Chapter 35

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We walk into the club. I whisper to Harry. "I thought this was a dinner party?"

"Well it's a party isn't it." He smiles at me and I blush. I am not much a party goer. I would rather stay home than be out partying. Plus I can't dance, obviously.

"Do I have to dance?" I ask him and he looks at my worried face. My dancing earlier wasn't a joke. That's how I dance.

"You don't have to. But I can teach you!" He says and I nod slightly.

We walk into the main room and people come up to the boys hugging and some kiss them on the cheek. Tess and I just stand there awkwardly. Finally someone comes up to us and introduces themselves to us. One was Ed Sheeran.

"Hello love." He says hugging me. "I'm.."

I interrupt him. "Ed Sheeran." I say and he laughs.

"Sometimes I forget I am famous." He says and I smile back. Am I actually meeting Ed? This can't be real.

"Hey!" Someone says that I don't recognize. She waits for me to say who she is like I did with Ed and I shake my head. "I'm Demi Lovato." She says looking shocked that I don't know who she is.

"Oh right." I say playing it off but I don't think it worked. Many other celebrities that I don't know introduce themselves to me, including Katy perry, and Taylor swift. Harry said to stay away from Taylor though.

Zayn walks up to me with a girl with blonde hair. I notice he is holding her around the waist. "Becca meet my fiancé, Perry."

"Nice to meet you." I say as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"Zayn has talked about you a lot. I am so happy for you and Harry!" She says with a pretty strong accent. She goes to talk to some other girls.

"Why didn't you tell me about her?! She is so sweet. You make such a cute couple." I tell him and he runs his hands through his perfectly styled hair.

"Never came up in conversation. I don't really talk about personal stuff a lot." He says looking down.

"No it's fine. I was just wondering." I say and Harry comes up behind me and hugs me.

"Do you want something to drink?" He asks into my ear. I nod and he goes to the bar.

"You drink?" Zayn asks and I shrug.

"I never really did before. But I don't see a better time to start. I won't go crazy though." I reassure him when he starts to get worried. Harry comes back and hands me a glass.

"What's this?" I ask him.

"Doesn't matter. It's good." He says taking a sip. I shake my head and he smirks at me. I look out at the dance floor and see tons of people dancing. I take another sip as I scan the room. Then I see the man who tried to kidnap us. I jump and Harry looks at me worried.

"What's wrong?" He asks, putting his glass down on the bar.

"The man." I pause looking for him. "That kidnapped us. He is here." I tell him and he has me sit down.

"Where is he?" Harry asks and I keep scanning to try to find him.

"I can't find him. He disappeared." I tell him.

"Maybe you shouldn't drink anymore." Harry says taking my glass away. But I take it back.

"No I could use it." I say and he laughs a little.

"Don't worry. He won't get us. There is tons of security here." He reassures me and I nod. "Let's go dance." He says grabbing my hand and I reluctantly get up and follow Harry to the dance floor.

"Harry." I whine and he looks back. "I can't dance remember!" I say and he smiles slightly.

"I will teach you. Don't worry. I am the master of dancing." He says and I roll my eyes and smile. He grabs my hands and starts to sway back and forth. "Just move with the music. You don't have to do actually dance moves. That's for the elite." I laugh and follow his lead.

"It's not that hard I guess. But I probably look terrible." I say and he shakes his head.

"You look great. You are a natural." He says but then the song changes. I freak out and he shows me other ways to dance. We are smiling and laughing.

Niall's POV

I watch Harry and Becca dancing. I take another shot. That should be me. She says we can be friends but I know Harry won't like that. He knows how I feel about her. He won't let me get close to her. I ask the bar tender for another shot.

"That's your fifth one. You sure?" She asks looking worried.

"Yes." I say a slight slur in my speech. She gives me one more and says that is all she is going to serve me. I nod and almost fall off the stool.

"Hey mate." Louis says sitting next to me and patting me on the back. I turn to him and I know he knows I am drunk. "You have to let her go." He says and I feel the anger burning inside me.

"Why does everyone say that?" I yell and some people turn to look at me. "I can't let her go. Louis I am in love with her. But she has Harry." I say gradually getting softer and softer. "I don't want to ruin the friendship I have with Harry." I say softly so only louis can hear.

"Let's go find you someone who can help." He says scanning the crowd. "She looks pretty nice." He points to a girl and pushes me towards her. I almost fall but I regain my balance and I go to talk to her. She is single, that's a good sign. We talk for an hour and I don't look at Becca at all.

"I have to go because my friends are leaving but call me." She says and writes her number on a napkin. As she walks away so turns and says. "By the way, I'm Julianna." I nod and watch her walk away. I hate to use her to get better but I need to get over Becca. Maybe I will actually fall for her in the end.

Becca's POV

Harry and I have been dancing for hours. My thighs burn and my feet are killing me. I go and sit down at the bar and Harry orders us some drinks. I sip it slowly.

"See that was fun!" Harry says and I nod.

"What time is it?" I ask him and he checks his phone.

"Almost two. You tired?" I nod and lean against the bar.

Zayn walks up to us. "We are leaving want to come? If you don't you will have to take a cab."

I look at Harry. I talk my shoes off and hold them in my hand. "Yeah." I say tiredly. Harry takes his jacket off and puts it on my shoulders. It is chilly once we get outside but the jacket keeps me warm. We walk to the car. There aren't as many girls waiting for is now. Once we get into the car I collapse onto Harry. He holds me close and I fall asleep.

We finally get to the hotel. I notice that Niall is really drunk. I look at Harry and he grabs my hand. "He gets like this sometimes. Don't worry liam will take care of him." He reassures me an I nod. We get to our room and I change into my pajamas then lay down in bed. Harry comes in and wraps his arms around me then falls asleep. I fall asleep a little while after that.

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