Saving Lay

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Xiumin's POV 

Jeong Ha's words shocked me. I stumbled backwards. 

In order to save Lay, I will lose my powers. It's obvious what I'm going to do. 

"Fine, just give Lay the cure." I look back at Jeong Ha. 

"But Xiumin hyung!" Ten shouts at me. 

"I don't care if I lose my powers. Lay is the only one who can heal everyone. Give him the cure." I look at Lay, who's still passed out in my arms. His breathing is ragged. 

"Kyungsoo, take Xiumin into the other room. I'll give Lay the cure." Jeong Ha said. 

Kyungsoo nods and tries to grab hold of my arm but I shake him off. 

"I'm not going anywhere until I see that he's fine." I glare at both Kyungsoo and Jeong Ha. 

"Fine." Jeong Ha frowns. "But put Lay on a cot so its easier." 

I pick Lay up and carry him to a cot, laying him down. 

Jeong Ha comes over with the vial and I tilt Lay's head up slightly so he won't choke. I don't trust Jeong Ha to give him the vial so I do it instead. He drinks the whole vial and slowly starts to wake up. I hug him as soon as his eyes open. 

"Xiumin.. are all the water powers out of me?" Lay asks and hugs me back. 

"Yes. What you just drank cured you. If we didn't get it to you in time, I don't know what would've happened." I say, hugging Lay tighter. 

"At least your safe now hyung." Ten smiles and joins in the hug. 

Jeong Ha clears her throat and we stop hugging each other. I suddenly remember that I'm going to lose my powers now. 

Kyungsoo grabs onto my arm and pulls me into another room. Both Ten and Lay shouting after me. 

He hooks me up to a machine that slowly starts draining my powers. I close my eyes as I feel my frost powers leaving me. 

My body becomes weak when all my powers are gone. 

Kyungsoo picks me up, helping me out of the room. Ten and Lay must've gone back to their cells because they aren't there anymore. 

"I'm going to bring you to Chanyeol. He'll bring you back to the apartment." Kyungsoo says. 

"Why can't you? What if Chanyeol doesn't come back?" I ask curiously. 

"I have to do something for Jeong Ha and if he doesn't return then he'll lose his powers as soon as he comes back." He said as we both stand in front of Chanyeol's cell. 

He still hasn't woken up yet. Kyungsoo opens the door and I stumble over to him. 

I shake his shoulders to try and wake him up. He slowly wakes up and groans. Kyungsoo leaves. 

"Xiumin hyung? What are you doing in here?" Chanyeol asks me. 

"I don't have my powers anymore Chanyeol." I look at him sadly. "Kyungsoo wants you to take me to Baekhyun and Sehun." 

"They took your powers already?" Chanyeol sighs and I nod. "Why can't he do it himself?" 

"Jeong Ha wants him to do something for her." I say. 

"Okay, here get on my back. I have enough energy to carry you." Chanyeol kneels in front of me and I get on his back. 

He carries me back to the apartment and Baekhyun and Sehun are watching a movie in the living room. 

Baekhyun's POV 

I hear someone enter the apartment and my eyes widen when I see its Chanyeol carrying Xiumin. 

"Chanyeol!" I smile and run over, helping him put Xiumin down. 

Chanyeol kisses my forehead and I smile. I pull him into a tight hug and he smiles too as he hugs me back. 

"I'm so happy your back Chanyeol! I missed you so much." I pull away from the hug and look up at him still smiling.

"I missed you too Baekhyun. But.. sadly I have to go back to the laboratory.." Chanyeol says and I look down. 

"But then why did you come back? Did Xiumin lose his powers? Do you have your fire powers still?" I ask him and he holds my hands. 

"I came back because I had to bring Xiumin since Kyungsoo couldn't. I still have my powers, but Xiumin doesn't." Chanyeol explains. 

"How long can you stay?" I asked. 

"Only for an hour probably. Want to go to the cafe or something before I have to go back?" Chanyeol asks and I smile nodding. 

"You guys can go, I'll watch TV with Sehun." Xiumin smiles and goes to sit with Sehun on the couch. 

I take Chanyeol's hand, intertwining our fingers. He smiles as we walk to the cafe. 

Both of us order coffee and sit down. 

"How's everything at the laboratory?" I ask as Chanyeol sips his coffee. 

"Kyungsoo is still on Jeong Ha's side.. He keeps on making Lay weak and injured Kai pretty badly." Chanyeol frowns.

"Omo Lay.. I thought that he liked Kai?" I drink some of my coffee and sigh.

"Whatever Jeong Ha did to him, made it so that Kyungsoo is mean towards all of us at the laboratory." Chanyeol says. 

 "I hope that one day soon he snaps out of it. It's bad if he makes Lay weak all the time.." I said and Chanyeol nods. 

"I hope so too." He said as he finishes his coffee. 

I'm not drinking mine fast because I want to spend time with Chanyeol before he has to go back. 

"Come on, you can walk and drink your coffee. I want to walk you back to the apartment." Chanyeol stands up and grabs my hand. 

We walk out of the cafe and head back to the apartment. I've finished my coffee before we got back. 

I hug Chanyeol since he is about to go back. He kisses my cheek softly and pulls away from the hug. 

He walks away but I run and back hug him. 

"Promise me that you'll come back to me Chanyeol." I ask him. 

"I promise, Baekhyun." He grabs my hands, spins me around and hugs me again. "I'll come back. I'm not sure when, but I will." He pulls away from the hug and walks away. 

I watch him leave and feel a tear fall down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away and go back inside the apartment to make dinner for me, Xiumin and Sehun. 

Author's Note 

Today there will be two updates since I won't be updating until next Thursday or Friday. 

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