Leaving the Hospital

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Kai's POV 

I was surprised to see Chanyeol suddenly bury his face in Baekhyun's neck. Does he only remember him?? Or.. maybe he feels like he was previously close to him. From the time before we all lost our memories. 

Baekhyun blushed slightly when Chanyeol did that, but he let him as Chanyeol fell asleep. He carefully laid back down, as to not wake him up and they laid there together. 

I sat down on my cot as nurses brought in some food for us to eat. We are going to be allowed to leave tonight. 

But I'm not sure where we'll go.. None of us know where we came from or where we stayed before we lost our memories. 

Kyungsoo sat in front of me  on my cot as we ate the food. 

"Kyungsoo?" I ask him, he looks up at me and nods. 

"Where should we go after this.. where can we even stay? Without our memories how will we find where we previously lived?" I asked and he stopped eating to think about it. 

"This may seem like a weird idea.. but we could probably ask Dr. Park to help us. I mean he's been looking after us ever since we got here... we could probably ask where to go. Since I'm sure that all of us aren't familiar with the city after losing our memories." Kyungsoo says. 

"Okay, lets as Dr. Park then. Hopefully we can find him before we leave, or he'll come see us." I say and finish eating my food. 

The nurses come back inside the room to collect the trays and run back out of the room. 

I look around the room and see that mostly everyone are taking naps. Kyungsoo gets off my cot and goes to lay down on his own. 

Baekhyun also fell asleep while hugging Chanyeol and they are in the same position as before, they haven't eaten their food yet. 

Kyungsoo pulls something out of his pocket and he looks surprised. I go over to his cot and it looks like their security tapes. From where? Why would he have those anyway? Will these help us remember our past? 

"I can't remember where I got these.. and why. My mind can't remember." Kyungsoo sighs and scratches the back of his head in frustration. 

He hands me the security tapes and I examine them. There's no hint of what would be shown on them. 

"I guess the only way to know is to watch them." I said, handing them back to Kyungsoo. He puts them back in his pocket. 

"How would we watch them though.. there's nothing in here to watch them on." Kyungsoo says and I look around, seeing that he's right. 

"Let's just wait till when we leave to watch them." I go back to my cot as everyone starts waking up from their naps. 

Dr. Park comes into the room a short time after and he smiles at everyone once before speaking. 

"You guys can leave here now, it's almost 5:00 pm. Do you guys have anywhere to go?" Dr. Park asks. 

"No.. we don't remember where we come from.. or where we used to live." Suho says. 

"I can probably find you all a place to live, if you want." Dr. Park looks around at all of us. "I'm off work now, so we can go." 

All of us follow Dr. Park out of the room and he takes off his doctor coat, leaving it in his office. 

He heads outside and we stand in front of him. 

"Outside of the hospital, please just call me Minjae. You guys don't have to call me doctor. I do have two jobs and it's fairly different then working at a hospital." Minjae said. 

"So.. where do you live then?" Yuta asks. 

"Just down the street from here." Minjae points to a big house down the street. 

"Do you have room for all of us?" Baekhyun asked. 

"You guys may have to share rooms. If that's okay. I have a big house because my friend Jihun and I both also own a popular club here in Seoul and I'm the heir to the hospital." Minjae says. 

"Wow.. those are two very different jobs." I say and Minjae nods. 

"I wanted to be a doctor to save and help people. But Jihun wanted to do something else. Something completely different. He enjoys having fun and going out and partying.. so we decided to open a club together while I also have a job as a doctor. He's mostly always at the club." We all nod, showing that we understand. 

Minjae leads us to his house and my eyes go wide when I see how big it is. And they have this huge house all to themselves? 

We all separate into two's since most of the bedrooms have at least two beds. Except one has three. I'm wondering how Jihun and Minjae pay for this huge house. 

"My parents own the hospital and help pay for this large house. With the income from the club and the money I get by working full time at the hospital, we are able to pay." Minjae explains. 

Minjae shows us around the house and to our rooms. Kyungsoo and I's room are in the middle of Baekhyun and Chanyeol's room and Chen and Lay's bedroom. 

The rest are in different rooms in the hallway. Only Ten, Mark and Taeyong are sharing a room with 3 beds. 

I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I wonder if I can get a job somewhere.. I at least want to help Minjae and Jihun pay for the house so I'm not being a free loader. 

Kyungsoo soon falls asleep and I stare at the ceiling. 

Minjae comes into the room with another guy who must be Jihun. 

"Hey, Kai right?" I nod. "This is the guy who I was talking about, Jihun meet Kai and his friend Kyungsoo is sleeping." 

"Hello, Kai. Is your room okay?" Jihun asks, smiling. 

"Yeah it's fine. I was wondering if I could have a job?" I asked. 

"You can work at the club if you want, I do need a few extra people." Jihun says. 

"Okay, what would you like me to do?" I ask. 

"Help serve the drinks for now." Jihun said and I nodded. 

"Well, we'll let you get some rest now, come on Jihun, we have to check on the others." Minjae tells Jihun. 

"See you later Kai." Jihun bows slightly and leaves the room with Minjae, closing the door behind him. 

I smile at the thought of having a job. I'm glad that I can help out Jihun because he seems like a nice guy. 

I close my eyes and fall asleep. 

Authors Note

I go back to school tomorrow *cries*. I'm going into grade 11, there will be more work then last year, so I won't be updating as often. It depends on how much homework I have. I also have to start practicing Korean again. I can read Hangul but can't understand some sentences fully. 

Jal Ga 

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