Helping Chanyeol

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Baekhyun's POV

I cough and my eyes start to tear up because of all the smoke. Xiumin and Suho were standing behind me, hopefully their okay.

Chanyeol keeps on setting fire to different things. His eyes still red. Was he already too far gone? So far that I can't help him like last time?

Aish.. I scratch the back of my head in frustration and start walking closer to Chanyeol.

I suddenly meet Chanyeol's eyes, but there's no recognition when he looks at me. He just turns away and continues setting things on fire.

Chanyeol slowly gets closer to the wall that separates him from the outside and I stumble over the fallen debris to try and get to him.

"Chanyeol look at me. Stop this. I know you don't want to harm innocent people." I say to him but he just ignores me.

I'm not sure if I should grab his hand or not.. he might blast me backwards with his fire powers if I get too close to him.

Chanyeol continued walking towards the wall and I grabbed his hand. Looking him directly in the eye, he shoves me off, throwing me backwards.

I hit my head against a wall and crumple to the ground, my eyes going blurry. I try getting up but my arm must be broken or something because it hurts when I try to move it.

Shakily, I get up using my other arm that's not hurt. Xiumin comes over to help me.

"Baekhyun.. this is more dangerous then last time. He may harm you or worse.." Xiumin tells me but I shake him off lightly.

"I have to at least try, I know Chanyeol is in there somewhere. It may be more dangerous, but I know that I can help him now." I reassure Xiumin.

Xiumin lets go and I struggle to go up to Chanyeol again. He keeps on setting fire to too many things around him and that makes it harder to get close to him.

"Chanyeol listen to me please.. forget what Jeong Ha and Kris told you. I'm here Chanyeol. Just please stop doing this.." I say, still clutching my arm.

For a second, the red glow in his eyes, flicker. But then go back to red.

I walk over and stand in front of him. He stares at me and tries to shove me away, but I grab hold onto him with my good hand.

Chanyeol doesn't try to throw me off again, instead he just stares at me, the red glow still in his eyes.

I look at him directly in the eyes, my hand gripping tighter on his arm.

"Yeol, jebal.. listen to me. I know you haven't seen your parents in a while, but they love you and want you to be safe. Yoora misses you, even though you drive her nuts sometimes. All of us love and care for you. Chanyeol you are our happy virus and I want you to stay that way. Happy. Cheerful. Always remembering that I and all of our friends will be with you." I smile softly at Chanyeol and the red slowly starts fading away from his eyes.

The fire slowly starts to fade away from the things in the room and in the rest of the laboratory.

He looks at me, his eyes back to normal. I pull him close to me with my good arm and he wraps his arms around me, crying.

"I-I'm sorry Baek.. I hurt you badly, didn't I?" Chanyeol cries into my shoulder.

"Chanyeol-ah I'm fine." I wince as he hugs me tighter.

He notices and pulls away looking at me.

"Baek.. I did hurt you! Come, we have to go find Lay!" Chanyeol says, frowning and picking me up.

"Put me down Chanyeol! I'll be fine! Your heart is beating too fast Chanyeol. I can hear it." I said, but Chanyeol keeps on walking out of the laboratory.

Suho and Xiumin are already outside with Lay, Chen, Kyungsoo and Ten.

"Lay, are you okay enough to heal Baek?" Chanyeol asks Lay and he nods.

Chanyeol lays me down carefully on the ground and Lay comes over to my side.

"Lay I'm fine. You don't have to heal me." I try to tell Lay but he doesn't listen.

"Baek.. I didn't mean to hurt you.. I'm sorry.. I couldn't control myself. Just please let Lay heal you." Chanyeol says before he passes out.

Suho and Ten both catch Chanyeol before he can hit the ground and hurt his head.

I run over to his side, panicking. "Chanyeol! Please wake up! Yeol! I just got you back! Please Yeollie.." I cry, tears streaming down my face.

"He's losing his fire powers." I suddenly hear a voice from behind me. I turn to see Jeong Ha and Kris.

"Why did you do this to him?! Kris I thought we were friends! But i guess I was wrong! Get the hell away from us!" I scream in anger, getting up and standing in front of Chanyeol.

"Sooner or later, you won't be able to remember anything that happened. Ever." Jeong Ha smiles evilly.

Lay and Chen came and supported me so I wouldn't fall. Ten, Suho, Xiumin and Kyungsoo came and stood beside Lay, Chen and I.

Kris smirks at all of us trying to protect Chanyeol. I glare at him but all he does is takes Jeong Ha's hand and fly away to who knows where.

I look back at Chanyeol, who doesn't seem to be waking up. He's still unconscious.

I want to wake Chanyeol up.. so badly. But I can't.

Just as Lay is about to start healing my arm, he passes out. Chen catches him but faints.

Soon, Suho, Xiumin, Ten and Kyungsoo all passed out.

I looked around. Scared. Scared of what might be happening all around me.

Everything happened so fast..

A couple of minutes later, I black out.

Author's Note

Hi readers~ I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter :3! I'll be adding a new character in the next update!

Next Update: Monday

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