Xiumin's Friend

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Xiumin's POV

I woke up earlier than everyone else, as to avoid having a conversation with Suho. I know that Suho just wants me to be safe, but I'm also older than him and can make decisions for myself.

I quickly got on my clothes and tiptoed outside of the apartment and ran back to where my new friend had told me to meet him.

He had reassured me that he was a good person and he had no idea why Suho didn't trust him. So we decided to meet at the coffee shop that we met at yesterday since it's supposed to open early.

I saw him inside, drinking a cup of coffee, staring out the window. Once he saw me, he waved and I walked into the shop, sitting in front of him.

"Hey Luhan, what's up?" I asked.

"I'm tired... would you like to go for a walk?" Luhan asks, smiling at me.

"Sure. Where do you want to go?" Luhan thinks for a minute.

"Lets go to the mall." Luhan says.

"Sure." I say.

We walk beside each other, both with our hands in our pockets. Luhan still hasn't brought up the fact that he saw my powers. I'm just waiting for him to bring it up.

He's probably going to bring it up when we go to the mall.

A couple of minutes later, we arrived at the mall. It was very busy and it was crowded with people.

We walked into the mall and sat down at a table. Luhan went to get something to eat for breakfast since both of us are going to stay here for awhile.

Luhan came back a few minutes later and gave me a bowl of jajangmyeon. We ate in silence and then we walked outside after Luhan had bought another rubix cube.

Luhan and I stopped at a park and both of us sat down on a park bench.

"Your not from this planet are you, Xiumin?" Luhan asks.

"Why do you want to know?" I ask, my heartbeat getting faster.

I know for a fact that I'm not supposed to tell anyone where I'm from. Kris told us that if we did, we would never be able to go back to Exo Planet and lose our powers. But Luhan already saw me use my frost power. So what's the point in hiding?

"I saw your powers. Humans on earth don't have powers. We're just ordinary." Luhan stares at something in the distance while I try and decide what to do.

I sigh before speaking. "I'm from Exo Planet. All 9 of us are from there and have different powers. But please don't tell them that I told you this. Your the only one who can know."

"It's fine... to be honest, I came from Exo Planet but was gone for too long.. and I fell in love with a human which aliens aren't supposed to do. We ended up breaking up anyway.." Luhan sighed, staring up at the sky.

"So did Kris take your powers?" I ask.

"Yeah. I understand why he did. I was supposed to be only gone for 2 weeks. But I was gone for 4 months so of course he would be angry." He explained.

"What was your power, Luhan?" I asked.

"It was telekinesis, but I could also read people's minds. Now I'm just a normal human being who doesn't age.." Luhan sighs.

"So your immortal without any powers." I think to myself.

"Yep.. I should get going. I promised to meet one of my friends later." Luhan says and leaves me.

Aish... I did something I shouldn't have. Told a human that I come from Exo Planet, even if Luhan is a former alien. Now none if us will be able to go back to Exo Planet... What have I done??

I lay down on the grass and stare up at the sky. It's only 3:00 and I'm exhausted.... I close my eyes and struggle to fall asleep.

Baekhyun's POV

Suho hyung is getting worried since Xiumin hyung snuck out of the house this morning.

Kai went out searching using his teleportation and he hasn't come back yet.

Where on earth could he be?

A couple of minutes later, I get a text message from Kai.

Kai: Baekhyun? Can you come with Chanyeol to this park? It's near the mall all three of us went to the week after we arrived here. 

Baekhyun: Okay sure. I'll be there in a few minutes

Chanyeol and I left for the park and saw Kai waiting there for us. Kai is standing near a bench, just staring at it.

When we got closer, I could feel Xiumin hyung's presence. But he had left 10 minutes before we got there..

"Where could he have gone?" Kai scratched the back of his head in frustration.

"Aish... his phones still here. Why would he leave his phone here? Of all places??" Chanyeol sighed, picking Xiumin's phone up off the ground and putting it in his pocket.

"It's a complete mystery. Let's go back home and tell the others, arraseo?" I say, both Chanyeol and Kai nod their heads and Kai teleports us back.

Suho and I stay up that night with Chanyeol and Lay as we wait for Xiumin to come back. But when the clock strikes midnight Lay, Chanyeol and Suho have all fall asleep while I'm still awake.

Around 1:00 am, I hear the door and turn my head towards it. Xiumin stumbles into the room with a blank expression on his face.

I slowly get up and walk to his side, snapping my fingers in his face, his eyes focus on me.

"Yah, Xiumin hyung? Are you okay?" I asked.

"I think... can you help me into my bedroom?" Xiumin asks me.

I called Chanyeol to help me and he woke up right away to help.

Chanyeol ran over and helped me bring Xiumin into the bedroom that he shares with Chen. We carefully put Xiumin on the bed and tiptoed out of the bedroom and into our own.

Chanyeol fell asleep right away... but my brain kept on going back to the thought of who Xiumin was with... and where was he all this time??

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