Chapter 40

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Two weeks later

I caught Harry with a fan. I was out with Tess, shopping and I walked into our room and Harry was there with some other girl. She was some pretty supermodel. I just stood there then threw the ring at Harry and ran to Tess's room, tears streaming down my face. Niall was coming out of his room and saw me run by.

"Becca what happened?" He asks but I keep running to Tess's room.

Nialls POV

I walk to her room and the door was open. I walk in and there is another girl sitting on the couch in their room.

"Harry. What do you think you were doing?!" I yell at him. He doesn't say anything. "I knew she was too good for you. You don't deserve her." I say still yelling and I walk out.

I go Tess's room and knock. Josh answers it and I walk in. Becca is laying on the bed sobbing. Tess is rubbing her back. I sit down next to her and pick her up. I set her on my lap and she clings to me, still sobbing. She cries for almost thirty minutes. Once she calms down, she falls asleep in my arms still holding me tight.

Zayn walks in and sees me and Becca. "What happened? Harry burst out of him room and left. I don't know where he went." He shakes his head and Tess tells us the whole story.

"She walked in on them making out. She threw the ring he gave her on the floor." Tess finishes the story and I kiss Becca on the forehead. I know I have Julianna but she is still in Italy. Becca needs me.

Harry's POV

When Niall left, I pick up the ring and left the girl there. I ran out to my car. I slam the door shut and speed away. I just drive with the music blasting. I stop on the ride of the road and get out of the car. I slam the door and scream.

I knew it wasn't a good idea. I didn't like her. She threw herself on me. Now the one person I love is gone. Niall is probably there comforting her. I hit my car and make a dent in it. I close my eyes as my hand throbs. I shake it and that makes it worse.

I get back into my car and drive back the way I came. I head for the hotel and I walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I need time to think. What am I going to tell her? Would she even believe me? I shake my head and run my hand through my hair. I wince at the pain and I put it back down at my side.

Finally I get to our floor. It is only us because of security reasons. I walk through the hallway and no one is out. There is no sounds at all. I open our room's door and walk in. I sit down on the bed and see that her stuff is gone. I get up quickly and head to Tess's room.

"Where is she?" I ask Tess when she finally answers the door.

"Why would I tell you?" She asks.

"I need to tell her what really happened."

"Oh she knows what really happened. Why would you do this to her? Hasn't she been through enough? Do you need to torture her like this?" She says and she looks mad. Josh comes to the door and stands behind her.

"She is in nialls room." He says. "But if you make her more upset you are done with her. She doesn't deserve to be played with." I nod and head to nialls room.

I knock on the door loudly and I hear Niall coming to open the door. "Why are you here Harry?" He says frowning when he sees it's me.

"Why do you think? I am here to talk to my girlfriend." I say yelling now.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." He says smirking. "What would make you think she wants you back? You cheated on her." He stays calm and I am fuming.

"I don't know what I would do without her. I have already broken my hand." I lift up my swollen hand right in his face. "I spent 40,000 dollars on a promise ring for her. But money couldn't even buy how much I love her. If you lay another hand on her I swear I will knock the irish right out of you."

I hear soft footsteps coming from behind Niall and I see Becca. She looks terrible. Her hair is a mess and her eyes are swollen. But she still looks hopelessly beautiful.

"Both of you stop it. I am done with this. I don't want either of you. I am not your property for you to fight over. I am getting my own room. Now if you would excuse me, I need to go get my key. Then I will need help getting my stuff to my room and that will be all I will be hearing of you two." She says and walk downstairs to the lobby. I stand there mouth open. I grab her suitcase and have it out in the hallway by the time she comes up. She opens the door and we bring them in then we walk out and she closes the door.

Liam looks at my hand and takes me to the hospital. I did break my hand when I punched the car. I get a cast on my left hand and we head back to the hotel.

"Harry what is wrong with you?" Liam says as he is driving.

"I didn't mean for it to happen. She threw herself on me. I was trying to get her off me when Becca walked in. I had the impression we were just friends but obviously she thought we had more." I say and I cover my face with my remaining hand.

"You need to stop getting yourself in these situations. It is tearing you and Becca apart." He shakes his head and keeps his eyes on the road.

"I can't help it if the girls love me." I smirk and he shakes his head again.

"Being cocky won't help the situation. Give her some time then talk to her about it. You may still he able to fix it." He says and we arrive at the hotel.

Becca's POV

Once I closed the door, I go straight to bed and lay down. I don't want to see or talk to anyone. I just lay there. If I had anymore tears, I would be crying but I don't. I hear a knock on my door and it's Tess and Josh. They have some good and a movie.

"You don't deserve him." Tess says as they both give me tight hugs.

"Don't let him get to you. You are way better than he is." Josh says and I nod. They put the movie in and we start to eat.

"How are you going to work without talking to them?" Tess asks in the middle of the movie.

"Would you be able to take care of them. I don't want to interact with either of them at all." I say and she nods. We continue to watch the movie and I start to think. Do I still have feelings for him? I know I do. But I don't want to.

There is a pause and we all just look at the screen. Then I fall apart again. "What am I supposed to do? I am in love with him. I don't know what I am supposed to do with him!" I say sobbing into a pillow. Tess rubs my back and tries to calm me down.

"It will get better. Let's just forget about him. He doesn't matter. You are an independent woman. You don't need a man." She says and I look up at her with tears still streaming down my face.

"Evidently he doesn't need me either." I continue to sob. It's almost two in the morning when they look like they have had enough.

"It's getting late Becca. Go to sleep." Tess says and she helps me under the covers.

"You sure you will be ok?" Josh asks and I nod. They hug me and walk out. I lay down and think about everything that has just happened. My boyfriend, who asked me to marry him, cheated on me and now I am a miserable wreak who everyone is annoyed with. No one likes me. I cry myself to sleep and think of how I could learn to finally do something right.

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