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Kris's POV

No one from Suho's group has contacted me yet to tell me if any humans have powers. The last time I heard from them was when Kyungsoo contacted me to tell me that they made it to earth.

I don't know why.. but I have a bad feeling. I know that I gave them at least 5 month's to go to earth. But I just can't help feeling like something bad is going to happen to them.

Tao enters the room and sits down on the chair across from me.

"Has Suho contacted you yet?" Tao asks me and I shake my head.

"No. I'm worried that something is going to happen to them." I frown.

"Something already did." Tao says.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I heard that Xiumin showed his powers to Luhan, the former alien. Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Xiumin were captured by people who will try and take away all of their powers." He explains.

"How do you know all this?" I look at Tao and he meets my gaze.

"Remember Yuta? The psychic?" I nod. " He knows what's happening even on earth and Yuta is never wrong."

"Can you call Yuta and his three friends?" I ask Tao.

"Sure." Tao leaves the room.

I leave the room as well but go to my bedroom to wait because I'm tired from everything that's happening. I lay down on my bed.

If Xiumin really did show Luhan his powers, than they can't come back here. They were good friends. I even miss Luhan. If only he didn't stay on earth for a long time.. he could still be here.

But I'm the leader of Exo Planet and I have to follow the rules that my father set out before I became the leader.

I close my eyes and sigh. Suho.. your one of my closest friends here, along with everyone else.. why did this have to happen..

Yuta's POV

"Hey Yuta~" Ten comes into the room and sits on the floor in front of my bed.

"Hey Ten, where's Taeyong and Mark?" I ask, yawning since I just woke up.

"I think they are going to buy something in town." Ten says.

"What would they need to buy anyway.. I went shopping yesterday." I sigh. Ten shrugs his shoulders.

A couple of minutes later, Mark and Taeyong come back.

"Oh Yuta, your awake?" Mark smiles.

"Yeah. What did you guys go shopping for anyway?" I asked.

"Just some extra groceries." Taeyong holds a bag up for me to see. I nod as he leaves the room.

There's a knock on the front door suddenly and Ten goes to open it. I look to the doorway and see that it's Tao, Kris's close friend.

Tao bows his head slightly and sits down in front of my bed.

"I'm sorry to bother you guys but Kris would like to speak to all of you." Tao tells us, Taeyong leans against the doorway.

"Why? Why would he want to speak to all of us? I thought he didn't like us." Taeyong glares at Tao.

"Do you guys know Suho and the others?" Tao looks up at me and I nod.

"Yeah of course we do. Yuta predicted what would happen to them and it did. He knows what's going to happen before it even does." Mark smirks.

"Stop guys. Tao should know that about me already. What would you like me to do about Suho and everyone else?" I ask.

Tao sighs before speaking.

"Come with me to Kris. He wants you to do something for him." Tao looks down then back up at me.

"What does he want with me?" I tilt my head to the side.

"I don't know.. he didn't tell me. Just please come." Tao looks at everyone.

"Fine. You guys go with Tao. I'll be there in a second." I say.

They all leave the house. I sigh and get out of bed.

What could the great leader of our planet want with me? To help Suho? To help my friends? That I'm not sure I can do or not. But I can try.

I grew up here, not knowing where I came from or who put me on this planet. Now I may be able to leave and find out more of who I am.

I get dressed in black ripped jeans and a blue t-shirt. Looking in the mirror, I see a boy. A boy who may never be able to find out who his real parents are, but will still try and find them no matter what.

Leaving the house that me, Taeyong, Mark and Ten live in, I go to Kris's place in the center of the city.

I'm actually curious to see what he wants with a psychic like me. Who probably can't be of much help to him anyway.

But if its to help my friends who I grew up with here on Exo Planet. Then I must do whatever I can. Suho's family took me in when I was 6. I'd been wandering the streets, lost. Without memories of where I came from but had this power I couldn't understand. The ability to know what anybody is thinking and what's going to happen in the future for other people, but not myself.

Suho helped me learn and understand my powers. I owe him. But I haven't been able to pay him back.

I'm hoping that Kris will allow me to go to earth to see Suho again. I know that they all may never be able to come back to Exo Planet. But I hope that they will because I miss them and want to see all of them.

I walk into the building and find Tao, Taeyong, Mark, Ten and Kris in a room down the hall from the entrance.

Kris looks at me as I enter the room.

"Oh good Yuta. You made it." He smiles at me and I nod.

"What would you like from me Kris?" I look at him.

"I want you to go to earth and find Suho and the others. No matter what, don't return unless you've found them." He tells me.

"How long are you giving us?" I ask.

"1 month. That's it." Kris turns away from me.

"Okay. Come on guys, lets prepare for the trip." I bow slightly to Kris and leave the room. My friends following behind me.

I'm happy that I'm able to go to earth to see Suho again. He's like an older brother to me.

Since Taeyong has two powers (both teleportation and speed), he gets us to earth quickly.

I look around and see a sign that reads 'Seoul, South Korea'. I think we've landed on earth.

Now all we have to do is find Suho and everyone else.

It shouldn't be that hard.. right?

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