Baekhyun Wakes Up

900 31 16

Baekhyun's POV

It's dark.. where am I? Am I still at the laboratory.. Why did they take away my powers away? What if I never get to see Chanyeol or everyone again.. 

I suddenly hear someone call my name and I blink my eyes open to see that it's Chanyeol. I must have passed out yesterday. 

"Chanyeol?" I look at him. I try to sit up and Chanyeol helps me. 

"Baekhyun, can you try using a little bit of your light power again? I want to see if there is any left." Chanyeol says. 

I open my hand and try my hardest to get light to come out. Light flickers for a second on my hand. For a second I have hope.. but then the light dies away. 

Does that mean.. that my powers are all gone? I touched my heart to see if their was any sign of power in me left. But it was all gone. Nothing left. 

I'm a regular human now. Does that mean that I have to leave Chanyeol? I look at him and he hugs me tightly. 

"C-Chanyeol.. I-i don't have my powers anymore. Do I have to leave you and everyone else?" I ask and start crying. 

Chanyeol pulls away and wipes away my tears. He kisses my cheek softly and hugs me again. When he breaks away from the hug, I feel happy that I'm finally with him again. 

"Don't worry Baekhyun. Just because you don't have powers, doesn't mean that you have to leave us. I'm not going to let you go." Chanyeol says. I nod, smiling. 

"Come-" Chanyeol is cut off by Ten running into the room. 

"Guys.. where's Suho?" Ten asks us with a worried facial expression. 

"Why? Did something happen?" I asked. 

"Something is wrong with Yuta.. he passed out earlier." Ten explains. Chanyeol stands up quickly. 

"Where is he?" Chanyeol asks. 

"In Suho's bedroom. We didn't know where else to put him." Ten said. 

"Come on Chanyeol. Let's go try and wake him up." I say and stand up. 

"Do you need help walking Baekhyun?" Chanyeol looks at me. 

"Thanks to Lay I'm fine. Come on." They nod and we go into the room. 

Lay is already in there, with Chen, Sehun and Kai. Mark and Taeyong are pacing. I go to Yuta's side and look at him. He looks like he's in some pain. I wish Suho was here.. he would know what to do. 

I sit down on a chair by the bed and Chanyeol stands beside me. 

Yuta wakes up a couple minutes later. He tries to sit up but winces and holds his head. 

"Yuta! What happened earlier?" Ten asks Yuta. 

"Why did you faint?" Taeyong stops pacing and looks at Yuta. 

"Guys.. I'm sorry. Out in public earlier, their was too many voices in my head. Like I was hearing everyone's thoughts in my own head. So loud that I couldn't think myself and ended up passing out." He told us. 

"That hasn't happened since you first started using your psychic abilities. Why would they act up now?" Ten leaned against the wall. 

"How am I supposed to know that, Ten? Only Suho knows how to help me.. and I have no idea where he is.."

I suddenly get a bad feeling about where Suho is. Could Jeong Ha have taken him.. no it can't be..

Jeong Ha told me that she wasn't going to take anyone until she had a proper plan. Does that mean she and her men have already figured out something??

I stare at my hands as Yuta crosses his arms over his chest. 

"I have an idea of where Suho could be." I say, everyone turns to look at me. 

"Where?" Yuta comes to sit in front of me. "Please tell us." 

"Jeong Ha may have taken him last night, when we were all sleeping. She may have taken him away to take away his powers." I stare at the floor. 

"We have to go save him." Chanyeol grabs onto Yuta's arm and shakes his head. 

"No. They are too strong against all of us. Especially you guys" Chanyeol stares into Yuta's eyes but Yuta shoves him off. 

"I'm going to help. I don't care if they are strong or not. Come on Taeyong, Mark and Ten. Let's go save Suho." Yuta leaves the room, followed by his friends. 

I put my head in my hands. Yuta doesn't understand how strong Jeong Ha and all of her men are. I don't think I even understand fully. 

Jeong Ha made me think like I could trust her. I was stupid to believe her. But then she turned against me and injected me with something that made me completely lose my powers. 

There's nothing left. Nothing. No matter how much I try to use my light powers.. they will be gone forever. I'm probably not even immortal, like Luhan still is. 

I wonder how Xiumin and Kyungsoo are. Will she take away their powers too? Is that all we're supposed to do here? To learn about humans and lose all of our powers? Why did Kris send us here.. 

"Baekhyun? Baekhyunie? Bacon?" Chanyeol waves his hand in my face. 

"Yah. I told you not to call me Bacon." I pout. 

"Oh sorry. You zoned out. Everyone else went out to try and stop Yuta, Ten, Taeyong and Mark from going to Jeong Ha." Chanyeol sits in front of me. 

"O-oh.. can we just relax right now Chanyeol.. I'm really tired." I ask and he nods. 

Chanyeol stands up and holds out his hand out for me to take it. I smile and grab it as he pulls me up. 

We walk into our bedroom, still holding hands. I lay down on my bed and he lays beside me. Chanyeol closes his eyes and soon falls asleep but my phone keeps vibrating in my pocket. 

i sit up and take it out and see that's from Jeong Ha.. How did she even get my number??

Jeong Ha: Yes, I took Suho last night. He's safe. But guess who's next? 

I stare at her text for about 5 minutes until messaging her back. 

Baekhyun: Who? 

Jeong Ha: Your precious Chanyeol. 

I throw my phone across the room as soon as I see the text. 

"Baekhyun, what's wrong?" I look to see that I woke up Chanyeol. 

"I'm sorry Chanyeol. I'm fine. Go back to sleep." He sighs and closes his eyes. I lay down again and hug Chanyeol as I try to sleep. 

Author's Note

Baekyeoll yass! I ship Baekyeol so much so yeah.. Yes other ships will be in this story. (Like LayChen, TaoRis and XiuHan)

Next update: This coming Tuesday. 

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