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Baekhyun's POV

"Chanyeol we came to rescue you! Why do you want us to leave? I don't want to leave you!" I shout at Chanyeol and run forward again. 

"Stand back Baekhyun!" He screams at me, I flinch and stop running to him. 

"Your just going to let them take away your powers? What happened to the strong Chanyeol that would try and fight back no matter what?!" Kai shouted. 

"I can't even remember when I was strong.. I get that my powers are strong. But what am I supposed to do?" Chanyeol's eyes water and tears fall as Kris forces him to lie down on the cot. 

"Stop it Kris! Don't take away his powers." Suho shoves past me and blocks me from getting hurt. 

"And what are you going to do about it?" Kris sneers. 

"We'll use the secret weapon." Suho glares at Kris, Tao and Jeong Ha. 

"Wait.. we can't use it if Chanyeol is still on the cot.. he'll be caught up in the magic as well." I say. 

"Stop worrying about me Baekhyun. I'll find my way back to you, no matter where I go." Chanyeol smiles sadly at me and I try not to start crying. 

We all get in a circle around Chanyeol, Kris, Tao and Jeong Ha. I can't bear to look at Chanyeol right now.. I feel like I'm going to burst into tears if I do. I have to believe that I'll see him again.. 

Jeong Ha has already started transferring Chanyeol's powers into Kris. I grab onto Kai's and Sehun's hand. Everyone else grabs each other's hands. Suho shouts for everyone to close their eyes and we do. Tao tries to stop us, but the power that we are generating is too strong for him to do anything. After all, we will be able to defeat all of them with this powerful magic that we create together. 

A white light suddenly shines brightly around them. I open my eyes, without breaking my concentration and I can't see Chanyeol because of the light. 

I close my eyes again as the light becomes too bright and then slowly begins to fade away. Suho tells us to open our eyes and I open them once again to see nothing in front of us. Chanyeol's gone.. the only thing left is a bracelet that I gave him on the cot that he had been laying down on. 

I run forward and grab the bracelet, clutching it in my hand. I slowly breaking down into tears and cry. Slamming my fists on the cot repeatedly. He's gone and it's all my fault.. he wanted me to use the power against Kris, Tao and Jeong Ha.. but he got caught in the magic and he's... gone.. 

Tears fall from my eyes and fall onto the cot. Kai and Kyungsoo both come and hug me.. I hate myself.. I hate for having to do that to Chanyeol.. the one who I fell for eight years ago.. and now he's just gone and there's nothing I can do about it.. 

Kai's POV

I was trying not to cry.. because Baekhyun needed someone to comfort him. 

To be honest, I'm not sure if Chanyeol is still alive.. but I know that these powers aren't enough to kill someone. Even if all our powers together combined are the 'ultimate weapon', it won't be strong enough to do anything like that until Chanyeol is also in the circle since actually he is the most powerful. Kris used to be and probably wants to be, but he won't be because Chanyeol has the most fire powers and can control his powers the best. 

"Baekhyun don't worry about it, I'm sure Chan is still alive." I hug Baekhyun tighter as he starts shaking. 

"How do you know that.." Baekhyun sobs into my shoulder. 

"He's strong. Remember what Chanyeol promised? He said he'll come back to you, he always will. You guys always find each other." I reassure him as I let go of him and hold him by his shoulders, Lay comes over and gives him a tissue. Baekhyun wipes the tears with the tissue but more continue to fall. 

Lay helps him stand up and brings him out of the room with Chen following behind. 

Is Chanyeol really gone.. wait. What if he was just sent to earth? He could be with Minjae and Jihun right now...

Everyone leaves the room and I stay inside with Kyungsoo. 

"Kai is something wrong?" Kyungsoo asks me, sitting down in front of me. I sigh and shake my head. 

"I'm worried.. and scared that something bad happened to Chanyeol.. if something did then it's our fault that it happened. We are the ones that used all our powers on him.. What if he's gone forever hyung.." I bury my face in my hands and Kyungsoo wraps his arms around me. 

I lean into him and he kisses my head. "It is our fault.. I do agree with you there. But he can't be gone forever. The circle isn't complete without him in it for the ultimate weapon so he has to still be alive somewhere. Chanyeol may not be here anymore. He's probably on earth. That magic can only be used for sending multiple people to earth.. but the magic also takes away people's powers. So Kris and Tao don't have their powers anymore. I think Jeong Ha may have died. Chanyeol should still have is powers. We did focus most of the magic on the other three."

"I just wish he could come back so that we know he's safe and Baekhyun hyung can stop worry about him.." I look at Kyungsoo. 

"He'll come back, I know it." Kyungsoo says, standing up. He pulls me up and grabs onto my hand, intertwining our fingers together. "Lets go back to everyone else, okay?" I nod and we start walking. 

I really hope that Chanyeol comes back here safely and he's okay right now. 

We head back to my house since everyone else went home. Baekhyun is with Chen and Lay right now, since he probably shouldn't be alone. 

I lay down on my bed and Kyungsoo lays down beside me, we fall asleep soon after.

Author's Note

Yay Kaisoo moments :). My friend Emily and I are thinking of doing a fan fic with both my kpop ships and her anime ships. We will be writing it together. That will be posted sometime in October since we have to write it still and I'm working on this one mostly and my new Kik Yoonmin fan fic. 

Jal ga until Friday~

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