Chapter 15

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"What did you do to him?" Louis asks as soon as he sees Harry.

"We didn't do anything! People were sending me hate and saying how I am using Harry but..." I start to tear up and Niall gives me a hug.

"Don't let it get to you. We all know you aren't doing that and that's all that matter." He says and I calm down.

"Thank you." I say to Niall and he nods. "When he found out he got really upset and he said he would tell them to stop. And we were about to go get some food when he wouldn't move." I tell them and they look back and forth from me to Harry.

"Ok. Well that doesn't really help." Liam says plainly. "He has never done this before. I have never seen him this upset."

I shake my head. "I just don't understand."

"Becca, he loves you. A lot. You have already been through a lot so he feels really protective over you. He wants to keep you shielded from all the bad stuff in the world. I am guessing that when he saw your reaction to the news it made him feel terrible. Like he isn't doing enough." Zayn says and I nod.

"But he is doing a wonderful job. Honestly I haven't felt this safe since...." I pause and sit down next to him. "Actually before the accident." I know this is what he needs to hear, but I also know it's true. Since Harry has been around, I feel safer than ever.

Harry turns to look at me with tears streaming down his face. "Really?" His raspy voice cracks a little as he talks. I look up at the boys and the nod for me to go on.

"Yes. Harry. You have made me feels safer than anyone else could have." I pause and close my eyes. "Even safer then Daniel make me feel." Harry's eyes widen and he looks shocked.

"You don't need to say that. Don't say that." He says hugging me close. He knows how much it pains me to say something like that about Daniel. "Don't say it to make me feel better. Say it when it is true. When you feel it." He cups my face and a tear falls down my cheek. He wipes it away. I lean in and press my lips against his. A warmth runs through me like nothing I have ever felt before. When we pull away Harry looks very surprised and so does everyone else in the room. To be honest, I am surprised too.

"Sorry." I say softly.

"Don't be. That was amazing." Harry says smiling cheekily.

"Don't push your luck Styles." I says smiling at nudging his arm. We aren't together yet, but I am starting to feel like I am moving away from Daniel and towards Harry.

"Now can we go eat because I am starving!" Niall says and everyone laughs.

Harry and I stay behind for a moment. "Thank you for what you said. I honestly made me feel better."

"What I was saying was true. I just don't know if I am completely ready to date again. But...." He interrupts me.

"Like I said. Whenever you are ready." I smile and we walk out the door to the car. We drive to the diner down the street and we get cheeseburgers and milkshakes.

"Becca before we forget, we have a late birthday present for you!" Louis says and he looks at the others and smiles. He hands me a wrapped box.

"Aw. You guys didn't had to!" I smile at them.

"Oh it was nothing." Zayn says smiling at me.

I unwrap the box and open the box to find a one direction Tshirt with a now wrapped around it. "Wow. Thank you boys! What a great present!" I say trying to sound excited.

"Look inside the shirt." Liam says.

There is a gift card to American Apparel for $500. "You boys! Thank you so much!" I say smiling widely. I get up and give them all hugs. "Let's go shopping after we are done eating!" I say and we drive to the store. I spend all the money on the gift card and we go home with bags full of clothes.

We all fall asleep watching a movie on the couch. I fall asleep sprawled across Niall and Harry.

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