Lose Control

758 27 17

Ten's POV

Most of us have lost our powers already.. I don't have mine either. I tried to escape many times, but Kyungsoo caught me every time. Then Jeong Ha took away my powers.

Only Chanyeol, Lay, Yuta, Mark, Kai and Kyungsoo have their powers left.

Yuta told me before I lost powers, that we'll all use our memories once their all gone. But will Yuta and Lay only have their powers and memories?

But Jeong Ha may make it so that they'll also lose their memories somehow.

I'm with Xiumin, Sehun, Suho, Baekhyun, Taeyong and Chen. We are still thinking of a plan to break into the laboratory. I'm not sure if it'll work or not.. since we're just using human weapons. Well we have too, because we are human now.

I think that we'll be going either tonight or tomorrow.

Hopefully Baekhyun will be able to save Chanyeol before he loses control of himself. I think Jeong Ha or Kris will be the cause of that if he does lose control.

"So is everything settled? We'll be going tonight. Don't forget what we are going there for and that is saving our friends. It is not to kill anyone." Suho tells everyone.

"All I want to do is save Chanyeol and everyone else.. he may lose control again if Jeong Ha or Kris talk about his parents. That was what made him lose control in the first place 8 years ago." Baekhyun sighs and looks down.

"Don't worry Baekhyun, we'll be sure to save Chanyeol. I'm sure we won't be too late." Xiumin reassures Baekhyun. He just nods.

"Let's go get ready." Suho says.

I stand up from my seat and go to the bedroom that I share with Taeyong.

Taeyong comes in and lays down on his bed.

"You okay Taeyong?" I ask as I stand in front of him.

"Yeah.. I'm just worried about Chanyeol. How will we stop him if he does lose control?" Taeyong looks at me.

"Baekhyun will always find a way to help Chanyeol. He saved Chanyeol before, I'm sure he can do it again." I said.

"Okay.. I hope your right." Taeyong sits up again. "I'm going to get changed."

Taeyong went into the washroom to change while I changed in the bedroom.

We both left the room again and sat down on the couch with Xiumin and Suho.

"Do you guys want to go out to eat?" Suho asks.

"Sure-." Taeyong is cut off, just as Kai, Yuta and Mark come into the apartment. Their clothes all burnt, cuts and bruises on their skin. 

"Baekhyun-" Mark coughed.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"C-Chanyeol.. he lost control, both Jeong Ha and Kris got him to lose control of himself. Lay is stuck there. Kyungsoo too." Yuta falls onto his hands and knees, coughing.

Baekhyun runs over to help Yuta up as Mark and Kai lean against the door frame. 

"Are your powers gone?" Sehun asked.

"Yeah.. Jeong Ha took away Kyungsoo's too. Jeong Ha and Kris both escaped the laboratory. We don't know where they went." Kai sighs.

"Are Lay and Kyungsoo passed out?" I ask.

"Lay passed out, Kyungsoo is trying to wake him up. He told us to come here to get Baekhyun and everyone else." Kai explains. 

"He's back on our side again? Why all of a sudden?" I frown. 

"I guess when he lost his powers and Jeong Ha escaped, he came back to his senses." Mark says. 

"oh.. let's go now. I have to go stop Chanyeol, before he burns down all of Seoul." Baekhyun said. 

Most of us leave, except for Mark, Kai, Taeyong and Yuta. 

We run to the laboratory. Most of the place is on fire, as well as the area surrounding. I cough when the smoke comes near us. 

"Aish, we should've brought masks." Suho sighs in frustration. 

"It's too late, we are already here." I say. 

"Wait, I have some masks in here, they may not work against the smoke." Chen pointed to his bag and handed everyone masks. 

I put it on and started to head into the laboratory. Everyone followed behind me. 

The smoke made it hard to see but my eyes soon adjusted. 

I saw Lay on the ground to my right, Kyungsoo holding him, coughing. I head towards them and have to dodge falling debris from the ceiling. 

Baekhyun heads to where Chanyeol is with Suho and Xiumin. 

Kyungsoo spots me and waves me over, Chen runs over, picking Lay up off the ground. I help Kyungsoo stand up and he leans against me. I think they inhaled too much smoke. 

"Lay isn't waking up.." Kyungsoo coughed. "We have to get him outside." 

"We'll get him out of here, don't worry." I tell Kyungsoo and he nods as we stumble out of the building. 

We laid Lay down on the ground far from the laboratory so there's clean air and I try to wake him up. 

"Do we need to call an ambulance or something? He isn't regaining consciousness.." I frown as I keep on trying to wake him up. 

Chen checks Lay's pulse. "I think he'll wake up soon, his heart rate is fine." 

We all sit around Lay, as he starts waking up, coughing.

He opens his eyes slowly and Chen helps him sit up. 

"I-I have to go help Chanyeol.." Lay tries to get up but Chen takes off his jacket and puts it on the ground, before laying him back down. 

"Lay you have to rest, Baekhyun, Suho and Xiumin are already in there, trying to get Chanyeol to stop." Chen says. 

"But what if they get injured?" Lay asks, trying to get up again, but both Chen and I make him lay back down. 

"I'm sure they'll be fine, just rest for now, okay? You inhaled a lot of smoke." Chen tells him. 

"Okay Chen.." Lay sighs and closes his eyes. 

I look towards the building and see that it's mostly on fire now. I hope that Baekhyun can help Chanyeol before anything worse can happen. 

Author's Note

I'm really liking Scarlet Heart: Ryeo with Baekhyun. He's so cute and funny in it. I like the kdrama so far a lot and I can't wait for new episodes to be released. 

Next update: Tomorrow or Monday 

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