Chapter 21

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Tess wakes me up and tells me that we are going back to the campsite. I grab my towel and walk with them. Harry pulls me arm back gently.

"Can I talk to you?" He whispers in my ear. I nod and we walk slower so everyone is ahead of us.

"What's up Harry?" I ask looking into his eyes.

"What were you and zayn doing?" He asks. He is jealous.

"We were just talking." I say but he doesn't seem to believe me.

"With his hand on your leg?"

I shake my head. I stop and he stops too. "Harry. He was comforting me. He came to talk to me about you."

He looks surprised. "Sorry. I didn't mean.... I was just...."

"Jealous I know. But don't be." I say and he smiles a little.

We start walking again and this time he grabs my hand. "Were you saying good things about me?" He asks curiously.

I giggle. "I'm not going to tell you." I say and he frowns.

"Why not?" He whines.

"It is between zayn and me. If he wants to tell that's fine." I smile at him. And he makes a face back.

"Fine. I will ask him later." He says and I smile. "So how do you feel about dating?" He asks.

"I'm not sure." His head falls and he looks at me sadly. "But we can try and see how I am."

A huge grin comes onto his face and he stops. He gives me a little kiss and I blush. "Thank you." We hug so a while then he whispers in my ear. "I love you Becca. I really do."

I start to tear up. "I love you too harry."

I wake up from my dream and find that everyone is still playing in the water. I see zayn sitting on the dock with his feet in the water and Harry, louis, Niall, Josh and Tess playing the water not too far out. I walk over and sit next to zayn. He smiles when he turns to me.

"Well look who woke up!" He smiles and I nudge him playfully.

"Sleep isn't a bad thing." I laugh.

"Oh I know. I am always the last one to wake up." He smiles.

"Me too. And I am the hardest to wake up." I say as a challenge.

"We will see about that tomorrow." He says laughing and splashes me.

I scream and splash him back. "It is so cold!" I shiver and he puts his jacket around my shoulders. "Thanks."

Harry looks at us and glares at zayn. "I see Harry. Don't worry he is just the jealous type. He will get over it in a minute. I mean I like you. But I wouldn't get in the way of my friend." He says looking down into the water.

"That is so cute." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"I am anything but cute."

"You have no idea." I say and he laughs.

"What do you want to do when you grow up?" He asks.

"I'm not sure." I was about to ask him but he is in a world famous band. I think he beat me in that one.

"I don't know if I want to do this for the rest of my life. People get messed up and I don't want to be. But I don't want it to end." He runs his hands through his hair.

"I can understand. It's fun but a lot of stress." I say and he nods. "I used to want to be a vet but now I'm not sure. I can't stand the sight of blood. It's too much."

"Do you still get nightmares?" He says concerned.

"All the time." I shake but it's not because I am cold. I remember the dream I had just had tonight. I shake my head as if to forget the memory.

"Are they bad?"

"I basically watch Daniel die over and over again. Which isn't very nice." I look down at my hands and I notice that I am shaking.

Zayn notices too. "I didn't mean to make you upset. I just want to know what you are going through."

"No one will ever know until it happens to them." I say and he frowns.

I look out at the lake trying to forget. But how would it be different now. I have been trying to forget for the past month and it hasn't worked. Maybe I am missing something. Or someone. Someone who can replace Daniel. Someone who will help me through this. And I know exactly who it is. Harry.

"I am ready." I say out loud, not realizing it until zayn answers.

"Come again?" He asks.

"Well I said that I was ready. But what I meant to say was that I think what I have been missing is someone to love. That's the missing piece that will help me recover." I smile and he smiles back.

"Harry will be thrilled! But please if you are using him to feel better don't. It would devastate him. He loves you Becca. You better treat him right."

I am surprised at what zayn said. I am just using Harry to feel better or do I actually feel something. "I won't hurt him. That's not what I am here to do."

He relaxes. "Good. Because I can't stand to see him hurt. It is like seeing a little puppy being hit. Not something you want to see." He says then Tess calls us over and we head back to camp.

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