Taking Baekhyun

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Baekhyun's POV 

I was not expecting Xiumin to try and come get me. He didn't even tell me where we were going or why. I wanted him to tell me that and maybe I would have gone with him. But I'm not going to leave my closest friends without a reason. 

I'm sure that there is a reason that he and Kyungsoo left us. But if I don't know it, then I'm not going with him. I'm wondering who may come get me or try to take me where Xiumin and Kyungsoo are. 

Because of Xiumin's warning, I'm going to try and not go out today. They may find me here, but I know that everyone else in the apartment can protect me. 

Chanyeol and I are watching a movie with everyone else just as someone breaks into the apartment. 

Narrator's POV

Suho and Chanyeol both jumped up to block Baekhyun from the people entering the room. Everyone formed a protective wall around Baekhyun as the humans come forward with some sort of weapon. 

Baekhyun watched in shock as all his friends were taken down by these men and their weapons. 

Chanyeol ran forward and punched one of the guys. But one hit with their weapons and he was on the ground, passed out. Baekhyun couldn't go help Chanyeol, even if every fiber of his being was telling him too. 

Suho got really angry and threw a wave of water at them, but the weapons blocked the water completely. The water seemed like it hit an invisible wall in front of them that the weapons had created. 

One by one, the men took down each of Baekhyun's friends. After 20 minutes, all his friends were passed out on the floor. 

The men watched as Baekhyun ran around, trying to wake up everyone. He shook Chanyeol and Kai, begging them to wake up. But they all stayed unconscious. 

Baekhyun looked at the men with hatred. They showed no emotion for him, after beating up his friends. 

Why is this happening.. Is it because we come from another planet? Because we are aliens who shouldn't be here on earth? Baekhyun thought to himself as he was dragged away from his friends by his arms, tears streaming down his face. 

The men took Baekhyun and threw him into the back seat of the van and slammed the door. Two men got into the front seat and two others sat either side of him. The rest of them got into the van behind this one. 

A man beside him put hand cuffs on his hands and Baekhyun kept his gaze towards the floor of the van. No one talked as they arrived at some sort of building. Baekhyun could see Kyungsoo and a woman standing outside. 

The men took Baekhyun over to them and he stood in front of them, glaring at Kyungsoo. 

"Good. The men were successful, unlike Xiumin. Bring him inside. He'll be staying in the room beside Xiumin." The woman nodded towards the doors and the guys took Baekhyun in. 

"Can you let me see Xiumin first? Please." Baekhyun asked. The men whispered to each other before nodding and bringing him to where Xiumin was. 

They took off Baekhyun's hand cuffs and he ran into the room. Xiumin looked up and a tear fell from his eye.

Baekhyun hugged Xiumin tightly, not wanting to let go. He let go of Xiumin after a few minutes. 

"Xiumin hyung! The men.. they hurt everyone... Why are their weapons so strong.. why were Suho's powers useless against them?" Baekhyun asked Xiumin. 

"They have their ways. Jeong Ha never told me what they use to make their weapons so strong that they can block all of our powers." Xiumin says. 

"Is Jeong Ha the one who was with Kyungsoo? He never once looked at me when I was standing right in front of him..." Baekhyun sighed. 

"Yeah.. Jeong Ha is the person behind all of this. Right now, I think that both of us just have to stay together. Since Kyungsoo is always with Jeong Ha." Xiumin said and Baekhyun nods. 

The men come back into the room and take Baekhyun away after putting his hand cuffs back on. 

They lead him to his bedroom, shut and locked the door. Baekhyun went over to the bed and laid down on it. He hoped that his friends back at the apartment would wake up soon. 

When the lights went out, Baekhyun fell asleep. 

Chanyeol's POV

Suho shook me awake, my eyes slowly opened. Everyone was sitting around me with worried facial expressions. They must have woken up before me.. 

Lay and Sehun helped me sit up. I looked around, everyone was here... except for Baekhyun. 

"Those men took him didn't they..." I stared at the ground. 

"Yeah. I'm sorry Chanyeol.. our powers just couldn't work against them." Suho sighed. 

"We have to get him back! Lets all go together."  I say but no one says anything. I look around at everyone and frown. 

"You guys don't want to save Baekhyun?" I ask. 

"Chanyeol.. our powers can't work against their weapons.. what are we supposed to do?" Kai asked. 

"We have to try something. He's going to be hurt there." I get up. 

"How are you going to fight Chanyeol? If they can block our magic." Sehun said.

"I have to try. I'm just not going to let Baekhyun be alone." I'm about to leave the room before Suho grabs onto my arm. 

"He has Xiumin and Kyungsoo with him. If he's with them than he should be fine." Suho tries to tell me. 

"I'm sorry hyung. But I'm going. I have to at least try to save Baekhyun." I made Suho let go of me and walked out of the apartment. Not sure where to go. 

I wandered around until it was late at night. I wonder if I'll ever be able to find Baekhyun, Xiumin and Kyungsoo. Since I was unconscious while they took him away. 

When it was around 11:00, I decided to head back to the apartment. Everyone was already asleep. I went to my bedroom, changed into my pajamas and laid down in my bed. 

I couldn't fall asleep for another hour. My mind was racing with thoughts about where Baekhyun could be and why those men took him, Xiumin and Kyungsoo. 

Around midnight, I fell asleep. 

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