Chapter 16

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I wake up in my bed. This wasn't where I feel asleep. My back it sore from sleeping on the couch. I wonder where everyone is. I get up slowly and walk to the living room. There is no one there. I walk to the kitchen. There is no one there either. I shake my head then I see a note on the counter.

'Everyone went home to their houses. Call me when you walk up. We can go out and do something. Xx Tess'

I smile and go to get my phone. I call her and she doesn't answer. I wait a while then call her again. She doesn't answer again. I call Josh and he answers. "What's up Becca?" He says and he sounds drunk.

"Are you drunk?" I ask him.

"I don't know. Am I?" He says and I roll my eyes. He is very drunk.

"Where is Tess?" I can't deal with him right now.

"I don't know." I groan. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to talk to Tess. She told me to call her. You know what I will call Harry." He grunts then I hang up the phone. I know Tess doesn't like it when Josh gets drunk but he has to have some fun right?

I call Harry and he answers right alway. "Hey Becca what's up?"

"Have you heard from Tess today?" I ask him.

"No. Why?! What happened?" He starts to get worried.

"Nothing happened to me but I don't know where she is." I say and I hold back tears.

"Calm down. Don't worry. This doesn't mean something bad happened to her." Harry tries to calm me down. "I will come and get you then we can go to her house."

I take a shaking breath. "Ok. Hurry." After we hang up, I get some leggings and a sweatshirt on then put my hair up in a bun.

A couple minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I open it and see Harry. "Let's go!" I tell him and he nods. We jump into his car then drive to her house.

"You ok?" He asks me and I nod slowly.

"I just want to make sure she is ok. And Josh is drunk. She doesn't like it when he is. But I don't know if this has anything to do with it." I say and Harry shakes his head.

"Does Josh know that it bothers her?"

"I don't know." Another tear falls down my face and Harry holds my hand.

We get to her house and I run up to the door. I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. As Harry walks up the stairs, Tess opens the door.

"Hey. What's up?" She smiles at me then sees my expression. "What happened?"

"I.... You didn't answer your phone and josh didn't know where you were. And I was so worried. And.... And... I am glad you are ok!" I say collapsing into her arms. She hugs me right and I sob into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I lost my phone somewhere and I didn't realize it until I got home. Then Josh went out with some friends so I didn't have a phone to call you with."

"Ok. Sorry I over exaggerated." I sigh and begin to relax.

"Thank Harry for helping her." Tess says smiling at him and he nods at her.

"Do you have food? I haven't eaten yet." I ask her and she shakes her head.

"Let's go out for some food. Harry want to come with us? If you are, your driving." She smiles at him and he smirks at her.

"Fine. If you girls insist." We get into his car and drive to get some food.

"So anything big happening this week?" I ask.

"I start touring again next week." Harry says and I look at him stunned.

"What?! That came so soon!" I say. I shake my head. He shouldn't have to go back on tour for a while.

"Where are you going now?" Tess asked. Not fazed by any of it.

"Australia. It should be fun." He says smiling weakly.

"Yeah. Lots of surfing! And hot girls!" She adds. Harry looks at me when she says that but I look away.

"How long will you be away?" I ask him not looking into his eyes.

"A month or two. I'm not actually sure." He says. He plays with his food instead of eating it.

"Well I hope you have lots of fun." I smiling at him trying to make him feel better.

"I will try my best. I figured we could hang out with the others this week. Before we leave." He looks down at his food.

"Yes. What did you have in mind?" Tess asks excitedly.

"A camping trip." He says chuckling. "It might be a bad idea but I thought it would be fun."

"I love camping!" I lie to make him feel better. He smiles at me and our eyes meet. All I see in his eyes are sadness. We finish eating then head back to my house.

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