Chapter 27: I Will Protect You

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Now before all of you read this and get mad. I love Crissy. She is a great mother and an amazing woman. I just wanted to create some drama so don't get all butt hurt okay. I love Crissy. Don't take what I wrote to heart.

Julia's POV

I woke up with Ronnie's arms still around me. I kissed him and cried into his chest. Craig and Mika hurt me too much this time. How can Ronnie love someone so damaged? I thought to myself. "Because I am damaged too. I don't know how you love me." Ronnie said. "I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked. He nodded. I kissed him and cuddled in bed with him. We stayed like this till Jacky came and got us for the show. "Are you coming with or want me to lock you on the bus with my security guard?" he asked. "I am coming." I said. I got dressed and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I interlaced my fingers with his and we headed into the venue. I sat behind Ronnie while he met the VIPs. A little girl came over to me and smiled at me. She looked like she was about the age of six. "Hi, I'm Willow." She said. "Hi, I'm Julia." I said. "I know, you are really pretty. I just wanted to say hi and I wanted to give you this." She said giving me a gift. "I opened it and it was an amazing detailed drawing of Ronnie and I along with a pink onesie that said Princess and had a bow and tutu on it. "Thank you so much." I said hugging her. "You're welcome." She said. I heard yelling and saw Ronnie yelling at an ex of his. Crissy. "Ronald, I was just bringing my daughter to see the show. Calm down." She said. Willow started to hide behind me. "What's wrong?" I asked. "That's my mom. I know it isn't in my place but she believes he is my father. He can't be though because when I was supposedly conceived he was in jail. I am sorry for saying this." She said. I nodded. I picked her up and carried her over. "Hi Crissy, long time no see." I said. "Ya because I have been raising your husband's child." She said. "Well if you believe she is his then I think we deserve to have some form of custody with her. I think Willow would love to spend time with her father." I said. "Well I wouldn't give you any form of custody unless he took a paternal test first." She said. "So you doubt that he is her father?" I said. She growled. "Just leave Crissy. Let Willow enjoy the concert and don't bother talking to us again." I said I took Willow's little flip phone and typed in my number. "Call me if you need to talk." I whispered in her ear. Willow smiled and headed into the crowd and Crissy followed. "I'm so sorry. I don't even know if Willow is mine." Ronnie said. "Don't worry about it Ronnie. She is a sweetheart and I would welcome her into the family with open arms." I said. He smiled and kissed me. We all headed back stage so they could get ready. I helped Ronnie with his suit and tie. Ron was talking to Haley on the phone and Ryan was skyping Jen. Jacky was off having a smoke and Derek was in the corner clearly upset. I sat next to him. "Hey, what's wrong best friend of mine?" I asked. "I haven't talked to Christina since tour started. I have called her every day but she hasn't answered." He said. "I am so sorry Derek." I said. He hugged me tightly. "DEREK!" Jen yelled. "Ya." He replied. "Go open the door. There is a surprise for you and Julia." She said. We ran to the door. There stood Christina and Charlie. "BABY BOY!" I said. I sat down and started kissing him and scratching him. Ronnie came back in. "CHARLIE!" he yelled. Charlie ran over and jumped on him. I smiled and watched Ronnie play with Charlie. Derek and Christina went off to talk. I went to watch Let Live play and Enter Shikari. I had a lot of fun. I wish I could go crowd surfing though but I don't want to hurt Iris. Soon the guys went on. I kissed Ronnie good luck and stood side stage with Christina and Charlie. Ronnie pulled me on stage to sing clean vocals for Goodbye Graceful with him. Willow was crowd surfing. I reached out my hand and pulled her up onto the stage. I saw Crissy pissed off but I didn't care. I took Willow backstage and had her meet the other bands. "This is Charlie." I said. She smiled and started petting him. "I should get back out there before my mother gets mad." She said. I nodded. "Make sure you call me if you need anything. Anything at all." I said. She nodded. I took her back out to the crowd and she headed back to Crissy. I waited for Ronnie and he came over smiling. He kissed me and we all headed back to the bus. We had a hotel for the night so the guys got to shower. Once we arrived at the hotel, the guys went to shower and Christina and I headed to the pool. I saw Willow swimming around in the other pool. I forgot we aren't in Texas so Crissy probably got a room for the night. "Willow." I said. She smiled and came over to us. "Where is your mom?" I asked. "She is upstairs drinking so I came down to swim." She said. "Well would you like to stay with us for the night?" I asked. She nodded. "When are you leaving this state?" I asked. "Tomorrow night." She said. "Well I think that you deserve to see who your father is." I said. She smiled and hugged me tightly. We dried off and Willow went to grab clothes. I waited outside her room and then we headed to Ronnie and I's room. I walked in and made sure Ronnie was dressed which he was. I walked in with Willow. "Go take a shower sweetie." I said. Ronnie looked at me funny. Willow headed into the bathroom and thanked me. "Crissy is off getting drunk in her room and I will not let Willow stay in there. I don't know if she is your child or not but I love her already." I said. He smiled and kissed me. "Plus tomorrow we are going to get a paternal test." I said. He nodded and laid in bed with Charlie. Willow came out of the shower and I brushed her hair. I braided it and tucked her into the second bed. "Thank you Julia." She said. "You're most welcome Willow." I said. I kissed her forehead and went to change into my pjs. I got in next to Ronnie and soon fell asleep. I heard someone screaming. I woke up and saw Willow thrashing. I got up and went over to her. "Willow, sweetheart, wake up." I said. She woke up. "It was horrible, my mother was screaming at me." She said. "It is okay Willow. I am here to protect you." I said. I crawled in next to her and she rested her head on my stomach. She soon fell back asleep and so did I.

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