Chapter 32

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"Becca wake up!" Harry says shaking me softly. "We have to leave soon."

I turn over and try to open my eyes. I can barely keep them open because the lights are so bright. Once my eyes adjust I look out the window and the sun isn't even up yet. "What time is it?" I ask him as I get up.

"Four o'clock." He combs his hair then styles it to his liking. He looks tired.

"When do we have to leave?" I ask him.

"Five. I thought this would be enough time for you to take a shower and get ready." He says turning to face me. "Do you want some coffee? I am going to make some now because Starbucks isn't open yet."

"Yes! You are the best!" I say and he smiles at me. "I am going to take a quick shower. Should I wear something that makes me look like I tried? Or is a sweatshirt and leggings fine?" I ask him.

"Um maybe where something nicer because I mean you are our stylist." I roll my eyes and he chuckles. He pulls me in and kisses me tenderly.

"Fine." I say pouting and he laughs. I pick out my outfit and I get my stuff for my shower. I take a fast shower and brush out my wet hair. I walk into the kitchen and Harry is trying to figure out the coffee maker.

"Here let me do it." I say giggling a little. He sits down at the counter and watches me make the coffee. I give him his cup first. He adds some cream and sugar then mixes it.

"It's a very complicated coffee maker." He says and I shake my head.

"Not really." He makes a face at me.

"Well you know how to use it." He says and I nod.

"That's true." I say as I put lots of cream and sugar into my coffee.

"Would you like some coffee with your cream?" Harry says and I smack his arm lightly.

"I like coffee but the taste is terrible." I say and he bursts out laughing. "What?!"

"You like coffee but you don't like the taste. That makes so much sense." Harry says and I blush.

"Let's take a picture. I'm going to post it on Instagram." I say and I take out my phone. We hold up our coffees and smile for the camera.

"Have you been posting on Instagram?" He asks me.

"No. But I deleted all the other pictures and I am making it about my experiences on tour." I say and he smiles.

"I hope you don't get hate." He says kissing my cheek.

"I could care less about what they say. This is my life and they can't control it." I say and he nods.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say as his kisses me. "Does this seem like a good caption?"

He reads it out loud. "Cup of coffee before a long tour." He smiles. "It sounds great." He checks his watch. "Are you almost ready? We are getting picked up in twenty minutes." He says and I take another sip of coffee.

"You can put the rest of your coffee in a coffee cup in the cupboard. I need to finish getting ready." I say and I rush to my room and finish up my makeup.

I finish getting ready and walk into the kitchen to see Harry pouring our coffees into a coffee mug. "You done?" He asks me. I nod. "Right on time!" He says. "I will bring your bags into here and they should be here by then."

"Ok. I will get my jacket." I go into the closet and grabs both of our jackets. I walk to the door and Harry struggles to drag my bag to the door.

"What do you have in here?" He says and I laugh.

"Just some of my clothes. It's not that much. I could have brought more!" I say and he looks surprised.

"No that's fine." He says and I laugh. He checks his phone. "They are waiting for us downstairs. The boys are on their way to the airport so we better hurry." He says and we rush downstairs. A big man helps us into the car because there was screaming girls everywhere. After we get in, he jumps in also.

Once he gets into the car he smiles. "Nice to finally meet you!" He says giving me a hug. I look a Harry confused and he just smiles at me.

"Becca, this is Paul." Harry says after Paul gives him a hug too.

"Nice to meet you!" I say smiling at him.

"I am the band manager and I help a little with security. I am the one that keeps these boys in check." He smiles and pats harry on the knee.

"That's a big job!" I say and he laughs.

"It is. But I wouldn't change it for the world." He says and Harry touches his heart.

"We love you too!" Harry says.

"Where is the sappy music?!" I say and we all laugh.

"We should almost be at the airport now." Paul says and I look out the window. The airport was right there. "The others should be waiting in the other cars. We will all walk in together. You just keep walking. Don't sign anything or take pictures with anyone. Harry I mean it." He says and Harry pouts.

"Fine. Becca just hold my hand and follow me." He says grabbing hold of my hand.

"I have walking through bigger crowds when I am shopping." I smile and he looks offended.

Before he could answer Paul jumps out of the car and leads the way for us. I squeeze Harry's hand and he looks back at me. I smile and he keeps walking. Girls are screaming the boys names and even my name. I see Tess and smile at her. She makes a crazy face at me and I laugh. Finally we make it into the airport and make it through security. We make it onto the plane just before it was about to leave.

We sit down and I turn to Harry. "Where are we going first?"

"Um I'm not sure. Liam where are we stopping first?" He asks.

"I think Italy then England and a couple other places then Ireland." He says and I smile.

"I am so excited! I have never been out of the country before!" I smile and he pats my leg.

"It's fun! You should sleep. It's a long ride." He says and pats his shoulder. I lean my head on his shoulder and I close my eyes. I fall asleep to the boys singing some of the songs they will be performing.

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