Chapter 22

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I change into some shorts and a sweatshirt then head out to the campfire. "What's for dinner?" I ask.

"We can cook hot dogs on the fire." Louis says and I nod.

"That sounds delicious." Everyone gathers around the fire and grabs a hot dog and a stick. Then we all toast out hot dogs on the fire. Once we are done eating, we tell scary stories.

Harry sits next to me, so close that our knees are touching. "What were you and zayn talking about?" He whispers into my ear. Could my dream be coming true?

"We were just talking about you." I say blushing a little. I hope he couldn't tell with the fire.

"Good stuff?" He smirks.

"Yes. Actually." He smirks more and moves a little closer.

"Can you tell me?" I shake my head. "Why not?"

"I don't want to." I say stubbornly.

"Let's go for a walk." He says and I look around the campfire. No one seems to be paying attention to us. He grabs my hand and I stand up. We are about to walk away when louis yells out.

"Where do you two think your going?" He asks and we both turn around slowly.

"Just for a little walk." Harry says and I blush.

"Don't list to him. You can go." Zayn says glaring at louis.

Harry and I walk away still hand in hand. "How are you?" He asks.

"Good. Better." I say looking around the woods. It is starting to get dark. I don't like being in the woods when it is getting dark.

He sees me looking around. "There is nothing here. And even if there is I won't let anything hurt you." He puts his arm around me.

"Thanks." I say walking close to him. He smiles at me and I know this was part of him plan. But I don't mind.

"How do you feel about dating?" He looks down at me looking hopeful.

"I have been thinking about it." I pause to leave him hanging a little. "We can try and see how it goes. Like I told zayn, I really like you." He smiles and stops. He turns to me and gives me a huge hug. He twirls me around then give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I won't let you down Becca. Don't worry." He says and I giggle. He holds me hand and we walk back to camp. No one questions what we did and we didn't tell them. They would find out sometime.

"It's 11. We should be going to sleep." Niall says yawning.

Everyone gets up and heads to their tents. Harry holds me back for a minute. He looks into my eyes and I blush. He leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. I close my eyes then he pulls away. "Good night." He says then walks me to my tent.

"Good night." I say and he waits until I am in the tent then walks away. He is too cute. When I turn around I see Tess sitting there watching me as if she is expecting an explanation.

"So. Spill it." She says and I blush.

"Well.... Ummm." She gives me a look like I-am-going-to-force-it-out-of-you so I just tell her. "Well Harry asked about dating and well I said yes. I am going to see how I am."

Her face lights up and she gets up and gives me a huge hug. "You guys were made for each other! Such a cute couple. And he loves you so much."

I blush. "Thanks." That's all I could say. She sits there just smiling at me and start to laugh. "Can you stop?"

"Stop what?" She says to me cluelessly.

"Stop smiling a me like that. It's creeping me out."

She laughs. "I can't. I am so happy."

"I am the one who got asked out not you!" I shake my head. This girl is crazy.

"Sorry. I am just so happy for you." She pauses and I know what she is going to say. "I was so worried about you. And this makes me feel better. That you are getting better."

I smile weakly at her and sit down next to her. I give her a big hug and she hugs me back. "Thank you for always being here. You kept me strong when I thought everything was over."

"I will always be here for you." She says and I giggle a little. She starts to tickle me and I scream. Then I jump on her and start tickling her. We end up both screaming and giggling. We hear running outside then the zip opens.

"Are you girls ok?" Harry says then he sees that we are having a tickling fight he rolls his eyes. "Don't scream! We thought you were being attacked or something." I look to see he has a stick in his hand.

"That stick would really keep us safe." I giggle and he blushes.

"Well liam to the knife." He says.

"You guys brought a knife?" Tess says her eyes wide.

"Just in case. I mean we are in the woods. There is wild animals and people could come to steal out stuff."

"Wild animals?" I say. "Like what kinds?"

Harry smirks. He is having fun scaring us. "Oh just some bears and cougars." I look at Tess with big eyes. She looks scared too. "But don't worry you are safe. Me and the boys wouldn't let you girls get hurt." He says reassuring us.

We are huddled together and he is still smirking. "Do you want us all to come in here? So we can protect you." Tess and I nod. "Ok. I will be right back."

"Is he just trying to have an excuse to sleep in here with me?" I ask once he leaves.

"Probably. But I think it wouldn't be a bad idea if they were here with us. It would be like a sleepover!" She says smiling widely. She always has likes sleepovers.

"Yeah I guess." I say and I lay down. She starts to move everything to one corner so there is room for everyone to sleep. I close my eyes then I hear all the boys coming into our tent.

I sit up to see them carrying blankets and pillows. "You can lay back down love. Don't mean to both you." Liam says. I lay back down but on my side so I can see them. Harry finally comes in and he lays down next to me.

"Hey babe." He says kissing my cheek.

"Hey. It's cold." I say shivering. He wraps his arms around me and I immediately get warmer.

Zayn smiles at me and winks at me. I blush and smile back. Liam, Niall, and louis look surprised when they see me and Harry. Josh looks relieved and lays with Tess. I can feel Harry's heart beat. I close my eyes and focus on that. Someone I love, who's heart is beating. Who is living. My living love.

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