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Kai's POV

I open my eyes to see Taeyong trying to wake me up.

"Yah Kai, Jeong Ha wants to see you. I don't know why or what for.. but just go." Taeyong says.

I sit up and yawn. Taeyong goes back to his own bed and someone soon comes to get me.

My instincts told me that something bad was going to happen. But I didn't know what. I'm not psychic like Yuta is.

The guy who was taking me, led me into the room where Jeong Ha and Kyungsoo are.

I glared at Kyungsoo when i entered the room. He looked at me with the same blank facial expression on his face.

He changed so much since he was taken here.

What the hell did Jeong Ha do to him? And what does Jeong Ha want me to do?

The man removes the handcuffs and I rub my sore wrists. They really put them on tight.

"Kai? How powerful are your teleportation powers?" Jeong Ha asked me.

"Well I got all of my friends here without any troubles. My powers grow everyday. By my birthday, I'll be able to teleport anywhere, in less then a minute." I say.

"Well good, I'll be back in a minute" Jeong Ha said and leaves me alone with Kyungsoo. Her men were nowhere to be seen.

Kyungsoo just stares at me. I frown and look at him.

"What did they do to you? You turned against us.. Hurt Lay, made him weak. You hurt all of us by joining them.." He just stares at me still.

"Would you answer me! Like jeez Kyungsoo! Why don't you ever talk! I thought we were friends! Like brothers! Whats gotten into you?!" I shout.

He still doesn't speak and I sigh in frustration.

I run up to him and shake him. He doesn't show any reactions.. I continue shaking him. He doesn't do anything..

"You helped them hurt Lay.. what has Lay ever done to you? He's always helped us. And what do you do? Make him weak until he is too weak to stand. Until Chen has to carry him and make sure he is okay. How is that repaying him for all he's done for us?!" I scream at Kyungsoo.

I hit his chest repeatedly. Each hit getting weaker and less hard.

"What do you mean I've changed?" Kyungsoo asks.

I almost screamed in anger. I'm seriously getting mad with how he's acting right now.

"Aish Kyungsoo 'what do you mean I've changed?' You've changed a lot you bastard." I shout at him.

"I don't understand. In what way have i changed?" Kyungsoo tilts his head.

"I can't believe I was your friend all these years." I say underneath my breath.

"Me neither. I don't even remember the reason." Kyungsoo stares at me.

I clench my fists and my sides, resisting the urge to punch him.

He still has that stupid blank expression on his face. I look around to make sure no one is looking and teleport to his side. He flinches slightly when I punch him.

I briefly forget what Kyungsoo's powers are, when he picks me up and throws me.

I bang my head against a wall and fall to the ground. They must have enhanced his powers more, for him
to be able to do that.

Kyungsoo walks up to me and starts kicking me in the stomach.

I sob his name over and over again, while I try and get him to stop.

Suddenly I hear a voice and Kyungsoo is flown back.

I look up and am surprised to see its Chanyeol! He had somehow broke out of his cell.

"Kyungsoo what are you doing?!" Chanyeol shouts and stands in front of me.

"Nothing. None of this is of your concern. Get out of my way Chanyeol." Kyungsoo tries to get past Chanyeol but he uses his fire powers to block him.

"Would you move?!" Kyungsoo yells.

"No. You've hurt Kai enough. Go back to Jeong Ha. Your not our friend anymore." Chanyeol sneers and picks me up.

We leave Kyungsoo in the room. Chanyeol supporting me as he walks me back to his cell.

I lay down on his bed as Chanyeol grabs a bandage and makes me lift up my shirt.

Chanyeol sighs when he sees all the bruises that Kyungsoo gave me.

He wraps the bandage around me and finds something so that it stays and doesn't come undone.

He also bandages the bruises on my back.

I put my shirt back on and winces as I stand up. The impact on my back was really bad when it hit that wall.

"Do you want me to help you back to your room?" Chanyeol asks.

"In a minute.. I have a question" I say.

"What is it?" He asked.

"How did you break out of here Chanyeol?" I frown. "I thought the walls blocked our powers..*

"I was just trying to generate as much fire as I could. Then I concentrated most of my powers on the lock and it worked" Chanyeol explains.

"Wow, you really are one of the strongest aliens" I say.

Chanyeol smiles. "Lets bring you back to your room okay? I have to fix the lock right now."

I nod and Chanyeol helps me stand up. He supports me as I walk.

Taeyong carries me back to my bed and I lie down, closing my eyes.

Chanyeol explains what happened to Taeyong and Taeyong sighs in frustration. Chanyeol leaves the room after he explains.

I really wish i knew what Jeong Ha did to Kyungsoo since he wont tell me.

I sigh as Taeyong and I both fall asleep.

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