had listened when he wished for this. Poseidon had brought Percy's request to the Olympian Council, and they had granted it. This cemetery housed graves for all the demigods that had died, even before Percy had arrived at Camp Half-Blood. Even though most of the graves did not have any bodies in them, there were still markers commemorating the fallen demigods, Greek and Roman alike. The cemetery could be accessed from anywhere in the world.

And, to top it off, it was even a monster-free zone with a barrier similar to the one at camp.

Percy slowly walked through the place, passing grave after grave, before stopping in front of the ones he came for. The grass crunched under his feet. He stopped, sinking to his knees beside the first grave: Jason's. He pulled out a golden wreath from his bag, hanging it on the left side of the newly minted tombstone. He flinched as an image of his electric blue eyes popped into Percy's head.

Second was Piper's. He used a bright purple wreath for hers. He couldn't help but smile as he remembered how Piper despised pink, which set her apart from all of her Aphrodite siblings.

Hazel's was third. He put the dark purple-blue wreath on the left. Percy still couldn't eat chicken nuggets without thinking of her.

Fourth was Frank's grave. His wreath was colored a blood red. Sighing, he pictured the aura around Frank after Hazel was killed - Mar's blessing.

Leo's was fifth. His wreath was a bright red-orange, a symbol of the blazing destructive fire that surrounded him until his life was snuffed out during the Giant War.

Annabeth's was sixth. Her wreath was sparkling silver, much like her gray eyes that held so much joy and life. . . until they dimmed right before his own eyes.

Too late he realized his mistake and was sucked into a flashback.

Percy panted, his limbs growing heavier by the minute. Shouts and roars echoed across the field. He coughed, wiping the dirt and sweat out of his eyes. Monster dust and demigod blood mixed on the ground. He dodged an attack from a cyclops. With a quick swipe, he cleaved the monsters head off.

"Kelp head!"

An arrow buried itself in the chest of a harpy near him. Percy turned to the voice with a weak smile. "Pinecone Face," he greeted tiredly.

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