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Minjae's POV

After doing another surgery, I check on my other patients then head to my office. I put my head in my hands. I'm stressed right now. I'm worried about what Kris and Tao might do.. it's my fault for not doing anything about the vials with all their powers inside. They both have their memories back as well.

While everyone was in the lab, Jeong Ha kept vials of all of their powers. Since Chanyeol's powers didn't burn down the laboratory down, the vials were still there. Kris found the vials and drank from all of them.

I had found Chanyeol and everyone else when I had gone shopping. They were all passed out around and outside the laboratory. I called for some ambulances and brought them to the hospital. Jihun came across their apartment on a walk, the door was open and so when he found Mark, Kai, Taeyong and Yuta, he called me and I ran over. I had to call 2 more ambulances.

Since I had found them, I took care of all of them. I was curious to know why only Chanyeol's mind seemed to be the only one with no memories. Everyone seemed like that. When they woke up, they could remember their names.. Why? I'm not sure. Probably something Jeong Ha did to their memories.

Kris broke into my house yesterday.. he beat Jihun up badly. He has everyone's powers combined now. Except for Chanyeol's, since that would be too much for him to handle. Both him and Tao are going back to Exo Planet.. with everyone's powers, he'll be insanely powerful. Even without Chanyeol's powers.. he'll probably be able to defeat all of them.

What's going to happen to the people of Exo Planet if Kris defeats all of the most powerful aliens on the planet? He'll be leader again. Everyone might have to go under his control..

This is horrible.. bad things happen to everyone on that planet. With those experiments that everyone had to go through.. and losing both their powers and memories. I can't even imagine what the laboratory was like while they were there. The mental stress, the physical pain from the experiments.. if only someone who's not powerless like me, could've stopped Jeong Ha and Kris.

I hear a knock on my door and Jihun walks inside the room. He has more cuts and bruises on his face now..

"What did Kris do to you?!" I run up to him. "Why didn't you call me? Jihun.. I could have helped you.."

"He beat me up again.. Tao helped him. They went back to Exo Planet.. Minjae I'm worried." Jihun looks down.

"Here, I'll treat your wounds." I lead him to the next room and he sits down on a cot.

He winces as I start to clean his wounds and I put band-aids on the cuts.

"Go home and rest okay? I'm sure the others will be okay." I smile sadly at Jihun but he just frowns and looks away.

"I wish we could help them.. Even though I'm a human, I want to go help.." Jihun looks at me and I sigh.

"There's nothing we can do. After all, we are just humans. It's not fair that all of them are going through this.. but we can't do anything. It's the truth Jihun." I say, hugging him.

I pull away after a few minutes and Jihun goes back to the house.

I go back to my desk and sit down. There's nothing for me to do here so I walk around, checking on my patients again. Afterwards, I put my doctor coat away and head home. Jihun is asleep once I get there, so I decide to sleep too.

Kai's POV

Kris.. what is he doing back here? I look out my window and see him standing outside my house. Kyungsoo is asleep in the room next door.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun come out of their house and walk over to him and Tao. How did they even get here?

I run into Kyungsoo's room and shake him awake.

"What's the matter Kai? Is something wrong?" Kyungsoo asks sleepily as he opens his eyes.

"Kris is back.. he seems different. His eyes are grey now, I could see them from my window. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are outside. Hyung what should we do?" I ask as he sits up.

"You go down first, I'll get dressed first." I nod before teleporting myself outside.

Kris smirks at me as I appear beside Chanyeol. Soon, everyone starts coming out of their own houses and I look at Kris's now grey eyes. What would make them go like that...

"Why are you here Kris? I'm the new leader, there's no point in you being here at all." Chanyeol glares at him.

"I'm here to fight you for the position of leader. I'm sure I'll win." Kris says, walking forward and standing in front of Chanyeol, close to his face.

"My powers are stronger then yours. What's the point?" Chanyeol shoved Kris backwards.

I shouldn't have blinked. One second they were there, and the next they weren't. Baekhyun stared at the spot Chanyeol was just standing. Kris has Taeyong and I's powers now?

I teleport all of us to where they are and I'm shocked to what I see. Kyungsoo stops me from stumbling and falling backwards.

Kris has all our powers combined.

Chanyeol's POV

How did Kris do this? How can anybody have this many powers all at once? If he has my powers.. I'll be done.

"What's with that facial expression on your face, Chanyeol? Are you scared?" Kris smirks again and starts pacing around me. Wind swirls around me. We are on top of a tall building in the center of the main city.

He throws a combination of all his powers at me but I just block them with my own powers.

Kris can't defeat me like this. He's strong, but not as strong as me. I hope Baekhyun doesn't come to try and stop Kris.. because he could get seriously injured.

"So that wasn't enough for you huh?" Kris glares and throws continuous amounts of power at me, which I block with my flames.

He pauses and I throw a big ball of fire, he tries to use water to stop the flames but it's not enough as he is knocked backwards. I throw more, but this time he teleports right beside me and then we are right near the edge of the building.

Even though his clothes were burnt and he had red marks on his skin, they healed quickly.

Nothing I do will be able to harm him.. Kris can just use Lay's healing powers and it'll be okay.

Suddenly, Kris shoves me and I'm falling.

Falling. Falling away from Baekhyun, from everyone. Baekhyun is looking over the side of the building, I can see tears fall from his eyes as I fall.

Why did this have to happen..

The last thing I think before everything goes black is:

I'm sorry Baekhyun


Author's Note

This chapter is the longest one I think. Sorry about the ending though. The sequel will be out tomorrow. Chanyeol will still be alive dw. He's my bias sooo. I almost cried writing this..

The last authors note will be posted later today.

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