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Chanyeol's POV 

I arrived back at the laboratory and was taken back to my cell by Kyungsoo, who had been waiting for me. 

"At least your not late, if you were Jeong Ha was going to take away your powers." Kyungsoo says after I sit down on the bed in my cell. 

"Whatever Kyungsoo. Can I have time to think to myself?" I ask. 

"Sure but I have a question." Kyungsoo said. 

"Whats the question?" I asked. 

"Do you want to be moved into another cell so your not alone?" He asks. "I'm sure you must get lonely in here." 

"Who could I even go with? Everyone has a cell partner." I frown and look at him. 

"Not Yuta though. He's alone. I don't know why he hasn't woken up yet. I'll bring him in here now." Kyungsoo leaves the room. 

I watch as he goes to pick up Yuta and bring him here, laying him down on the smaller bed in the cell. 

"Try and wake him up, okay? Jeong Ha did something to him.. but I don't know what." He shrugs and leaves again. 

I go to Yuta's side. He just looks like he's sleeping right now. 

He winces slightly as I shake him. I can tell he's about to wake up. After I shake him a little more, he slowly opens his eyes. 

"Yuta? Are you okay?" I ask him and he shakes his head. 

"I-I'm.. Jeong Ha made me have too many visions. They were all of the future Chanyeol. Something bad happens to us in the future as well." Yuta says. 

"In your visions do we escape?" I help him sit up and he holds his head. 

"Yeah we escape. But something happens to our memories of this place and of Exo Planet.." My eyes go wide. 

"W-what? We lose our memories of our families?" Yuta nods slowly. "But that means I'll never get to see my parents ever again." 

"I'm sorry Chanyeol. But my visions are always right about the future." Yuta looks away from me. 

Tears slowly start falling down my cheeks and I don't even try wiping them away. 

Kris will continue staying the leader of Exo Planet.. I'll never get to see my parents ever again. Baekhyun.. his parents must be worried about us. Will they even remember us? 

I'll never remember having a family.. or meeting Baekhyun's parents.. Will I even be able to remember Baekhyun and everyone else? 

"W-Will.." I struggle to find words as tears keep falling. I clear my throat 

"Don't worry Chanyeol, we won't forget each other. It's just that, we'll only remember each other's names. Nothing else." Yuta sighs. 

"This is all Kris's plan.. why? Why does he have to do this to us? He's so selfish." My fists clench at my sides. 

"I thought there was something else he wasn't telling me. I-I'm sorry Chanyeol.." Yuta apologizes again. 

"Ani Yuta. Don't apologize, none of this is your fault. It's Kris's." I frown.

My tears stop falling as I punch the wall again. Blood soon falls from a new cut on my hand. 

"Chanyeol stop!" Yuta comes and grabs onto my arm. I don't have the energy to make him let go.

He pulls my hand up and examines the cuts and bruises. 

"Chanyeol.. how many times did you punch the wall? Your hands are all cut." I look down at the ground and stay silent. 

Yuta doesn't say anything, he just goes and finds bandages in a cupboard in the room. 

I sit down on my bed and stare forward as Yuta bandages my hands. He puts band-aids on my fingers. 

"Don't punch the walls anymore, it's harming your hands. Please stop." Yuta kneels down in front of me and I nod slowly. 

"We should sleep now, okay? It's getting late." Yuta says and goes to his own bed. 

I slowly laid down and looked over to Suho's cell. I suddenly see Kyungsoo go into the cell and drag Suho out of the room. 

Suho's going to lose his powers too.. 

Baekhyun's POV 

I'm eating dinner right now with Sehun and Xiumin. None of us really know what to talk about, so it's quiet. 

I don't really feel like eating.. but I have too. 

After pacing for what seemed like hours, I decided to do get out of the apartment and start looking for a job. 

I just wanted to do something instead of pacing and waiting for Chanyeol and everyone else to come back. 

When he came back today, I was so happy to see him. I'm glad that he still has his fire powers, but I have a feeling that he may lose those too. All of them will lose their powers, just like Xiumin, Sehun and I did. 

I have no idea what's going to happen to us. I just have a feeling that it's not going to be a good thing. 

"Baekhyun?" I heard Sehun call my name and I snapped out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah Sehun?" I ask, turning my attention to him and Xiumin. 

"Do you think we'll be able to save everyone?" Sehun asks me and I look down in thought. 

How would we even be able to save them? We have no powers. Xiumin, Sehun and I are all just normal. 

Sehun and Xiumin look at me, waiting for my response. 

"I don't think it's possible, to be completely honest. We would have to go up against Jeong Ha and their weapons." I look up and frown. 

"But what if we brought our own weapons?" Xiumin asked. 

"Like what?" I look at Xiumin. 

"What humans use as weapons.. like knives? Or a gun or something?" Xiumin thought out loud. 

"I'm not sure we should go and save them without a real plan, guys." I stop eating. 

"Xiumin and I will think of a plan to save everyone. It'll work. Just leave everything to us." Sehun tries to reassure but I shake my head. 

"You guys are just going to take charge? Just like that? Suho is in charge of us." I stand quickly. 

"And what is he going to do, huh? He's still at the laboratory." Sehun asks. 

I leave the kitchen without saying another word. I go to my bedroom and slam my door, sinking down to the floor. 

I do want to save them.. but what happens if one of us gets injured? We are just humans, we can get injured easier then we did as aliens. 

This isn't fair. Sehun is the youngest one.. and he's going to think of something with Xiumin? I scratch the back of my head in frustration. 

Chanyeol and everyone else are in danger. But what can I do? How can I help them? How can I even rescue them when I'm just... normal?  

I get up off the floor and lay down on my bed. I sigh and soon fall asleep. 

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