Kyungsoo Joins the Enemy

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Chen's POV

Xiumin still hasn't returned and all of us are really worried. Now Kyungsoo has disappeared too. Kai is worried but whenever we ask him about Kyungsoo, he just shakes his head and walks away.

Suho asks me a lot to tell him what is going on, but I don't have an answer for him. I wish I did, I really do. But I don't.

"Yah Chen, can we go look for Kyungsoo and Xiumin hyung? Suho wants us to go and look." Lay said.

"Sure, go get Chanyeol and Baekhyun hyung and we'll go together." I tell Lay, he nods and goes to get Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

A few minutes later, he comes back with both of them and we head outside.

We decide to split up and search.

A couple of hours later, Lay and I found something. It looked like a laboratory of some sort.

Lay and I sneaked inside and hid behind something when 2 humans walked by. We sneak by and hide when we spot Xiumin.

He's sitting at a table in a room, with some sort of things to block his frost power, on his wrists. Xiumin has a blank expression on his face. He looks like he is mixing chemicals of some sort.

I quickly send a message to Chanyeol.

Chen: Chanyeol, Lay and I found Xiumin. There's a laboratory near the other side of the forest. Xiumin is being kept here. You and Baekhyun come here quickly. We don't know what to do.

Chanyeol: Did the people there do something to him? Baekhyun and I are heading there now.

Chen: I think they did, he has this blank expression on his face that I've never seen. His eyes look different, like without light

Chanyeol: we are here now, Baekhyun sees you and Lay

Chen: hurry!

I put my phone back in my pocket and a couple of minutes later, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are kneeling on the ground behind us.

Suddenly, three people go into the room where Xiumin is. Including Kyungsoo. So this is where he was all this time?

Chanyeol and Baekhyun ran forward and hid behind a wall closer to the room where Xiumin was. Baekhyun nodded at Lay and I to do the same.

We ran over to the other side of the room and hid behind a different wall. I could barely hear the talking in the room. One of the girls with Kyungsoo, slapped Xiumin and he let her. Chanyeol almost ran into the room, but Baekhyun had to hold him back.

I told Lay to stay with Chanyeol and Baekhyun so I could go closer to the door.

"I thought you would be able to make the chemical today! Kyungsoo told me!" one of the women said.

"I'm sorry Jeong Ha, I don't know when I'll be able too..." Xiumin bowed in apology.

"Let's just focus on capturing the other aliens for now." the other women told Jeong Ha.

"Fine." Jeong Ha said. "Kyungsoo, your going to tell me more about the future and it better be right this time."

"Arraseo..." Kyungsoo says and follows Jeong Ha and the other women out of the room.

Chanyeol runs into the room and Baekhyun runs after him. Both Lay and I follow them into the room. Xiumin looks up and frowns.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Xiumin whisper/shouts.

"What are YOU doing here Xiumin hyung? Why are you and Kyungsoo here? Are you guys working for them now?" Chanyeol asks, frowning and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes I am working for them.. Luhan tricked me. I know I should have trusted Suho.. But I just didn't." Xiumin stares at the ground.

I run over to Xiumin's side and look at the things blocking his powers.

"Xiumin hyung? Do you want to escape? We'll bring you back to the apartment." I tell him and grab his hand but he pulls it away.

"I can't escape, these hand cuffs are made so that if I even try to set foot out of this room, alarms will go off." Xiumin shakes his head.

"I'll just try and get it off then." Chanyeol walked over and focused his powers on trying to get the hand cuffs off.

"Chanyeol-ah, no-" Xiumin tried to pull his hand away from Chanyeol but Chanyeol made him sit down anyway.

Chanyeol put his hands down on Xiumin's hand cuffs and fire started coming out of his hands. The fire went around the cuffs but wouldn't actually touch it.

Suddenly, when Chanyeol tried focusing even more on his fire power, he was thrown back and landed on the ground. Baekhyun ran over and helped Chanyeol up. Chanyeol flinched when Baekhyun grabbed onto his hand.

"Chanyeol your hand! It's all red." Baekhyun inspected Chanyeol's hand.

"I'm fine Baekhyun. It doesn't hurt a lot." Baekhyun ignored what Chanyeol said and ran into a cupboard, finding something to wrap it in, he ran out of the room with Chanyeol.

"Xiumin hyung... you... can't escape at all?" Lay asked.

"Ne. So please get out and leave me, before you all get caught too." Xiumin points to the door.

"We don't want to leave you. We'll stay. Chanyeol and Baekhyun can leave without us." I tell Xiumin and he shakes his head.

"No.. no, you can't stay with me. Get out. I don't want you guys to get hurt because I made a big mistake... please." Xiumin said.

"Please hyung..." Lay begs.

"Please guys. They are going to capture all of you sooner rather than later if you stay! Just leave!" Xiumin points to the door again.

"What do you mean? How do you know that?" I ask.

"Kyungsoo never told you guys this... but he can see the future. He knows what's going to happen before it does." Xiumin stares at the ground.

"He told you that we were all going to be captured and experimented on by the people here?" I ask, Xiumin just nods his head.

An alarm suddenly goes off and Xiumin nods to the door. Baekhyun and Chanyeol got out and have set off the alarms accidentally. They run away quickly.

"Guys leave, I'll be fine." Xiumin tries to reassure us.

"Fine.. but we'll be back..." We wave goodbye to Xiumin and run out of the laboratory.

Baekhyun is waiting for us with Chanyeol and all of us run away. No one chases after us so the people there must think that someone set off the alarm accidentally.

We run until we back to the apartment. Suho asks us what happened and we tell him. He sighs in frustration and goes into the living room to sit with Kai and Sehun.

Chanyeol decides to make us dinner while I go straight to bed. Lay tries to get me to go to dinner but I don't get up. I just cover my head and hide underneath the blankets.

Lay soon stops trying to get me awake and I fall asleep.

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