Chapter 45

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The next day, Harry and I go to Paul and talk to him about getting a restraining order on the man. He says that he will work on it and talk to management about it.

"What do you want to do?" He asks as we walk back to our hotel room.

"I'm not sure. Do you want to go see a movie?" I ask him and he nods.

"What movie were you thinking about?" He asks and I shrug.

"We can figure it out once we get there. We should ask everyone else if they want to come too." He nods then he starts to chuckle. I look at him questioningly.

"I don't think zayn and perrie will be coming with us." He laughs again and I smack his arm.

"Harry. Stop it!" I giggle and he smirks at me. "So we should talk to liam, louis and Niall." He nods and we walk to their rooms. Liam and louis are busy with their girlfriends but Niall says he would love to tag along with us.

"So what movie are we going to see?" He asks and I shrug.

"We will see what movies are out. I was thinking Divergent or something. I'm not sure." I say and he nods. We walk down the sidewalk with Niall and Harry on either side of me. My two body guards.

I turn to look at one of the stores and I see the man again. I gasp and hold Harry's arm tightly. "What is it Becca?" He asks and he turns to look where I am looking. He gasps too and he starts to walk faster.

"What is going on?" Niall asks when we have slowed down.

"Let's go in here." Harry says and Niall and I follow him into a small coffee shop. We order our drinks and find a seat in a corner.

"Who was that guy?" Niall asks us.

I look at Harry then answer him. "He was the guy that tried to kidnap us. He has been following us for a while. I have seen him everywhere we go." I tell him and his eyes open wide.

"You're kidding me?!" I shake my head sadly and he looks very surprised. "Why didn't you guys tell us? This is pretty important news to give us!"

"It never came up in conversation." Harry says smiling slightly trying to lighten the mood.

"The reason we for really worried about it was I saw him in the back of the church yesterday and Zayn and Perrie's wedding yesterday." He eyes widen even more when I tell him this.

"Have you done anything about it? Like tell Paul or anything?" He takes a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah we told him yesterday at the wedding to make sure he didn't get into the party. And this morning we told him that we want to have a restraining order on him." Niall looks relieved when Harry says this.

"Well that's good. He hasn't approached you right?" He asks me and I shake me head.

"No he just stares. It's actually quiet creepy." I say and look out the window. I nearly spill my coffee when I see him standing right outside the coffee shop. This is the closest he has ever come to us even if it is through the glass.

"Harry." I say my voice shaking. "Niall." I point and they turn to see him standing there. He sees me pointing and he smiles at me. His smile sends a shiver throughout my whole body.

"Becca stay calm. Don't look at him." Harry says grasping my hand and holding it tight. I try to look away but I can't stop looking at him. He starts to walk to the door and I start to have a panic attack. My whole body is tingly and I feel really dizzy. I can feel myself leaning to one side and Niall catches me.

"Becca. Are you ok?" He says trying to help me sit up again. "Harry she is really pale." That's the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

I wake up in a hospital. I hear the steady beeping of the machine that is connected to my arm. I open my eyes and see a white room. I turn my head and see Harry sitting in a chair next to my bed. He is holding my hand while he sleeps. I try to sit up but my head spins and he wakes up with a start.

"Becca. You are awake. Thank god!" He says sitting up quickly and kissing my cheek. He helps me sit up and rearranges the pillows to support my back. "Babe I have been so worried."

"How long have I been out?" I ask him and he sits down on the bed and holds my hand.

"Three days. The doctors don't know why you were out so long. Usually people are out for a couple hours or so, from a panic attack." He says and my eyes widen.

"Is there anything wrong with me? Am I ok?" I ask him and he squeezes my hand.

"You are perfectly healthy. They said you were just really scared and that was your body's response. Though if you were in the wild you would be dead because the predator would have eaten you." He says and I laugh. Only Harry would think about that.

"What about the man?" I ask him.

"He left once you passed out. I guess he knew he was the cause." I sigh and relax.

"Has Paul said anything about the restraining order?"

"They sent it in already. We are waiting for a response from the court for a date for the trial or whatever."

"That means we have to be in the same room as he is?!" I ask him and I can feel my heart start to beat faster again.

"Yes. But there will be lots of others and we have nothing to worry about. There will be police and he won't lay a hand on you." Harry says soothing me.

"Where are the others?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"They were here over night but they left earlier to go get some food. I will tell them you are ok." He says and takes out his phone. He calls all of them and they all say they are coming with tons of food.

About a half an hour later they all show up, Zayn, Perrie, Liam, louis, Eleanor, and Niall. They have pizza and tons of other junk food.

"How are you feeling Becca?" Liam asks sitting down on my bed.

"Still a little dizzy but much better." I smile and he pats my leg.

"You have one great man." Eleanor points to Harry. "He wouldn't leave your side. Well only to go to the bathroom." She smiles at me and I look at Harry. He blushes and pats my hand.

"We had to bring him food." Louis says patting him on the back and smile at them.

"Speaking of food. I haven't eaten in three days so I am starving." I say and they laugh.

"We better check up with the doctor first." Harry says. "Just to make sure you are ok." He calls the doctor in and he says I can eat. He also says that once I do, they will run some tests to make sure I am fine to go home. If I pass, then I can go home. I eat a couple. slices of pizza and some chips then I am full. I pass the tests and they give my clothes back and I change then we head back to the hotel.

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