Chapter 2

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I wake up and I am laying in my bed. How did I get here? I was on the couch the last time I remembered. Tess couldn't have carried me. I am too heavy for her!

"Tess!" I yell as I walk out of my room. I hear some pans clanging in the kitchen.

"In here!" She yells back. I smell bacon and pancakes. When I walk into the kitchen I see Josh. He used to be Tess's boyfriend but now they are just friends, I think.

"Hey josh." I say trying to sound normal. I know I look terrible.

"Hey Becca. How are you doing?" He says standing up and giving me a hug.

"A little bit better." I say looking down at my feet.

"Josh and I were thinking of heading down to the fair down on the pier. Do you want to come?" She says as she flips the pancakes.

"Sure. I need to take a shower though. I smell myself and that's not a good sign." I say laughing a little. I am trying hard to make Tess think I am getting better when I am still just as broken as I was before, if not more.

"Go ahead. I will finish up making breakfast then we can go!" She says and I grab my clothes and take a nice, long hot shower.

I walk back to the kitchen to find a plate of pancakes and bacon. "Eat up!" Tess says as she pushes the plate towards me.

"You have to eat something!" Josh says smiling at me kindly. I eat half of it then I am stuffed.

"That's all?" Tess asks and I nod.

"I'm not really hungry anymore." I say and stand up to get my boots on. "Ready?" I ask and they look surprised.

"Um sure. Let me just get my shoes on." Tess says and she grabs her shoes and her jacket then we walk out. We drive to the fest and walk around.

"Do you want to come with us in the Ferris wheel?" Tess asks and I shake my head.

"I don't want to intrude." I say winking at her and she nudges me. "I will be waiting down here on the bench." I say and head toward the bench I pointed to.

"Ok. We will be down in a minute." She says and gets lead by josh to the Ferris wheel.

I sit and watch the wheel go around and around. Someone sits next to me and I turn to see who it is. It is a guy about my age and he had curly brown hair. He turns and catches me staring and I look away quickly. I start to watch the Ferris wheel again when I steal a glance at him to see him staring at me. I blush and pretend I don't notice.

"We can stare at each other all day long, but that won't get us anywhere." He says finally and sticks out his hand for me to shake. "My name is Harry."

"I'm Becca." I say smiling at him.

"Is that short for anything?" He asks trying to start a conversation.

"It is. My full name is Rebecca, but my boyfriend, I mean ex-boyfriend, called me that. So it just stuck and everyone calls me that now." I say and I can feel tears coming and I turn away from Harry so he doesn't see me cry.

"What's wrong?" He says getting closer to me and holding out a tissue.

"It's nothing, just that my boyfriend got killed a month ago and...." My voice trails off.

"That is actually a big deal. Are you ok?" He says as I grab the tissue and wipe my eyes.

"Sometimes. Depends. Some things just remind me so much of him. And it's just so hard." I say and I start to sob. People look at me and Harry puts his arm around me as if to protect me.

"Did you come here with anyone?" He asks looking around.

"Yeah. My best friend and her boyfriend." I say after I calm down. "Sorry."

He shakes his head. "It's nothing to be sorry for. It's hard to lose someone you care for." He says patting my back a little then scooting a little farther away.

"Thank you." I say just as Tess and josh walk up to us.

"Becca are you ok? Did he do anything to you?" She says glaring at Harry.

"No. He actually was helping me." I say and she looks relieved.

"Josh?!" Harry says standing up and giving josh a hug.

"Harry! I didn't know you would be here." He says smiling.

"You know him?" Tess asks josh and he nods.

"He is in One Direction. The band I am in." He says and Tess' eyes widen.

"Oh. Of course! I knew that!" She says and stands up and they hug.

"Nice to meet you all. And friend of josh is a friend of mine!" He says looking at me.

"We should all go back to my place and order some pizza or something." I say smiling a little and I get up from the bench. I stumble a little and Harry holds out his arm for me to grab onto and I steady myself.

"Sure. I will order the pizza on the way there." Tess says and we walk to the car.

Josh and Harry walk ahead of us while Tess walks beside me and our arms are intertwined. "He seems nice." She says looking at me.

"He is."

"Do you like him?" She asks walking a little slower.

"He is sweet. But I'm not sure that I am ready to move on from Daniel yet." I say and she doesn't push further. She doesn't want to see me cry again. But it will only be a matter if time.

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