Chapter 13

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We head to the club and Harry puts his arm around me as if to protect me. Then I see why he is was doing it. Before we get to the door, they have a bunch of screaming girls behind the barricades. They try to reach for the boys and call me names. I don't listen to them and Harry holds me tighter as is that will make them stop.

"Harry I'm fine. Their words don't mean a thing. I'm not listening." He relaxes and finally we are in the club. When I look up I see a banner that says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA" and a giant cake. Then everyone yells "SURPRISE" and I can't believe what I am seeing. I grab hold of Harry and he steadies me. He smiles wide and I look into his green eyes.

"Did you do this?!" I ask and he nods. I smile widely and I thank everyone. I have the best friends in the world.

"How do you like your party?" Tess asks a little later into the night.

"It's amazing! How did you organize this all?! It's amazing!" I say smiling at her while I sip my drink.

"Harry did most of it. He planned literally everything. Josh and I just helped out with the little stuff." She smiles at me. "You know. He really likes you. And he will be good to you."

I find him in the crowd. He is talking to a group of people and I smile at him. "I know. I just don't know if I am ready." He looks up and meets my eyes. I smile and blush. He starts to walk over to me.

"I understand. But just keep him in mind." She says and she gets up. "I better get going." She says once she sees Harry coming towards me.

"Hey." He says once he gets to me.

"Hey. Thanks for everything. It's amazing." I say and he smiles. Gosh he looks hot in a dress shirt that has one or two buttons undone. His hair is a little messy, just enough to make me want to run my hands through his hair.

"It was nothing. You deserve it." He laughs. Probably because I can't take my eyes off him. I have had a couple drinks so I am not fully aware of what I am doing.

"Thank you. How did you get all these hot people in one party?" I ask and he laughs.

"You are drunk." He says plainly taking the drink out of my hand.

"Hey. That's mine." I protest and he throws it in the trash even though it was a glass cup.

"Don't drink anymore." He says sternly.

"Not even water?!" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Don't ever get drunk again. Your humor gets worse." He takes me by the hand and walks me to a couch where he has me sit down and wait for him to get me some water to drink.

"Why aren't you partying?" I ask him as I sip the water.

"I want to make sure you are ok." He says plainly and straightforward.

"Thank you." I say and I just keep drinking. There is a couple minutes of silence when Taylor comes over and sits extremely close to Harry. He looks uncomfortable. I mean the chick is basically sitting on his lap.

"Happy birthday Becca!" She says giving me a fake smile.

"Thanks. But I don't think Harry really likes it when you sit on his lap without asking." I say and Harry try's not to laugh. She looks surprised.

"Excuse me?" She asks.

"You heard me. Get off if him." I say a little louder.

She looks at Harry but he is laughing. "Wait until the press hears about this?!" She say getting up.

"About how you got treated by a normal girl and got rejected. I am sure the press would love to hear about this." I say as she walks away. "And I could care less about what the press thinks of me. I am just a normal girl not part of this crazy celebrity world." I turn back to Harry and see him rolling around on the couch laughing.

"Just be drunk when Taylor tries to make a move on me. That was the best thing I have ever seen." He says still trying to contain himself.

"Thank you." I don't know what went on between them before but it is obvious Harry doesn't like her and she keeps throwing herself on him and he is just too nice to tell her to stop.

"Wait till the boys hear about this!" He says still laughing. We sit there and talk for a while and I start to sober up. "How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"Fine. I just have a splitting headache." I say and he looks worried. "But I am fine! I just need an Aleve or something."

"I will go get you one." He says and he gets up to find me some pain killers.

While I am waiting I close my eyes to see if that helps. I feel someone sit next to me but I figure it is one of the boys. Then I feel someone put their arm around me and their hand on my thigh. I open my eyes quickly and see some drunk famous guy nearly laying on top of me. I smack him and push him off the couch. He just lays on the ground moaning.

Harry comes back and looks worried. "What happened?!" He asks once he sees the guy on the ground.

"He was laying a little to close on the couch." I say smiling a little.

"Are you ok?!" He asks and I nod. "Here." He hands me two pills.

"You aren't drugging me are you?" I ask as I put them in my mouth and take a sip of my water.

"No why would I ever do that to you?" He asks and smiles at the idea.

"Where is Tess and Josh? And the others?" I ask Harry and he shrugs.

"Why don't we go dance and see if we can find them?" He asks and I nod. He grabs me by the hand and takes me to the dance floor. We start dancing, with my back to his chest. We move with the music and his hands find their way to my hips. The alcohol probably is playing a role in why I am dancing, especially like this.

"You are a really good dancer." He whispers in my ear.

I shake my head. "You are obviously blind because I can't dance at all." I say and he laughs.

"No. I can see perfectly well." He turns me around so we are facing each other. I swear the DJ knows the exact time to put on a slow song. Harry puts his hands on my hips again and I put my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer.

"I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do." He says into my ear.

"I know." I don't know what I want to do anymore. I want to move on but every time I say that it is ok to I see Daniel.

"Whenever you are ready." He says. His lips are so close to my ear. I know I should say something but I don't know what to say. I can't say that I am ready but I don't want to hurt his feelings, so I don't say anything at all. We just sway back and forth with the music. Finally the song is over and we pull apart. He looks at me and I look away.

"I'm sorry." I say to Harry and he looks confused.

"For what?"

"Not being ready. I want to be but I can't. Not yet." He nods his head.

"I understand. I have lost someone I loved, not because she died but she broke up with me. I still loved her so much that I didn't want to see anyone else. But then I realized that she would want me to move on. It was not meant to be. So I moved on and things for better. Now I am here almost fully healed. I will never forget her, but I also won't let her hold me back." He says as if he has told this speech to someone else. But this has opened up my eyes. I know what I need to do.

I look at him and his green eyes shine bright. "Thank you." I say and give him a tight hug. He hugs me back and smiles. Once we find everyone, we head home.

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