Lost Memories

665 30 11

Baekhyun's POV 

My eyes blink open, mind empty. Except for one name Chanyeol . I look around and see that I'm in a hospital.. Did I get hurt? I sit up slowly, still looking around. 

I look down and I see that my arm is in a cast. How did that even happen? I try to remember but I can't. As I try, my head starts hurting me and I wince. 

People are lying down in cots all around the one I'm in. All I remember are their names as I look at all of their faces. But the name Chanyeol keeps on repeating in my head. 

I look to the cot beside me and see a guy laying down on it. Is that Chanyeol?  I ask myself. 

Kai comes to my cot and looks at my arm. 

"Hyung, how did you get hurt?" Kai looks around the large room. "What are we all doing in here?" 

"I can't remember what happened to my arm.. I think our memories were erased. But I'm not sure how I know all of your names.." I sigh. 

Kyungsoo comes and stands beside Kai. "But what would be the reason to have our memories erased?" He asked and sits down in front of me. 

"I can't remember that.. but I hope that we'll get our memories back.." I say and both of them nod. 

Everyone else slowly starts waking up, except for Chanyeol.. I want to ask him something. 

What if he doesn't wake up? I look at him and he doesn't seem to be in much pain, or any at all. But why is he taking longer to open his eyes? Will he remember his name and feel the same connection that I do towards him? 

A tall doctor suddenly comes into the room and bows slightly once he sees that mostly all of us are awake. 

"Oh, you guys are all awake? I'm Dr. Park Minjae. I was put in charge of looking after all of you. Especially him." Dr. Park comes over and stands in front of Chanyeol's cot. 

"What do you mean 'especially him'?" Xiumin asks, coming to stand beside Kai. 

"He has permanent amnesia, but I can't seem to find the reason. He hasn't woken up yet." He explains. 

"So he doesn't remember anything? Nothing?" I ask, looking at Chanyeol's sleeping form. 

"No, he won't remember anything at all." Dr. Park said. 

"Why can we only remember each other's names? I don't even remember my own birthday.. The only memories in my head our names and faces." Chen also comes over. 

Chanyeol soon starts waking up and Dr. Park checks his pulse. I catch his eye, but there's no recognition in his eyes. Nothing. I look away. 

"Mr. Park Chanyeol, do you know where you are?" Dr. Park asks. 

He just shakes his head and looks down. 

"You are in a hospital in Seoul, South Korea. Do you remember anything?" Dr. Park asked. 

"I-I can't remember anything.. nothing. No names, not where I'm from, or who my relatives and friends are. I only know my own name.. because you just said it." Chanyeol frowns. 

I look at him and I wish I knew what my relationship is with him because whenever I catch his eye, my heart starts pounding. 

"I'll come and check on you guys again later. Please just relax for now, you all will be released from this hospital soon." Dr. Park says and leaves the room. 

Chanyeol sits up and brings his knees up to his chest. I see a single tear slowly fall down his cheek. I want to comfort him, but I don't really know how..

He lays back down, grabbing the sheet and throwing it over him, hiding his face from my view. 

Lay comes over and looks at my arm. 

"Can I heal you Baekhyun?" Lay asks me. 

"What do you mean? You can heal people?" I asked. 

"I'm not sure how, but I can heal your arm. I can't remember, but I may have healing powers.." Lay says. 

"Okay hyung, you can try healing my arm." I say. 

Lay nods and unwraps the bandage. He starts healing my arm and once he is done, my arm is completely healed. He stumbles and I grab onto Lay. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, looking at Lay worried. 

"Yeah, I just feel really lightheaded.." Lay says, holding his head. 

Chen helps Lay back to his cot. I look over at Chanyeol and go sit on his bed, his face still covered by the sheet. 

Chanyeol's POV

I have no idea who these people are. No names come to mind when I look at them. 

I wonder how I became I like this.. without memories. Not knowing anything about my life and what happened before I got into this hospital. 

After the doctor left, I just put the blanket over my head, hiding my face from everyone else in the room. 

I feel someone sit down on the cot and I just put the sheet more over me, covering my hair as well. 

"Chanyeol? Why are you hiding from us?" A voice asks but I just flinch and continue hiding. 

"Please look at me.. I know you don't remember me or anyone else, but please don't hide your face from us. Okay?" The same voice asked. 

When I don't uncover my face, someone does it for me. I close my eyes, not looking at him. 

"Open your eyes please." He tapped my shoulder lightly and I sigh, not wanting to do anything right now. 

I open my eyes quickly and look at the guy sitting on my cot. 

"Thank you, my name is Baekhyun." Baekhyun smiles at me and my heart starts pounding in my chest and I don't know why. 

I force a smile and he pats my arm. 

"I'm sure we'll get out of this hospital soon and when we do, I'm going to help you okay? We'll get through this together." Baekhyun smiles brighter and I nod. 

I sit up again and hug him. He's the only person in here that I feel at home with. Who I can trust right now. 

Baekhyun seems surprised that I hugged him, but he hugs me back and I bury my face in the crook of his neck, slowly falling asleep. 

Author's Note

The new character is the doctor, Park Minjae and he is played by Lee Jong Suk (my favourite actor) He's in Pinocchio, School 2013, Doctor Stranger and a few other kdramas. Jong Suk is also a model. 

I decided to post this early because I had ideas for this chapter. Thanks for reading :).The next update will be Monday. 

Jal Ga 

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