Chapter 28

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We keep running until we get to the main road. We stop and catch our breathe. We start to walk again once we have recovered. We keep looking behind us to see if they are coming after us.

"You ok?" Harry asks me as we walk. I am still shaking.

"I'm fine. Just a little shaken up." I say and he squeezes my hand.

"I should have listen to you. About getting into the van." He says and I nod.

"It's ok. It was kind of hard to believe until we had a fun pointed at us." I say and he wraps his arm around me as we walk.

"We should call the police again." Niall says taking out his phone. "Hello. Hi. I am Niall from one direction." He holds the phone away from his ear and I can here screaming on the other end. "I can take pictures with you when you send someone to help us. We were almost kidnapped by people impersonating the police. We were lost in the woods." He pauses. "We are on the main road now. Come and get us with real police this time!" He says and hangs up. I laugh.

"Does this happen anytime you call anyone?" I ask and they all nod. We continue to walk when liam stops. He has his hands over his face.

"You ok?" I ask him and hug him.

"I.... I stabbed a man." He says he looks at me like a hurt puppy.

"You saved us liam. Without you we wouldn't be free." I say and he looks at me. I kiss him on the cheek and he blushes a little.

"Thank you." He says.

"No thank you. You saved us." I say. "Let's keep walking just in case they come and get us." We start walking and zayn talks to liam while we walk.

"What was the kiss?" Harry says.

I roll my eyes. "It was to help him feel better. To comfort him. Are you seriously jealous?!" I say amazed at Harry's jealousy.

"No." He says stubbornly.

"Harry it's nothing. You are my one and only." I hold his hand as we walk. We walk on and finally we see some sort of civilization.

"Look it's a gas station." Louis says.

"FOOOD!" Niall says and runs to the gas station. We get in there and buy bags of chips, donuts and lots of other junk food. The boys pay for it then we sit outside and eat. I have never been so happy to eat food before.

"We should ask the cashier to call the police and tell them that we are here." Tess says and josh goes in to talk to her.

He comes out and sits back down. "The police are on their way."

"Ok. Tess and Becca be ready to get some hate about this. The girls will be mad and probably blame it on you girls. But obviously it wasn't your fault. They are just protective." Zayn says and we both nod.

"Hopefully they won't mob us when we get to the station." Harry says and we all nod.

"I hope they have clean clothes for us." I say and they laugh.

"I can't wait to go home and shower." Louis says. We talk and eat until the police get there. We get into the car and this time their isn't someone pointing a gun at us. We drive to the station and the boys parents are there. They hug us all and they have clean clothes for all of us, even Tess and I.

"I am glad you guys are ok." Harry's mom says. "And I am glad I finally get to meet you Becca, even if it is for such a bad circumstance. Harry has talked a lot about you." She says and Harry blushes.

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm sorry I don't smell better. But a couple days in the woods with no shower does this too a girl." I say and she laughs.

"I will excuse you this one time." She jokes. "Why don't you come back to our house and freshen up? Then we can figure out what we are doing from there." She says and I nod. We say good bye to everyone else and get into her car.

"Are you going on tour with them?" She asks me.

"I don't think so. Management wouldn't let me." I say and she shakes her head.

"You should just go. It would be fun. You would tour the world and you wouldn't have to miss Harry." She says and I nod.

"Mom, management wouldn't be happy." Harry says. Does he not want me to go on tour with them?

"Who cares about management? You are what matters. Whatever you want is why you will get." She says and I smile.

"We will talk to the others about it." Harry says and I frown. He doesn't want me to come. I wonder why. I will talk to him later. We get to their house and Anne gets me towels and I take my shower. When I am done, I go downstairs and I see Harry and Anne talking. I walk in slowly.

I hear Harry say "what about jade?"

"Don't do that to Becca. Not after everything she has been through. Jade isn't half the girl Becca is. Becca is sweet." She says and my eyes tear up. Harry looks up and sees me. I run upstairs and I lock myself in the bathroom. I slide down the wall and sit on the floor. The tears stream down my face. That's why he didn't want me to your with him.

Someone knocks on the door. "Becca honey open up." Anne says and I get up slowly. I unlock the door and open it. Anne walks in and sits down next to me.

"Why would he do this?" I ask her.

"He never meant to hurt you. Jade is a girl who toured with they last time. She thinks she is in a relationship with Harry. He liked her but since he met you he has totally forgotten about her. There is nothing between them." She says.

"Why wouldn't he tell me then?" I ask with tears streaming down my face.

"He didn't want to hurt you." She says rubbing my arm.

"I think I am going to go home." I say getting up. "Thank you for everything."

"I can drive you." She says. We walk downstairs and Harry is at the bottom waiting for us. It looks like he has been crying.

"Becca. Please don't leave. I didn't....." He says but his mom interrupts him.

"Harry. Not now." She says grabbing her keys and taking me home. I unlock my door and thank her. When I get inside I go straight to my bed and cover myself in blankets.

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