Chapter 18

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"Becca wake up." I hear someone say. Then someone shakes me.

"Becca we have to leave. You have to wake up." I groan and roll over. Whoever it is chuckles.

"C'mon Becca. Wake up. For me. Don't make louis come in and wake you up. It won't be fun!" I turn back over and open my eyes a little. I see Harry standing above me. He is smiling and I sit up slowly.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask him and then I look in the mirror. My hair is a mess.

"Oh nothing."

"It's my hair. I know. I can't sleep with it wet because it gets crazy. But I knew I wouldn't wake up early so I could take one now." He nods and shakes his head.

"Your hair looks better then mine when I wake up." I slowly get out of bed.

"How? It looks like a bird slept in it!" I laugh and get some shorts and a sweatshirt to change into.

"You will see it later." I smile and roll my eyes.

"Is she awake?!" Louis comes in screaming holding a bucket of water. When he sees me, he looks really disappointed. "Awww." He whines.

"Sorry. I don't want to get wet right now. So I woke up." He smirks at me.

"I see what your saying." He winks at me but I just ignore him.

"How long is the car ride?" I ask Harry and I turn to face him.

"About three hours or so."

I groan. "And who is driving?"

"Louis in one car and josh in the other." Harry says and louis gets excited.

"Yes! I finally get to drive!" He starts to do a little dance and I laugh.

"Oh dear. I don't know who I would want to ride with. Is louis a good driver?" I ask Harry.

"No." He says just as Louis says 'yes'. I laugh.

"Which car are you riding in?" I ask Harry.

He blushes a little. "Any car you are riding in." And louis whistles. I slap him and he chuckles.

"I will ride with louis."

"Then louis it is!" Harry says smiling. "Louis let's let her change." He grabs louis and walks out of the room.

I change fast and brush my hair. I put it up in a high ponytail. I brush my teeth and put a little bit of makeup on. Then I walk into my living room and I find everyone sitting there waiting for me.

"Sorry for making you guys wait." I say when I realize they are all sleeping. I laugh and jump onto Tess and Josh. They both scream and wake up everyone else.

"Wake up sleepyheads! Let's go!" I say and they rub their eyes then we get into the cars. In louis' car there is me, Harry and liam. In Josh's car it is Tess, Niall and zayn.

"What's the longest car ride you have ever been on?" Liam asks me and I think for a while.

"I don't really like cars, especially not now but when I was younger I think probably about 10 hours." I say and he makes a surprised face. He is sitting in the passenger seat while Harry and I are sitting in the back.

"So this is nothing compared to that!" Harry says and I nod my head.

"Now let me lay down some rules." Louis says from the drivers seat. "Don't have too much fun back there. These are leather seats. Also do not eat or drink anything. I will let Becca though because she isn't an idiot." I laugh and Louis looks at me in the mirror and he smiles at me.

"Hey what's what supposed to mean?" Harry asks and louis bursts out laughing.

"See what I am saying." I nod and laugh also. Liam and Harry start to pout.

"Now louis be nice. Apologize." I say in my best mom voice.

"I am sorry that I called the two idiots in the car idiots." He and I both start laughing again. When I look at Harry he looks so cute pouting.

We drive for a while in silence then louis turns on the radio. We begin to sing along with all the songs.

"Did you guys know that you have really good voices?" I ask sarcastically.

"Aw thanks! No one has ever said that to us. Thank you!" Liam says and I laugh.

"But honestly. Your voices are angelic. I can see why you guys have so many fans. And it definitely has nothing to do with the fact that you guys are hot." I blush a little and they all laugh.

"We for sure have never heard that either." Louis says chucking.

"For sure."

"You know you have a good voice too." Harry says looking at me intently.

"Thank you." I blush and he chuckles. Another good song comes on and then a slow song. The boys get all excited and I look at Harry confused.

"This is little things. It's our song." He says smiling widely.

"Hearing our songs on the radio still seems crazy to me." Liam says. I shush them so I can listen to the lyrics. By the end of song I am near tears and liam and Harry are staring at me. I turn away and wipe my eyes. Harry puts his hand on my knee.

"That song is perfect." That's all I can say and they smile kindly at me.

"That's why we wrote the song." Liam says and I smile at him.

"If any guy told me that, I would.... I would....." I trail off.

"You would what?" Harry says looking interested.

"I would probably like him more than a guy who wouldn't say it." I look at him and he is smirking at me.

"Well I just sang it to you. What does that mean?"

"Well so did louis and liam." I say smiling and he frowns at me.

"They were singing it but not to you."

"Fine. So I like you a little more just for that." He smiles. After a while I start to doze off. I sleep for the rest of the ride.

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