⏳ Day 13 ⏳

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Eric P.O.V

"You got your report card yet?" I asked. Ej nodded and took his book bag off his back. "Yea" he mumbled. I frowned and watched him dig in his book bag pulling his papers out.

"Here" he said. He handed me his report card and sat his bag on the floor. I unfolded it and looked down at every subject. "Wassup wit Reading?"

I asked. Ej shrugged and looked down at the floor without saying a word. I looked at him for a second then turnt back to his grades.

"What's going on wit Math?" I asked. He was silent. I ran a hand down my face getting frustrated. "Lil Man" I said. Ej looked up at me.

"I know its hard for you-" "No...you don't. Everyone at school is feeling bad for me....giving me gifts but that's only making it worse" He spoke up.

My frown deepened. "I'm sorry" He shook his head tears rolling down his cheeks. "No I really am...I don't wanna leave you, your brothers or sisters" he was silent.

"Death isn't always a good bye E" He looked up at me and pulled me into a tight hug. I felt my eyes starting to burn a bit. I blinked my eyes a couple times keeping me from crying.

"I love you" I said. "I love you too Daddy" he said through his tears. "Ej" We pulled away and looked up at my mother. "Your grandfather's waiting on you" She said. Ej took a deep breath and nodded his head.

"Okay" he stood up and gathered his things. "Remember what I said E..." He nodded and smiled a little. "Aight Daddy" I gave him some dap and smiled.

He turnt around and walked out the door brushing past Mama. "How you feeling son?" She asked. I sighed."It's like this medication their giving me is making me worse Mama..." She nodded slowly. "It'll be okay-"

"How could you say that Ma? I'm on my death bed" I said. She shut her mouth making her lips turn into a straight line.

"Please you don't have to remind me...that my baby is gonna die any day now. Any day Eric! You could fall out dead right now if God wanted you to" I shook my head.

"You need to man up and fight this!" she yelled. Her voice was cracking like she was about to cry any second now. "Mama I'm sorry" I said. She sniffed and wiped her face.

"I don't blame you baby, I blame who ever it was that didn't tell you they had this thing..." She shook her head.

"Well....I'll see you tomorrow alright?" She said. I nodded my head and she kissed my forehead.

"I love you alright?" She said. I nodded my head as she smiled. Mama then turnt around and walked out the door.

I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. "I can't do this" I mumbled. I buried my face in the palm of my hands and began to sob.



Excuse the mistakes!

-Sorry if this book is to emotional for you guy's..😩 How are y'all feeling so far? Any thoughts?  Ideas?

28 DAYS OF EAZY ⏳ Aaliyah (Single Book. No Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now