Seeing Suho

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Taeyong's POV

We have finally arrived in Seoul. Yuta knows where Suho is already since he is a psychic but we haven't gone to see them yet.

Yuta really wants to thank Suho for everything that he has done for him.

"Should we go see them now or tomorrow?" Mark asks.

"I think we should go now before anything else happens.. before Suho and all of them are taken." Yuta says.

"But didn't you say that they were all going to be taken to that laboratory eventually. That's what you told us." I frown and look at Yuta.

"Yes I did.. but I still want to see Suho again. One last time before I can't ever see him again. Please.. that's one of the only reasons I wanted to come here." Yuta meets my gaze and I look away.

"Okay. We'll go see them. Hopefully they aren't gone already." Ten sighs.

"I know they aren't. Taeyong, teleport us there." Yuta tells me.

I close my eyes and think about the place that Suho is, with his friends. Except for Xiumin, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun since they are at the laboratory already.

I open my eyes and we are at the place. Suho is with Chanyeol in the kitchen. The rest of them are in the living room.

Yuta clears his throat as no one has noticed us yet.

Kai turns to face us and stands up from his spot on the couch. He taps Lay's, Chen's and Sehun's shoulders and the 3 of them turn to face us.

"Y-Yuta? What are you guys doing here?" Suho asks, after he comes to stand in front of us.

"Suho!" Yuta hugs Suho tightly and Suho hugs him back. "I missed you so much!"

"Did something happen? Why are you crying?" Suho asked Yuta.

Yuta lets go of Suho and steps back, wiping his tears away from his eyes.

"I'm sorry for crying.. Kris ordered us to find you. I wanted to see you because I may never get to see you again." Yuta says.

"In your visions of the future, did you see something Yuta?" Chanyeol comes up to stand beside Suho.

Yuta nods. "I-i.. I saw that we never saw each other again. That Kris had to banish you because of what Xiumin did."

"I'm sorry.. but remember that I'll always be with you. After all, you are my little brother." Suho smiles.

"What if I have problems with my visions again though.. like last time. What if I pass out again.. what if-" Suho cuts Yuta off and hugs him again.

"I'm sure that Taeyong, Ten and Mark can help you. They are your close friends. Like brother's to you. I know for a fact you'll be fine, stop worrying about these things, okay?" Suho says as he hugs Yuta.

"Okay Suho.. I trust you" Yuta said.

"Good." Suho lets go of Yuta just as someone bangs on the door.

Chanyeol's POV

All of us look at the door. I go to open the door and Baekhyun falls through.

"Baekhyun!" I shout and pick him up.

"Lay go help him!" Chen shouts at Lay.

"O-okay." Lay runs over and helps me carry Baekhyun to the couch.

Baekhyun winces as we lay him down and opens his eyes slowly. He looks at me.

"C-Chanyeol.. t-they took away most of my p-powers." Baekhyun breathes heavily.

"Who did? Baekhyun tell me who!" I hold Baekhyun's hand. "Please tell me."

"T-The people at the l-laboratory.. I only have a little bit of my light powers left." Baekhyun pants.

"What about Xiumin hyung and Kyungsoo?" Lay asks as his uses his healing powers to help with Baekhyun's breathing.

"They are using them.. I-i thought they were going to use me for something. But Jeong Ha just decided to take away my powers." Baekhyun coughs.

"Shh. We'll talk more later. Now you should rest. Okay?" I tell Baekhyun and he nods slowly.

He closes his eyes and falls asleep.

I look at everyone and stand up, my fists clenched at my sides. I storm out of the room and into my bedroom.

Kai and Lay both follow me into my room. I punch a wall, leaving a dent.

Kai holds my arm before I can punch it again.

"Hyung stop. This isn't going to solve anything. For now we just have to help Baekhyun get better. We should ask Yuta if he gets his powers back." Kai tells me, still holding onto my arm.

"B-But what am I supposed to do Kai? Lay?" I look at both of them.

"I'll help Baekhyun.. but I don't think I'll be able to get his powers back by just healing him. I can probably heal him enough to give him energy to stand and move around." Lay says and I nod slowly.

"Okay.. just help him in any way that you can. I wish I could go up against those men.. and whoever Jeong Ha is. But their weapons are too strong.." I sigh and stare at the ground.

"We'll do whatever we can right now to help Baekhyun, okay?" Kai reassures me.

"Let's go back out there again." I say and both of them nod.

Baekhyun has fallen asleep by the time we get back in the living room.

I lay on down on the other couch and watch Lay heal Baekhyun.

But.. why did Jeong Ha have to take away his powers. Baekhyun's power is light. There's nothing bad about having light for a power.

Light lights up the darkness and helps us see where we are supposed to go. If anything my power is bad if it gets out of control again.

If it does.. I could probably burn down all of Seoul with my fire powers. But hopefully my powers don't go out of control.

Like Yuta and probably many people from our planet, our powers can go out of control. Sometimes not even enough training can help.

Lay passes out once he finishes healing Baekhyun so Chen and Suho have to carry him into his room.

I fall asleep right after lights out.

Author's Note

Thank you guys so much for 1k reads on this story :3. I promise to update more (once every 2-3 days maybe) So please look forward to updates.

Jal ga~

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