⏳ Day 1 ⏳

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'February 27, 1995

Aaliyah P.O.V

"Jordan I have to go to work" I said for the hundredth time. He stood in front of the door and blew smoke in my face.

"How many times I gotta tell you Aaliyah! You not going anywhere" I huffed and folded my arms across my chest.

"Im gonna be late, now if you don't move! I can actually get to work on time today" I said.

He looked me up and down before moving. "Thank you" I said. I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the room.

"Don't be out there fuckin nobody either!" He yelled as I walked out the door. I fixed my scrubs and pulled my car keys out my purse. Jordan and I been together for 2 years that was around the time I came to Cali for work.

He's been a complete ass ever since he got back from the army a couple months ago.

I try to ignore him the best I can but when I'm living in his house, under his roof its hard and being a nurse im not making enough money to take care of myself.

I started up the car and drove down to Los Angeles Medical Center.

I didn't even bother to cut the radio on since it was so early in the morning. I just wanted to go to work and come back at 8:00 like I usually do. When I got to work I clocked in and sat my things in my locker.

"Hey girl" I smiled a little when I seen Juliet. "Hey" I said. "Your early" she said adding lipstick to her lips. "Usually you get here around 8:15" I nodded my head closing my locker.

"Yea well, Jordan let me go this time" I mumbled. Juliet rolled her eyes a little hearing his name. "I can't believe your still with his ass." she said. I was silent.

"Well....im glad you're here because Francene wanted all of us to meet her in the conference room. I frowned. "What for?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Ion know, I think it has something to do with that rapper that came in two days ago" I nodded.

"What does he have?" I asked. She stopped and looked at me. "HIV Aids." I frowned. "Omg.." I mumbled. Juliet nodded her head.

"Yea, and my friends friend slept with him a couple years ago." she shook her head. "He's been around girl, no wonder why he has that disease." I was silent.

"You know you shouldn't talk like that about a dying man" I pointed out. Juliet sighed and closed her makeup bag.

"If you say so Liyah..... Let's go before Francene have a bitch fit" I watched her walk away out of the locker room. I sighed and stuffed my hands in my pockets walking to the conference room.

I saw all the nurse's male and female taking a seat. Since Francene's the Head nurse she has this type of power. I took a seat beside Juliet in the back far away from everyone.

"Okay everyone" she started. Everyone grew quiet. "As you know we have a famous rapper here at LA Medical, he's gonna need some taken care of this past month.

He's already had a nurse but unfortunately she couldn't....handle him" She said. I looked around at everyone.

"So, who would like to aid a dying man?" She asked. Everyone was silent. She sighed. "Come on guys, its only for a month. And an extra pay to whoever volunteers" She said.

It was silent. She sighed and looked around at everyone. I slowly raised my hand. "Aaliyah" Francene said. Everyone turnt their back towards me.

"I'll do it" I said. She smiled. "Great, come to me in an hour and we can talk" she said. I laid my hand on my thigh feeling everyone's eyes on me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Juliet asked. I ignored her and began playing with my fingers.


"So he's the only patient I'll be with?" I asked. Francene nodded her head. "Yes, and don't worry you can breath around him and eat.... He's not that type of contagious" I was silent taking everything in.

"Okay" she nodded her head and took a sigh of relief. "Great, he's in room 301" I nodded my head getting on the elevator.

I pressed the 6th floor and waited for the doors to close. "Oh and Aaliyah?" Francene asked. I raised a brow giving her my attention. "Don't get on his bad side."

I frowned and opened my mouth to say something until the elevator doors closed. I ran a hand through my hair and wrapped my hair up into a bun. "What did I get myself into?" I asked myself.

I sighed and felt my heart beating faster and faster as I stepped off the elevator walking towards his room. When I got there I stood dead in my tracks. Why was I so scared? I lifted my hand up and knocked twice. "Who is it?!" I heard him yell.

I opened my mouth. "I told y'all im not hungry, you can go" he said. I sighed and opened the door. I stepped inside and saw him facing the wall while he was on the hospital bed.

"Mr. Wright?" I asked. He was silent. I sighed and closed the door behind myself. "Im nurse-" "I don't give a damn who you are, I don't want anyone in here" he said.

I scoffed. "Sir I'm just trying to help-" "I said go bitch!" I jumped a little and clenched my teeth together. I turnt around and stormed out the door and down the hall.

I was pissed. I already had someone at home treating me like shit, I shouldn't have to go through that at work. I stopped in my tracks and sighed turning back around walking back to his room.

When I got there I opened the door and stormed inside. He was sitting up trying to lay in bad when I arrived. His eyes shot up when he seen the look on my face.

"Look nigga, don't disrespect me when I'm the only mother fucker that volunteered to help yo ass! Just cause your miserable doesn't mean you should make everyone around you miserable!" I yelled.

He was silent probably surprised I was sticking up for myself. "Okay" he said finally. I sighed relieved that what I said actually worked.

He laid back in bed silently. I walked up to him pulling the covers over him. "Thanks" he mumbled. I nodded my head.

"Its my job" I said. I grabbed the remote and cut the TV on. "You already took you're meds?" I asked. He nodded. "Yea, not like their gonna work" He said. I was silent nodding a little.

"Well.....are you hungry?" I asked. He shook his head laying his head back. I sighed a little. "Well.... You got me all day so" I shrugged grabbing a seat. He turnt the channel and Martin cut on.

I leaned back in my seat and stared up at the TV. "I apologize" he said. I looked up at him. He stared at me for a couple seconds then turnt back towards the tv.

"Its alright" I said. He nodded without saying anything else.



Excuse the Mistakes!

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now