⏳ Day 4 ⏳

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Aaliyah P.O.V

I wrapped my towel around my body stepping out the shower. I wrapped my long hair into a wet bun and cut the fosset on brushing my teeth.

After I brushed my teeth I walked out the bathroom and dried off, I was just about to put some deodorant on when I heard someone getting inside the house.

I froze a little then wrapped my towel around myself tiptoeing into the living room.  I grabbed the bat that was in the closet and held it up waiting on them to come inside.

I clenched the bat and got ready to swing when Ren popped up. When he saw me he almost slipped backwards. "Okaay. It's just me" he said. I sighed and lowered the bat.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" I asked. He stepped in and closed the door. "It is my crib-" "That im staying in for a while" I said. He sucked his teeth.

"I came up here to check up on you, you okay?" He asked. I glared at him. He put his hands up in defense. "I was just asking Ma damn.... You going to work?" I nodded my head.

"Yes, and I would appreciate it if you would exit" I said folding my arms across my chest. He smirked. "You are sexy asf when you mad" I rolled my eyes and turnt him around pushing him out the door.

"Come on-" I cut him off by closing the door in his face. I smiled a little and locked the door.

"How you like the condo?" Eric asked popping his pills in his mouth. I shrugged and handed him a bottle of water. "Its okay. Your friend came over to check up on me" He nodded his head swallowing.

"I told him to....if it's cool" I smiled a little. "Thanks, again I don't know where I would've ended up" I said. Eric nodded. "It's cool" I stood up outta my seat and brushed my hands off on my pants.

"You hungry? I can get something to eat" I said. Eric shook his head. "Nah, go eat. I'll be okay" he said. I nodded my head. "You sure-" "Yes, I'm sure. Go" he said.

I sighed and grabbed my purse before walking out the door. When I got down to the cafeteria I saw a couple of the nurses eating and making conversation. "Hey Aaliyah!" I sighed and turnt around to Juliet.

"Hey" I said. She folded her arms across her chest. "You been M.I.A, everything okay at home?" She asked. I raised a brow.

"Yea....everything's fine" I lied. She smiled. "Great, I was just worried. If anything happens your welcomed at my house you know that" I nodded my head and gave her a fake smile.

"Thanks" she smiled and pulled me into a hug.  "I gotchu girl" Juliet said. I watched as she turnt around and walked back to her friends. I shook my head and grabbed a couple sandwiches, chips, water, and salads.

After I paid for everything I went back upstairs. I didn't know how Juliet could have known I left... Maybe Jordan called her and asked if I was over there, who knows.

I walked through the door and saw Eric skipping through channels. "I got you some food anyway, you need to eat something" I said. Eric sucked his teeth and sat back.

"Aight, thanks" I nodded and pulled up the table. I sat his salad in front of him and a water bottle. "I can't get some chips?" He asked. I shook my head. "Come on, one bag" I stared at him for a couple seconds then sighed.

"Fine, but don't eat them all" He smirked and grabbed a bag of Doritos. I opened my sandwich and spread Mayo on the bread. I then opened a bag of chips and laid some Doritos and Flamen Hots on top.

"You nasty" Eric said. I smiled and ignored him taking a huge bite. "What's yo last name?" He asked. I swallowed my food.

"Why?" I asked. "I can't ask a question?" He asked. I shook my head and opened my water bottle. "No" he smacked his lips. "Girl what is it"

"Haughton." I said finally. He nodded his head. "I hate my last name" I said. "Why?" I shrugged. "Ion know, I never really liked my name period. Kids used to make fun of me, and my long hair" I said.

Eric was silent nodding his head. "I know how you feel, Niggas was always talking shit about my height" He said. I took another bite of my sandwich and kept my eyes on him.

"Same, they say im to tall for a girl" I said repeating something Jordan said to me once. "Who said that ya boy?" "Yes... Well ex boyfriend" I said. He nodded. "Right.... Well I like yo height. You taller than me but not real tall" I smiled.

Eric took a chip out his bag and froze a little. "What's wrong?" I asked. He then started shaking like he was having a seizure. "Eric!" I said. He laid back and closed his eyes. "Help!" I yelled.

"Doctor!" I yelled again. I ran out the door and saw Dr. Woods and two nurses running down the hall.  "Is he okay?" He asked. I shook my head and watched him walk inside.

"He's having a seizure" I said. He walked up to him and checked his pulse. I sat my hands on the top of my hand watching them, it was like my heart stopped for a second and everything was going in slow motion.

"Aaliyah!" I turnt around slowly and saw Kimmy. I snapped out of it and blinked my eyes a couple times. "You okay?" She asked.

I looked back at Eric who was unconscious on the bed. I sighed and stared at him. "He's gonna be fine, all he needs is some rest" Dr. Woods said. I took a sigh of relief.

"He's lucky this one" Dr. Woods started. "That could've killed him" I frowned. "If he isn't woke by the morning" he shook his head. "God rest his soul"



Excuse the mistakes!

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