⏳ Day 19 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

"Baby you sure you wanna be gone that long?" I sighed and continued packing my clothes in my suitcase. "Mama it's only three days" I said.

"Right but I don't want you to do something you'll regret. I haven't even met this Eric guy yet" She said. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed again.

"Ma...I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I trust him completely I doubt he would do anything" I said.

Mama sighed. "Alright fine..fine Aaliyah" I raised a brow. "Do what you want, I'll be praying for you both" I smiled.

"Thanks Mama" "Mhm. Let me know how your trip goes" "I will..love you" "Love you too" I smirked and hung up the phone. "Who was that?" Eric asked walking out the bathroom.

"My Moms" Eric nodded. "Awe okay I haven't met her yet" I sighed. "Yea she says the same about you to" Eric grabbed his pill bottle and shook it up.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "I got three pills left" he said. My frown deepened. "Only three?" I asked. Eric nodded.

"How did you go through them so fast?" I asked. He sighed. "Instead of 2 pills a day that increased it to four" I raised a brow. "They can't do that...that's probably why your always tired" I said. Eric nodded.

"Look...I'll go get the pills now and you finish packing okay?" Eric nodded. "Aight" I grabbed my purse and sighed. "I'll be right right back okay?" "Aight I know... Go" I rolled my eyes. "I love you too" I mumbled walking out the door.

Eric P.O.V

After I watched Aaliyah drive off in her car through the window I picked up the phone and quickly dialed Dre's number. It rung a couple times before he finally answered.

"E wassup nigga?" Dre' asked. I scratched the top of my head. "Yea uh....I need yo help with something"

"I like that one" Dre' said pointing at a 14k gold wedding ring.

I licked my lips

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I licked my lips. "Yea that bitch look nice" I mumbled. "Hi Welcome to K Jewelers.. Can I help you with something?" A girl asked walking up to the front desk. Dre' licked his lips and leaned against the glass.

"As a matter of fact. Yes you could" I rolled my eyes. "Can I take a look at that ring right there?" I pointed at the ring Dre' pointed out. She nodded and rolled her eyes at Dre'. She then pulled it out and handed it to me for a better look. I looked at the tag that read over $10k.

It probably wasn't a good idea to be buying a wedding ring knowing that I'm not gonna be here soon...but I wanted to do this before I left. I was gonna propose to Tomica but that was before I met Aaliyah.

I'm gonna set up an account for my kids and Aaliyah will have the rest. Even an account for my unborn child that I will never meet. I can atleast do this for him/her after everything.

"Yea I'll take this one" I said. She nodded her head. "Great..I'll get the paper work and your free to go" Dre' looked her up and down as she walked away.

"Yo man...you sure you wanna go through wit this?" Dre' asked. I nodded. "As a heart attack" I said. "I'm just getting ready for whatever know what I'm saying?" "What about Tomica?" I licked my lips shaking my head.

"What about her? I'm leaving money for my kids....not her" Dre' smirked. "Good cause I never liked her ass....it was always something about her ass that I couldn't put my finger on Ion trust thar broad" I nodded. "Me neither"



Excuse the mistakes!

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now