Chapter 6

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Once Tess and Josh leave, I sit down and watch tv. I get up to get some food when I hear a knock on the door. I open it and I am surprised at who I see.

"Hi." I say softly looking up at him.

"Becca. I need to talk to you." He says looking sad.

"Come in." I say stepping away from the door and he walks inside. While I am closing the door, he hangs up his jacket. I follow him into the living room and we sit down on the couch. I sit far enough away so I can come into no physical contact with him.

"You don't know how sorry I am. I didn't know what I was doing. The music... The mood... How you looked... You were smiling and I love your smile. It is the most beautiful thing I have seen. I have only talked to you for one day, and I.... And I...." He stutters and I look up to see tears in his eyes. "I might sound crazy but I like you Becca. A lot. This whole week I couldn't stop thinking about you. And I know you don't want to date right now. I figured it out the hard way and I hurt you. And I am sorry. I just want you to know, that whenever you are ready I will be too. I will always be here for you. I can wait."

I just stare at him. No one has said anything like that before to me. I only see it in movies. Harry seems like the dramatic type but I don't think he is being dramatic this time. He means every word he says. I can see it in his eyes and how they tear up when he says something heart felt.

"I made things worse didn't I?" He asks and I come out of my trance when he gets up to leave.

"Harry stay." I say softly and he sits back down. "I appreciate everything you have said. I don't know when I will be ready but I know it's won't be for a while. You are the sweetest and I like you. I just don't know how yet. And I forgive you for last week." That's all I could say. I mean how could you follow something like that.

His face lightens a little bit. I know that what I said gave him hope and that's all he needs right now. "Thank you." He smiles at me widely. "Do you have food that you want to eat or how about some Chinese food?" He asks.

"Let me guess. You have the best Chinese restaurant on speed dial." I say giggling a little.

"A matter of fact I do." He pulls out his phone and orders the food. "Know what do you want to watch?" He says once he gets off the phone.

"I don't care." I say smiling.

"Mean girls it is!" He says and I laugh. Harry is the only boy that would want to watch Mean Girls.

"You are more of a white girl then I am." I laugh as he recites all the lines of the movie.

"She doesn't even go here!" He says and I am laughing so hard that I am crying. The food comes and we pause the movie. I grab the food while Harry pays.

"So where is Josh and Tess tonight?" He says once walks into the kitchen.

"They are on a date!" I say excited.

"I knew there was something going on between them." He says while he stuffs his face with an egg roll.

"They are so cute together. And this is their first date because they were worried about me so they didn't go out." I say once I finish my food.

"Aw. They are good friends." Harry says and I nod.

"But I can take care of myself!" I say pouting.

"Yes but after something that tragic, you have to watch that people don't go crazy or depressed." He says looking worried.

"Do I look depressed?" I say smiling widely to prove my point.

"I know you aren't but just to be sure. For a while you seemed a little under the weather." He pats my hand. "Let's go finish the movie." He leads me back to the living room.

This time we sit a little closer. I end up falling asleep. I wake up sprawled across the whole couch, with a blanket draped over me. I realize that I am not laying on a pillow but I am laying in a sleeping Harry. I hear the key turn and Tess and Josh walk in. They come in quietly and see us 'sleeping' and just let us sleep. I fall asleep again and dream of a place where no one died and everyone was happy.

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